Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.
woman in striped jacket

Peltola floats bipartisanship as way out of House speaker morass but GOP still stalled by infighting

Alaska Congresswoman Mary Peltola said she doesn’t see a solution until Republicans reach across the aisle to elect the next speaker.
a man and woman hug

Peltola says she’s still grieving but ready to return to work in Congress

The Alaska congresswoman will return to a speaker-less U.S. House where some are floating an idea she's familiar with: bipartisan leadership.
man standing at a microphone

Alaska’s U.S. senators pair help for Ukraine with border funds

Sending money overseas for Ukraine’s defense has become controversial among Republicans.
Man in suit at a microphone. name plate on desk says "Mr. Tommy P. Beaudreau"

Tommy Beaudreau, a Biden administration official who had Murkowski’s trust, resigns from Interior

Beaudreau grew up in Anchorage. "There was a certain amount of comfort, knowing that he knew our state," Sen. Murkowski says.
U.S. Capitol dome

Dramatic day in U.S. House as members oust the speaker

An ominous murmur arose after the vote was announced, D.C. correspondent Liz Ruskin says.

Revak stepping down as Peltola’s state director

Josh Revak is a former state legislator. Peltola drew some heat for picking a Republican to serve in a key spot.

5 things to know about how a federal shutdown hits in Alaska

Your mail will arrive. Your paycheck might not.
a woman on an airstrip

Senators take up a stopgap spending bill, but Murkowski is doubtful it can prevent a shutdown

"It's really hard to get hard work done when people cannot talk to one another. And that's what we're seeing in the House," Sen. Murkowski said.

Alaska congressional delegation takes concerns about Albertsons-Kroger merger to FTC

U.S. Sens. Murkowski and Sullivan expressed "deep concerns." Congresswoman Peltola asked the FTC to block the merger.

Murkowski and Sullivan split over how to evaluate federal judge applicants

Sullivan says he’s formed a new council of advisors. Murkowski is sticking by tradition.
People are outside installing a water and sewer line.

Feds send $440M for water projects in Alaska villages

“It's 10 times the amount of Indian Health Service funding that we had been historically getting,” said Charissa Williar of ANTHC.
Mountains and ocean from a plane window

Aviation experts say infrastructure gaps contribute to Alaska’s air fatality rate

Despite improvements, Alaska aviation safety still lags the rest of the country.
sign posted on green grass says "sign here" and says ranked choice voting "get rid of it"

APOC staff recommends fines for opponents of Alaska’s ranked choice voting

Investigators say those trying to repeal Alaska's voting system routed a $90,000 political contribution through a church group, among other alleged violations of campaign laws.

Peltola steps into Don Young’s shoes for charity fishing invitational, where motives converge

Supporting the cause is just one reason the well-connected pay thousands of dollars to fish with a Congress member.
A river with jagged granite bluffs

Haaland cancels leases in Alaska’s Arctic Refuge: ‘Climate change is the crisis of our lifetime’

“With today’s action, no one will have rights to drill in one of the most sensitive landscapes on Earth,” said Interior Secretary Deb Haaland.

Peltola, nearing one year in office, touts her support for Willow and other energy projects

As a Democrat running for re-election in an oil-producing state, she’s setting herself apart from the mainstream of her party on energy.
Two men push a giant pumpkin on a forklift.

It’s not a record but Dale Marshall shows why he’s the undisputed giant of Alaska’s pumpkin patch

Dale Marshall of Anchorage rolled up at the Alaska State Fair pumpkin weigh-in with two colossal gourds on a flatbed.
a man stands at a podium, talking into a microphone

It’s August. A VIP is here to tell you where your federal infrastructure dollars are going.

The White House infrastructure coordinator is among a string of federal appointees who came to Alaska this month to announce big-dollar projects.
people stand on the dock of a large boat as it approaches a glacier

Annual visitor spending near Alaska’s national parks: $1.2B

Alaska's national parks saw 2 million visitors last year. Their spending is down from the pre-pandemic high of $1.5 billion.
A man in a suit. Behind him, out of focus, is a large ship.

On Alaska visit, Buttigieg touts funding boost to help salmon cross the road

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is surprised to find fish transit is part of his portfolio but says it's beneficial for fishing communities.