Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.

Another Congress, Another Bill to Rename it Mount Denali

Sen. Lisa Murkowski has filed a bill to forever change the name of Mount McKinley to Denali. As in past years, it will no doubt be blocked by lawmakers from Ohio, the birth state of President McKinley. Murkowski says it’s still an important cause. "It’s something that Alaskans look at in the state and are just reminded that there are decisions that are done for us, outside the state, without consultation," she said. Download Audio

Vet Suicide Prevention Bill Passes Congress

The Senate today unanimously passed a bill aimed at preventing suicide among veterans. U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan said it’s an important bill for Alaska, which has the highest number of vets per capita and also the highest rate of suicide. "As an officer in the Marine Corps both on active duty and in the Reserves, I’ve personally witnessed the struggles, at times tragic, that some of our servicemen and women undergo," he said in a speech on the Senate floor. Download Audio

Pipeline Coordinator Still Shuttering Shop While Obama Calls for Funding

The budget President Obama sent Congress this week includes $1 million for the office of the federal coordinator for the Alaska natural gas pipeline. But the current coordinator, Larry Persily, says he’s still shutting down his offices in Anchorage and Washington, D.C. Download Audio

Arctic Standards Won’t Be Ready For Shell’s Return

After Shell’s troubled 2012 drilling season in the far north, the Interior Department began working on Arctic-specific standards for offshore drilling. But those new standards aren’t done yet. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell says they won’t be in place to guide Shell’s planned return to the Chukchi Sea this year. "We’ll be holding them to the standards that we’ve held them to before, with upgrades and proof that they can do what they say they do before they’re allowed to go up there," Jewell told reporters in a press call today, primarily talking about the president’s budget for her department. Download Audio

Shell Says It Plans Offshore Arctic Drilling This Year

The CEO of Royal Dutch Shell says the company intends to return to the Chukchi Sea this summer to drill exploratory wells. But CEO Ben van Beurden says Shell still needs permits, among other challenges. "So, will we go ahead? Yes, if we can," he said at a press conference in London. Download Audio

Conoco Dials Back Investment in NPR-A

ConocoPhillips Alaska says it is “slowing the pace of investment” in its Greater Moose’s Tooth 1 project, in the northeast corner of the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. Company president Trond-Erik Johansen says they are “deferring the final investment decision.” Download Audio

Shell To Restart Chukchi Drilling This Summer

Shell plans to restart its drilling work in the Chukchi Sea this summer. The company still needs federal permits and to resolve legal challenges.

Murkowski Swings at Obama’s Arctic Wilderness Plan But Misses

Sen. Lisa Murkowski today failed to land her first counterpunch at the Obama administration’s new Arctic conservation policies. The Senate rejected an amendment that would’ve put a time limit on wilderness study areas. Download Audio

Murkowski Swings at Obama’s Arctic Wilderness Plan But Misses

Sen. Lisa Murkowski today failed to land her first counterpunch at the Obama administration’s new Arctic conservation policies. The Senate rejected an amendment that would’ve put a time limit on wilderness study areas.

Obama Withdraws 9.8m Acres of Arctic Ocean

President Obama is withdrawing 9.8 million acres of the Beaufort and Chukchi seas from future oil and gas lease sales. Sen. Lisa Murkowski describes it as a gut punch to Alaska’s economy. Secretary of Interior Sally Jewell says the withdrawals are limited to small areas of the Beaufort, a 25-mile buffer along the Chukchi Coast and the area around the Hanna Shoal. Download Audio

Sullivan: Alaskans Dream Big, Breathe Air ‘Bathed in Promise’

In his first Senate speech, U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan today spoke in support of the Keystone Pipeline. His sweeping address went on to discuss the American dream, and what he describes as the Obama Administration’s threat to it. Sullivan says the dream is still alive in Alaska. "In Alaska, the very air you breathe is bathed in promise," Sullivan said. "The people still speak the language of bold ideas, and rugged adventure." Download Audio

Murkowski Says Obama Plans 3 Gut Punches to Alaska Economy This Week

Alaska’s governor and congressional delegation are furious over President Obama’s announcement this weekend that he’s seeking wilderness status for the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. That would put the area off-limits to oil and gas development. Permanent wilderness designation would require congressional approval, and this Republican-led Congress is unlikely to grant it. But that's just the start of what Obama has in store for the state in the coming days. Download Audio

Walker, Delegation Irked By President’s ANWR Proposal

President Obama is proposing the largest ever wilderness designation in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, which would forever put the coastal plain off-limits to oil and gas development.

Murkowski, Sullivan Agree Climate is Changing but Split on Naming Cause

Both of Alaska's U.S. senators voted for an amendment saying climate change is real and not a hoax. The rub came on amendments declaring a cause. Download Audio

Murkowski to Deliver GOP Weekly Address

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski will deliver the next Republican weekly national speech on Saturday. It's the party's response to the president's weekly radio address.

Sullivan to Chair Senate Subcommittee on Fisheries

U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan has been named chairman of the subcommittee on Fisheries, Water and Wildlife, part of the Environment and Public Works Committee. Its jurisdiction includes oversight of the Clean Water Act, wetlands, the Endangered Species Act, invasive species and National Wildlife Refuges.

Sullivan Starts Committee Work With a Pile-up

Just this week, the U.S. Senate got started with committee work, with most panels holding their first hearings. All four of Sen. Dan Sullivan’s committees met Wednesday, colliding in a scheduling pile-up that’s typical in Congress. To get by -- and be effective -- requires skill in the art of Senate juggling. Download Audio

Obama Issues Executive Order on Arctic Co-ordination

President Obama today issued an executive order aimed at coordinating federal action on the Arctic. The order establishes a new Arctic executive steering committee. It will have some two dozen members, including deputy secretaries from the departments of State, Defense, Homeland Security and Interior. Among the stated goals is to better collaborate with the State of Alaska and Alaska tribes.

Sen. Sullivan Weighs In On State of the Union Topics

President Obama’s State of the Union address to Congress is Tuesday night, but the White House has been offering previews of his main proposals for weeks. Alaska’s new Republican Senator, Dan Sullivan, said before the speech he was expecting to hear an overly rosy depiction of unemployment. Download Audio

Murkowski Gains a Second Gavel and Boosts Leverage

Sen. Lisa Murkowski already chairs the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, but today she was also named chairman of the Interior subcommittee of the Appropriations panel. The double-barrelled influence over the Department of Interior is "somewhat unprecedented," she says. Download Audio