Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.

VA Secretary to Visit 49th State

Alaska can expect another high-level Washington visitor next month. The Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Robert McDonald, plans to come to the state for several days starting Aug. 11.

Young Votes Yes, Meant No, on Bill Gutting GMO Labeling Laws

The U.S. House today passed a bill to gut state labeling laws for GMO foods. Alaska Congressman Don Young voted for the bill, which he says he did by mistake. Download Audio

2nd Murkowski Energy Bill Has Controversies Lacking in 1st

Yesterday Sen. Lisa Murkowski introduced an energy bill that steered clear of hot-button issues to ensure Democratic support. Today, the Alaska Republican sponsored a separate energy bill of just hot buttons. Download Audio

Murkowski Energy Bill Avoids Hot Buttons

Sen. Lisa Murkowski today released a national energy policy bill. It’s been one of her highest priorities as chairman of the Senate Energy Committee, and she produced the bill jointly with the top Democrat on the committee, Maria Cantwell of Washington. Murkowski says it required compromise; the bill doesn’t include some of the big items on Murkowski’s energy agenda. Download Audio

Saxman: Call us ‘Rural’

The Southeast village of Saxman took its fight to be designated a “rural” community to Congress today. Saxman Village President Lee Wallace told a House subcommittee he was devastated in 2007, when he watched the Federal Subsistence Board decide Saxman was “non-rural.” Download Audio
Woman at a podium

Murkowski balks at funding source in highway bill

The deadline for renewing the nation’s highway programs is nine days away. Leaders in the Senate this week negotiated a bill that would fund highways for the next six years. But it would require selling off $9 billion of crude oil that’s stashed in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Download Audio

General Says Decision on JBER Cuts Not Final Without Arctic Plan

The general nominated to be the Army’s Chief of Staff suggested this morning that the plan to cut 2,600 Alaska soldiers isn’t final yet. But it’s hard to say whether the Army really plans to reconsider, or whether the general merely agreed to follow a procedure to ultimately reach a pre-determined end. Download Audio

Senate Ed Bill Bolsters Role of Alaska Tribes

An education bill the U.S. Senate passed last week includes several provisions that boost the role of Alaska Native tribes, and a new grant program for Native language immersion programs. Download Audio

Shell Rigs Leave Dutch for Chukchi, To Wait

Shell is still moving its drill rigs into the Arctic, even as one of its icebreakers prepares to head back south for repairs. The unexpected crack in the hull of the Fennica has added uncertainty to the start of the short Arctic drilling season.

It’s Official: Obama to Visit Anchorage Aug. 31

The White House announced today that President Obama will visit Alaska at the end of next month. On Aug. 31 Obama will visit Anchorage to address a State Department conference focused on climate change that is expected to draw foreign ministers from Arctic and non-Arctic countries.

Ohio newspaper endorses Mt. McKinley name change

The longstanding Alaskan campaign to restore the name "Denali" to Mount McKinley got an unlikely endorsement today.

Short $1B, Icebreaker Advocates Consider Leasing, Sharing

Nothing illustrates American disinterest in the Arctic as much as its tiny inventory of icebreakers. Alaska leaders, among others, say the country can’t assert its national interests, or see the economic benefits of a melting Arctic, without more icebreakers. But some now ask, why buy when you can lease? Download Audio

Coast Guard Gears Up for Shell’s Chukchi Season

Coast Guard Commandant Paul Zukunft says if Shell is allowed to drill in the Chukchi Sea this summer, the Coast Guard will be there with five ships and two aircraft. But, the admiral says, nothing about the Arctic is easy. Download Audio:

49 Voices: Michelle Sparck of New Jersey

This week for 49 Voices, we’re going far afield, to hear from an Alaskan living in …New Jersey! Michelle Sparck grew up in Bethel, one of a set of triplets born to Lucy Sparck, of Chevak, and the late Harold Sparck, who moved from Baltimore to Bethel in the ‘60s. Download Audio:

Governor, Delegation Rally to Stymie JBER Cuts

The reduction of 2,600 soldiers from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson isn’t expected to begin for more than a year. Alaska officials hope that gives enough time to stop it, or at least mitigate the loss. Gov. Bill Walker Thursday pledged a campaign to retain Alaska’s military forces and attract new ones.

First Lady Wows Crowd at Native Youth Confab

About 30 Alaskans in their teens and 20s were in Washington, D.C. today to participate in the first-ever White House Tribal Youth Gathering. The highlight for many was a passionate speech by First Lady Michelle Obama. Download Audio:

Sec. Jewell Pledges More Soverignty to Tribal Youth Visiting DC

Some 30 Alaska Native teens are in Washington D.C. today for the first-ever White House Tribal Youth Gathering.

Army to Cut 2,600 Soldiers from JBER

The Army said today it plans to cut 2,600 troops from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Anchorage and another 75 soldiers from Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks. That would slice two-thirds of the personnel from the 4-25th, the only airborne brigade in the Pacific. Download Audio:

IG Finds Service to Veterans Lacking at VA clinic in Mat-Su

The Inspector General for Veterans Affairs has verified a host of problems at the VA’s Mat-Su outpatient clinic.

Shell Finds Fracture in Hull of Icebreaker

An icebreaker leased to Shell sprang a leak and had to return to Dutch Harbor early Friday morning. The MV Fennica carries the company’s capping stack -- a critical piece of safety equipment for Shell’s plan to drill two wells this summer in the Chukchi Sea. Download Audio: