Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.

Bill to crack down on IUU fishing goes to White House

Congress has passed a bill to combat pirate fishing. It puts in law the provisions of an international treaty aimed at denying illegal fishing vessels access to a country’s ports.

Lockheed wins $800M contract for radar at Clear

The Missile Defense Agency has awarded a contract of nearly $800 million to Lockheed Martin to install a sophisticated radar system at Clear Air Station, in the Interior.

Latest trouble with F-35 bars light pilots from cockpit

While an environmental review is underway to determine whether Eielson Air Force Base will get two F-35 squadrons, the Air Force is already flying the fighters in the Lower 48. But the aircraft remains controversial in Congress. The latest problems are with the ejection seat. Download Audio

Murkowski’s irate; Interior nominee heard all about it

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski used a confirmation hearing as an opportunity to voice her frustration over a string of decisions by Sec. Sally Jewell limiting development in Alaska, including last week's cancellation of Arctic offshore lease sales. An Interior Department nominee felt the burn today. Download Audio
The sun sets on the Polar Pioneer in Unalaska's Broad Bay in 2015. (Photo by John Ryan, KUCB - Unalaska)

Obama Administration cancels offshore lease sales, citing lack of interest

The Interior Department won't auction off drilling rights in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas in the next two years. The auctions would have been the first in the Arctic Ocean since 2008, and the first under President Obama. Download Audio

Murkowski spotlights civic heroes at AFN

Every year, Alaska’s congressional delegation is invited to address the AFN convention, and today was U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s turn. She stuck close to the theme of the convention, "Heroes in our Homeland," but did mention a few of her own accomplishments. Download Audio

Alaska officials fighting mad over Arctic lease cancellation

When the Obama Administration announced the cancelation of drilling opportunities in the Arctic Ocean, the reaction of Alaska’s congressional delegation and governor was swift and terrible. They're pledging a bold response, which, if Rep. Don Young has his way, involves renting a drilling rig.

For Sen. Sullivan, Rep. Young an easier AFN

At its convention last year, AFN endorsed Dan Sullivan’s opponent in a tense campaign, and Congressman Don Young apologized to the audience for remarks he’d made about a teen’s suicide. What a difference a year makes. Sullivan today addressed the audience as their U.S. senator, and Young was all smiles. Download Audio

Murkowski raises big cash, expects a fight

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski is raising serious money for her re-election bid next year, despite having no serious challenger yet. Download Audio

Congressional panel to hear criticism of EPA’s Pebble process

A U.S. House Committee chairman has announced a hearing to examine whether the EPA unfairly blocked the Pebble Mine in Southwest Alaska with a so-called “pre-emptive veto,” before the mine has even applied for permits.

Begich says he’s no moper; urges Native youth to persist

Former U.S. senator Mark Begich spoke to the Alaska Federation of Natives Elders and Youth Conference today, one of his biggest Alaskan audiences since he lost re-election and left office in January. Download Audio

US House passes Native energy bill; White House threatens veto

The U.S. House on Thursday passed the Native American Energy Act, sponsored by Alaska Congressman Don Young. Young says the bill would encourage resource development on Indian land by cutting red tape and limiting legal challenges. Opponents say it would undermine environmental law. Download Audio

Alaskan receives White House honor, appointment as poetry ‘ambassador’

First Lady Michelle Obama honored five young American poets at the White House this morning, including one Alaskan: Anna Lance, a 17-year-old from Eagle River, who represents the West. But being named a National Student Poet isn’t just about glory. It comes with an obligation, too. Download Audio:

Defense bill passes with measure Sullivan hopes will halt JBER cuts

The U.S. Senate yesterday passed a defense bill, with a provision by Sen. Dan Sullivan requiring an “Arctic Operation Plan." The O-PLAN is a key part of Sullivan's effort to stave off the Army’s announced cut of thousands of troops from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson. An Army spokesman says plan will "help inform how and if" the troop reduction takes place. Download Audio

Arctic no rival to Suez, not this century, says shipping expert

As the ice retreats, Arctic shipping is expected to increase. But if your idea of “Arctic shipping” is cargo carriers plying a shortcut between Europe and Asia, you may want to choose a different image. Download Audio

Obama announces global fishing enforcement, new sanctuaries

President Obama today unveiled a package of global initiatives aimed at cracking down on illegal fishing. He also announced two new marine sanctuaries, and they are not in Alaska. Download Audio

Sullivan calls in Corps to bash EPA over water rule

The controversial “Waters of the U.S.” rule took effect in most states this summer, redefining which bodies of water are covered by the Clean Water Act. While legal challenges progress, the WOTUS rule remains a political hot button. Sen. Dan Sullivan pushed that button at a hearing this morning. Download Audio

Aleutians monument fought as threat, derided as ‘straw man’

Alaska Congressman Don Young and other Republicans this morning attacked the idea that President Obama might create a marine national monument around the Aleutian Islands, with unknown effects on the fishing industry. But the administration has given no sign it’s considering the notion. Download Audio

Murkowski calls Shell pull-out a ‘kick in the gut’

Sen. Lisa Murkowski says news that Shell is pulling out of the Alaska Arctic hit her hard. Download Audio

Murkowski: Shell decision shows how feds ‘chase business away’

Sen. Lisa Murkowski says news that Shell is pulling out of the Alaskan Arctic hit her hard. “Heartsick. Kick in the gut. Just really devastated," she said. Murkowski says dry holes are a fact of oil exploration, but she blames the federal government for curtailing Shell.