Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.

Defense expert: Senators blocked JBER cut with logic

The Army’s decision this week not to proceed with a planned troop cut at Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson is unusual. A Brookings Institution analyst credits the Alaska congressional delegation, saying they had a good argument to make and they made it. Download Audio

Defense secretary on board with keeping JBER unit

Now even the secretary of Defense says he’d reverse the plan to cut several thousand troops from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, nearly ensuring the Anchorage base will retain 4-25 Infantry Brigade Combat team, at least for another year. Download Audio

Obama’s Supreme Court nomination draws criticism and praise

President Obama Wednesday nominated Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. Both of Alaska’s U.S. senators issued written statements reaffirming their support for the Senate’s Republican leaders, who are refusing to hold a hearing or a vote on the nominee. Download Audio
GE food_michael foley

Push to label GE food, including salmon, has staunch opponents

This morning, the U.S. Senate considered a bill to block state labeling mandates for GMO foods, including fish. The bill didn’t get enough votes to advance, but the debate shows the forces Sen. Lisa Murkowski is up against as she tries to require consumer labels for genetically engineered salmon. Download Audio

Critics call feds’ new ‘mitigation’ a coerced fee

Conoco had to pay $8 million in mitigation for a project in NPR-A. Sen. Lisa Murkowski calls the amount arbitrary, "throwing a dart at the board." Another Republican senator says it's a way for the feds to hold projects hostage.

Trump’s take on public land bucks Western trend

Alaska issues don’t come up much in presidential debates, but Donald Trump did face a public lands question, and his answer struck a nerve among Western conservatives. Download Audio

Senators pan Arctic agreement as Canadian leader visits U.S.

When a U.S. president and a Canadian prime minister meet, it’s not a given that the Arctic will be on the agenda. But this morning, on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s first official visit to Washington, D.C. the two leaders released an agreement on the Arctic, energy and climate. Alaska’s senators aren’t happy with it. Download Audio

Trudeau, Obama issue joint statement on Arctic, climate, energy

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is visiting Washington Thursday. He and President Barack Obama this morning issued a joint statement on Arctic leadership, climate and energy.

Sullivan says JBER troop cut not reversed yet

The battle to keep the 425 Airborne Brigade Combat Team at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson may seem all but won, or at least postponed. But Sen. Dan Sullivan says it’s not a done deal yet. He is still talking about the value of the 425 at hearings, to build support. Download Audio

USFS chief says no to delay of Tongass timber transition

This morning in Washington, Forest Service chief Tom Tidwell said the same thing several different ways. He repeatedly insisted the plan to move to young-growth trees in the Tongass can sustain Southeast Alaska’s timber industry. Sen. Lisa Murkowski is unconvinced. Download Audio

What’s so critical about polar bear habitat?

A federal appeals court last week ruled the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was following the law when it designated a California-sized piece of the Alaskan Arctic as critical habitat for the polar bear. Let's take a look at this designation and what it could mean for the industry.

Bill introduced to require labeling of genetically engineered salmon

Alaska’s congressional delegation has introduced bills that would require genetically engineered salmon to go by a market name that includes the terms “genetically engineered” or “G.E.”

VA says it’s improving in Alaska; Murkowski calls it ‘chaos’

Sen. Lisa Murkowski says she’s still hearing disaster stories about the VA's Choice program. And, she says, some Alaska vets who used Choice to get medical appointments in the private sector now find collection agencies are after them because the VA hasn’t paid their claims. Download Audio
Sen. Lisa Murkowski speaks on the senate floor. (YouTube screenshot/Sen. Lisa Murkowski)

Murkowski: Where’s that Arctic port?

When President Obama was in Alaska last year, he said he wanted to advance plans for a deepwater port in the Alaskan Arctic, possibly in Nome. Today, Sen. Lisa Murkowski followed up on that with the head of the Army Corps of Engineers. Download Audio

Sullivan: ‘Idiotic’ for candidate to accept KKK plug

U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan wouldn’t tell reporters which presidential candidate he's voting for on Super Tuesday, but he did weigh in on a racism controversy enveloping front-runner Donald Trump. Sullivan was in Juneau for his annual speech to Alaska lawmakers, in which he stressed the importance of a strong military presence in the state.

Rep. Young wins lightning round on bears, feds, ANWR

It was a busy morning for Rep. Don Young. On U.S. House floor, he took on a trio of iconic Alaska issues – polar bears, state sovereignty and a wilderness proposal for the Arctic Refuge. Young prevailed on all three. Download audio
An F-35 flies over Florida (U.S. Air Force photo)

Fairbanks strides closer to F-35 answer

The Air Force plan to station two squadrons of F-35s at Eielson Air Force Base cleared a milestone with the publication of the final environmental impact statement. It says the basing decision would not significantly harm Fairbanks air quality or harm wildlife, other than an increase of about 14 bird strikes per year. Download audio

Army officials say they’d like to keep airborne unit at JBER

Top Army officials gave their clearest statements yet that they might cancel or postpone the reduction of troops from Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson. Sen. Dan Sullivan calls the testimony important, but says efforts to preserve the 4-25th aren't a done deal. Download Audio

Murkowski, Jewell joust over King Cove road

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski chairs the Senate’s Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Tuesday, she used that platform to grill Interior Secretary Sally Jewell on a number of issues in – or not in – the president’s budget, including the King Cove road. Download Audio

Alaska Air National Guard members deploy to Middle East

More than 100 members of the Alaska Air National Guard are deploying to the Middle East this week. The guard says most of them are part of an airlift squadron, flying C-130s. Others come from Guard maintenance units.