Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.

White House: No nation an island on Arctic science

Cabinet members and high-ranking science advisors from 25 governments will convene on the White House tomorrow to discuss rapid changes in the Arctic. “The Arctic is ... a preview of what is coming our way in the rest of the world," says Mark Brzezinski, the top White House liaison to the region. Listen Now

Doyon’s $2b discount: Fair play or ‘rip off’?

Doyon was in federal court in Washington D.C. today, trying to keep a $2 billion discount it says it should have been granted two years ago, when it bid billions of dollars on wireless spectrum. The FCC claims the company Doyon partially owns, Northstar, doesn't deserve the discount because of its substantial ties to Dish Network. Listen Now

Obama addresses tribes one last time

President Barack Obama addressed his final White House Tribal Nations Conference today. He says progress for first nations will continue, regardless of who wins the White House next. Listen Now

Murkowski launches big Alaska bills whose days are numbered

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski this morning brought some of her most controversial Alaska bills to the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, which she chairs. The contentious bills stand almost no chance of passing in this Congress. But some, she hopes, will pack a punch anyway.

Begich will not enter race for U.S. Senate

Former U.S. Senator Mark Begich says he will not mount a write-in campaign in the race for Senator Lisa Murkowski's seat.

Murkowski says Navy has explaining to do

Sen. Lisa Murkowski says the Navy is again snubbing the concerns of Alaskans as it prepares for the next Northern Edge training exercise in the Gulf of Alaska.

Flint water help could spill into rural Alaska

The Senate is likely to pass a Water Resources bill this week that would send $100 million to Flint, Michigan to resolve that community’s drinking water crisis. But the bill could be a plum for rural Alaska, too.

GOP officers ditch party roles to back Miller

The Central Committee of the Alaska Republican Party voted to remove one of its members over the weekend, and several other party officers resigned, all so they can publicly support Joe Miller. He's running as a Libertarian against the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate, Lisa Murkowski. Republicans describe it as a friendly separation.

Joe Miller nabs Libertarian spot to challenge Murkowski

A shake-up this afternoon in Alaska’s U.S. Senate race: Fairbanks attorney Joe Miller announces he will challenge Sen. Lisa Murkowski after all. Listen now

In U.S. House race, both claim labor’s love

Congressman Don Young and his Democratic challenger, Steve Lindbeck, both say they've got strong support from organized labor. Listen Now

No surprises in U.S. House and Senate primaries

When it came to the federal races, Tuesday’s election held no surprises. Listen now

Alaskans cast Primary ballots at regular polling spots, also airports

Today is Primary Election day. In addition to the regular polling locations, you can also vote today at the airport in six Alaska cities. Listen now

Bernie looks beyond Bungalow to DC

Anchorage bar owner Bernie Souphanavong submitted thousands of signatures today to run for Congress. Souphanavong is running as an independent for Alaska’s only seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. Listen now

Stock turns in signatures to challenge Murkowski

U.S. Senate candidate Margaret Stock submitted a pile of signatures to the Division of Elections today to secure a spot on the November ballot. Listen now

Dem Senate race: boyish prof vs. corruption hunter

The two Democrats running for U.S. Senate are the same age. They’re running low- or no-budget campaigns. Both used to be Republicans. And right there, the similarities come to a dead stop. Listen now
an elephant sculpture, painted red, white and blue

What $5M? Murkowski’s GOP rivals disregard long odds

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski is running a multimillion-dollar campaign. But have you met the Republicans running against her? We tried. We found two undaunted optimists running on their shoestrings, and a third candidate who rebuffed our interview request on the grounds that he had too much to say.
Alaska News Nightly by Alaska Public Media

Congressional delegation raps Trump for affront to Khans

Alaska’s congressman and both U.S. senators are among the Republican lawmakers criticizing remarks Donald Trump made about the family of Captain Humayun Khan, a Muslim-American Army officer killed in Iraq. Listen now

49 Voices: Traci George of Eagle River

This week we caught up with Traci George at the Democratic National Convention. George lives in Eagle River and went to Philadelphia as a delegate for Bernie Sanders. Listen now

‘Sandernistas’ demand inclusion in Alaska party

PHILADELPHIA - The new chairwoman of the Alaska Democratic Party says supporters of Bernie Sanders are re-invigorating the party. But along with the new enthusiasm, the Alaska Sanders supporters also bring deep wells of dissatisfaction. Listen now

If election repeats history, will Dems enjoy another ’08 or suffer a ’68?

Delegates at the Democratic National Convention today officially nominated Hillary Clinton for president,to widespread cheering. But outside the arena, thousands of Bernie Sanders supporters banged on security fences, shouting "election fraud." Alaskans attending the convention in Philadelphia say what Sanders voters do after their disappointment could turn the tide of history.