Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.

Politifact Rates Begich Ad “Pants on Fire”

The fallout continues after U.S. Sen. Mark Begich aired a campaign ad blaming his opponent for a sentencing error that freed a sex offender now charged in a double homicide. Download Audio

Begich Campaigns Removes Controversial ‘Crime Scene’ Ad

The campaign of Sen. Mark Begich has taken down a controversial TV ad entitled “crime scene” that began airing Friday. The ad featured a retired Anchorage police officer who says Republican Senate candidate Dan Sullivan let sex offenders off with light sentences. Download Audio

Ad Alleges Begich Shortchanges His Female Staff – Is It True?

An ad running against Sen. Mark Begich attacks him on his support for women – exactly where he proclaims his strength. The ad, by Crossroads GPS, says he favors men when it comes to setting salaries for his Senate staff. Listen now:

AFP Targets Begich Absenteeism in $1M Ad Buy

The ad says Begich missed more votes last year than 80 percent of his colleagues. Still, his 2013 attendance record was the best of the Alaska delegation. Download Audio:

Begich Says ‘Bring it on’

Now that former DNR Commissioner Dan Sullivan has won the Republican Primary, U.S. Sen. Mark Begich is staking out his positions, emphasizing his record and his support of abortion rights. Download Audio:

Sullivan Wins, Snubs Election Central Celebration; Treadwell Concedes

Dan Sullivan took 40 percent of the vote, handily beating Joe Miller and Mead Treadwell to win the Republican Primary for U.S. Senate. Sullivan, though, wouldn’t talk to reporters and didn’t come to Election Central at the Egan Convention Center, as winning candidates usually do.

Endorsements Fly in GOP Senate Race

The Primary Election is tomorrow, and the Republican candidates for U.S. Senate are scrambling for high-profile endorsements. Mead Treadwell announced today he has astronaut Buzz Aldrin. Joe Miller boasts Fox TV host Mike Huckabee, and – just today -- Focus on the Family Founder James Dobson. Dan Sullivan landed board members of Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, Club for Growth and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Download Audio

Sec. Moniz: We Won’t Be Obstacle to Alaska Gas Exports

Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz is in Alaska this week. He says the Obama Administration wants to spur a project to export North Slope natural gas, and he says the No. 1 way his department can help is by staying out of the way. Download Audio

Rep. Young Introduces Fiancee to Church Crowd

Alaska Congressman Don Young introduces girlfriend, Anne Garland Walton of Fairbanks, as his fiancée.

Joe Miller Agrees To Support GOP Rivals If They Win Primary

Miller had previously refused to say whether he’d run as a write-in or on a third-party ticket if he loses the Republican Primary on Aug. 19. Now, Miller says he’ll back either Dan Sullivan or Mead Treadwell to help unseat the Democratic incumbent, Sen. Mark Begich. Download Audio:

Sullivan Continues to Lead Fundraising Battle

In the U.S. Senate race, Dan Sullivan’s financial advantage over other Republican contenders continues to grow. Sullivan has raised more than $4 million, most of it from Outside Alaska. He’s done well in Ohio, the headquarters of the paint company his family runs. Money has also poured into the Sullivan campaign from national fundraising groups working to win Republican control of the Senate.

Ad Claims Treadwell Company Erodes Privacy

A new negative ad focused on Republican U.S. Senate candidate Mead Treadwell says technology companies he founded are helping the government erode privacy. Treadwell calls the claim absurd. Download Audio:

Treadwell, Sullivan Assail Each Other’s Ties To L48 Companies

The two leading Republican U.S. Senate candidates are increasingly turning on each other. Last week, Dan Sullivan sent mailers to Alaska voters alleging Mead Treadwell benefitted financially from the Obama stimulus package, a bill he denounces on the campaign trail. This week Treadwell is fighting back, and he’s taking aim at the Ohio paint conglomerate Sullivan’s family runs. Listen now:

Eielson A Frontrunner to House F-35 Fighters

There's good news for the Fairbanks business community today. The secretary of the Air Force called Alaska’s congressional delegation this morning to announce that Eielson Air Force Base is the only candidate selected to house two squadrons of F-35 fighter planes. The final decision won’t be until the fall of 2015, after a study of the environmental Impact, but Sen. Lisa Murkowski says she’s confident. Listen now:

Murkowski Demands Begich Stop Using Her Image in Campaign Ads

A lawyer hired by Sen. Lisa Murkowski‘s re-election committee today sent a cease-and-desist letter to the campaign of Sen. Mark Begich. She is demanding that he quit using her name and image in his political ads. Listen now:

GOP Candidates for U.S. Senate Debate Abortion, Social Issues

The three Republicans vying to run against U.S. Sen. Mark Begich met today in an Eagle River church to debate social issues in a forum sponsored by the Alaska Family Council. All three took anti-abortion, conservative positions but, judging by the applause, this was Joe Miller’s crowd. Download Audio

Dan Sullivan Gets Negative On Mead Treadwell

In the campaign for the U.S. Senate, the Republican primary has taken a turn for the negative. Dan Sullivan has sent mailers to voters in Anchorage and Fairbanks bashing rival Republican Mead Treadwell. Download Audio

Cameras Catch Rep. Young Twisting Arm in Capitol

Politics often involves a bit of arm-twisting, but footage of Alaska Congressman Don Young today shows him literally twisting the arm of a young man in a hallway of the U.S. Capitol. Young says he shouldn't have done it.

ASRC Gets Option To Buy Into Offshore Chukchi Drilling Operations

Arctic Slope Regional Corporation and a handful of North Slope village corporations now have the option to buy into offshore drilling operations in the Chukchi Sea. It’s part of a new agreement with Shell Oil. But with the future of that company’s Arctic operations up in the air, the deal raises more questions than answers. Download Audio

Sullivan Campaign: Poll Says We’re Winning

The U. S. Senate campaign of Republican Dan Sullivan is drawing attention to a poll that finds he’s ahead of Democratic Sen. Mark Begich by 5 percentage points. That’s just outside the poll’s margin of error. It’s based on interviews of 500 Alaskans in late June by Basswood, a Republican firm. The Sullivan press release is aimed a rebutting an analysis sponsored by CBS and the New York Times that rival Republican Mead Treadwell was circulating earlier in the week.