Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.

Committee Moves Bill Updating Magnuson-Stevens Act

The U.S. House Natural Resources Committee today moved a bill to update the Magnuson-Stevens Act, the primary fisheries law in federal waters. Alaska Congressman Don Young amended the bill to allow subsistence fishermen a voice on the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council. Download Audio

Senate Panel Approves Labeling for GM Salmon

Sen. Lisa Murkowski told the Senate Appropriations Committee she hopes the FDA never allows genetically modified salmon to reach supermarket shelves. "But we haven’t been able to get the FDA able to slow down off their track of approval," she said. So, Murkowski says, they should at least require "that they put on the package of fish: This is a genetically modified salmon." Download Audio

Congress Passes Water Bill with Alaska Amendments

Congress has passed a $12 billion water resources bill that may help Alaska gain a deepwater Arctic port, although it doesn't actually fund one. Download Audio

Investigators Find No Cover-up at Alaska National Guard

An Army Inspector General found no fault with how the Alaska National Guard handled reports of sexual assault and harassment. At least, that’s how the Inspector General’s office for the Defense Department explained it in a letter to Sen. Lisa Murkowski. She says she won't comment until she gets a chance to see the IG report for herself. Download Audio

USFW Wants to Regulate Oil & Gas on Refuges; Young Objects

About 200 national wildlife refuges have oil and gas development. Among them: the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, the only refuge in Alaska with active petroleum extraction. The agency that manages refuges, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, wants rules to regulate that activity. Alaska Congressman Don Young doesn’t like the idea, and he wasn’t quiet about it at a Congressional hearing today. Download Audio

Report Says U.S. Participation In Arctic Council Lacks Coordination, Follow-Through

A report released Monday from the Government Accountability Office suggests U.S. participation in the Arctic Council lacks coordination and follow-through. Download Audio

Earmarks: Congress Mulls Return of Practice that Enriched Alaska

In Sen. Ted Stevens’ day, Alaska thrived on earmarks, the congressional practice of directing federal dollars to home-state projects. Lawmakers agreed in 2011 to end the tradition, in response to public outrage over projects such as Alaska’s so-called “bridge to nowhere.” To this day, nearly every account of alleged excess features as Exhibit A the bridge that would’ve connected Ketchikan to its island airport. But now, there’s serious talk in Washington of bringing back the earmark. Download Audio

The Billionaire Behind Alice Rogoff

If you’ve heard anything about Alice Rogoff, the woman who recently bought the Anchorage Daily News, you’ll likely know that she’s married to a billionaire who co-founded the Carlyle Group, a Washington, D.C.-based private equity firm. David Rubenstein is making headlines with big examples of what he calls "patriotic giving." Download Audio

Arctic May Not Be That Busy, Report Says

As the ice goes out in the Arctic, many people predict more ships will be drawn through the Bering Straits to take advantage of a shortcut between Asia and Europe. But, a recent government report suggests less ice may not mean more ships. Download Audio

Policy Change Could Could Create “Indian Country” in Alaska

The U.S. Department of Interior has proposed a rule change that would allow Alaska tribes to ask the federal government to take their lands into trust. The request isn’t always granted, but Wednesday’s announcement is a legal turn that could vastly expand the recognition and authority of tribal sovereignty in Alaska. Download Audio

Chamber comes out anti-Begich. That’s the U.S. Chamber

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the latest Outside group to launch campaign ads in Alaska’s U.S. Senate race. The national business lobby has a 30-second video spot running this week that hits Begich and supports one of his Republican challengers, former Attorney General Dan Sullivan.

Report Not Anticipating Near-Term Arctic Increase In Commercial Shipping

Despite reports of a boom in Arctic ship traffic, a recent report by the Government Accountability Office concludes commercial industries aren’t planning to boost shipping through the Bering Strait or elsewhere in the U.S. Arctic over the next decade. Download Audio

Miller Kicks Off Campaign in Wasilla

U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller kicked off his campaign last night in Wasilla before a few hundred supporters. Miller drew cheers as he hit on popular Tea Party themes, like abolishing the IRS and ending state surveillance. And he may be the only candidate in the race with a personalized country-western anthem. Download Audio

Miller Kicks Off Campaign in Wasilla

U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller kicked off his campaign last night in Wasilla before a few hundred cheering supporters. Amid prayer and patriotic songs, Miller and those introducing him talked about God, guns and government mistrust. Miller drew cheers as he hit on popular Tea Party themes, such as abolishing the IRS and ending state surveillance.
Sen. Kevin Meyer (File photo by Skip Gray/Gavel Alaska)

Education Activists Wary of Latest School Funding Bill

In Juneau, the latest version of the education funding bill emerged today, and it isn’t what school advocates were hoping for. Senate Finance co-chairman Kevin Meyer says it’s a comprehensive bill that would add $100 million to education, and he says the Republican majority is committed to keeping that money in the budget for each of the next three years. Download Audio

State House Approves 2016 Sunset Date For Alaska Film Tax Credit

The state House voted Thursday to sunset the Alaska Film Tax Credit in 2016. The provision was part of a bill requiring state agencies to report to the Legislature on so-called “lost revenue.” That’s the millions of dollars in revenues the state doesn’t collect each year due to various fee exemptions and tax credits. The bill adds sunset dates to some of them, meaning those programs would expire if lawmakers don’t intervene before then.

Texan Confirmed to Alaska Gasline Board

The Alaska Legislature today confirmed a controversial appointee to the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation board of directors after a debate that centered on whether he has Alaska’s interest at heart. Download Audio

House Speaker Adds Agrium to Refinery Assistance Bill

Gov. Sean Parnell’s $150 million-dollar bill to subsidize Alaska’s oil refineries grew to $200 million today, when House Speaker Mike Chenault expanded it to include the Agrium fertilizer plant in Nikiski. Download Audio

Legislature Considers $150m to Help Refineries

The Parnell Administration warns Petro Star’s refinery in North Pole might fold without state assistance. A bill pending in the state House would prop up Alaska’s three remaining oil refineries with $150 million in state funds. But even some legislators who are helping advance the bill say they’re uncomfortable with it. Download Audio

Sullivan Maintains Fundraising Momentum

Republican senate candidate Dan Sullivan has kept up his fundraising momentum. Sullivan’s campaign reports he raised $1.3 million in the first quarter of the year. Download Audio