Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.

Miller irks GOP by sending old flyers bashing Murkowski

In another sign that this is a strange election year, the U.S. Senate campaign of Libertarian Joe Miller is mailing leftover flyers the Alaska Republican Party printed in 2010, but didn’t send. The flyers are critical of the incumbent, Sen. Lisa Murkowski. In 2010, she was the candidate the party was trying to defeat in the General Election. Now, though, Murkowski is the Republican nominee, so the Republicans are crying foul on Miller. Listen Now

With money from Murkowski, GOP assails Miller

The Alaska Republican Party is attacking U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller in a series of hard-hitting mailers. This is the same Joe Miller who was the Republican Party’s own nominee six years ago, when he beat the incumbent, Sen. Lisa Murkowski. Now the party is accepting money from Murkowski’s campaign and using it against Miller, which he calls "money laundering." The party says it’s perfectly legal. Listen Now

Alaskan says Justice Thomas groped her in 1999

Moira Smith says U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas groped her 17 years ago. Thomas calls the accusation "preposterous." Listen Now

US Senate candidates debate Arctic issues in Barrow

Sen. Lisa Murkowski and three challengers - Margaret Stock, Ray Metcalfe and Breck Craig - debated today in Barrow in what is said to be the first U.S. Senate debate to take place above the Arctic Circle.

Husband of ADN owner hosts TV show featuring fellow billionaires

If you like to watch billionaires on TV, you don’t have to wait for Donald Trump to launch his own media network. The husband of Alaska Dispatch News owner Alice Rogoff now has his own prime-time television talk show. Listen Now

Your U.S. senator is a chairman. What does that do for you?

If U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski is unseated in the next election, the victor would get her Senate seat, but not her chairmanship of the Energy Committee. So what does that matter to you? Listen Now

Really? Alaska in play in presidential race?

Alaska has not voted for a Democrat since LBJ in 1964. But pundits say even red states like Alaska are in play now. Pollster Celinda Lake says Hillary Clinton has made gains with Alaska men. Listen Now

Russian aggression unlikely to hit Arctic, say security experts

Moscow is antagonizing the U.S. on multiple fronts - in Europe, in Syria and in cyberspace. But security experts say in the Arctic, Russia is still playing nice. Listen Now

Tribe explores ‘self-determination’ options in downtown Craig

Indian law is often complicated and obscure. But one bit of Indian law just got a lot more concrete for the Southeast community of Craig: the concept of land into trust. The Craig Tribal Association is the first Alaska tribe to apply to put property in trust with the federal government. The property in question: A building and parking lot in central Craig. Listen Now

GOP unites behind Trump after weekend defections

Both of Alaska’s U.S. senators said over the weekend they won’t support Republican Donald Trump for president, not after seeing him brag on a 2005 videotape that being a star meant he was free to grab women by the private parts. The state House majority leader also announced Sunday she’s no longer supporting Trump. But as of today, the Republican party in Alaska was officially sticking with Trump. Listen Now

Amb. Balton: Focus grows on Arctic Council

Representatives of the Arctic Council member nations wrapped up a meeting in Portland, Maine this week. For the first decade of the council’s existence, interest in it did not extend much beyond the Arctic nations. But Amb. David Balton says now the world is paying attention. Listen Now

White House honors Sitkan as champion of fisheries

The White House today honored Sitkan Linda Behnken as a “Champion of Change” for her work to improve fishing sustainability. Listen Now

Senators want to forever bar offshore rigs from Arctic

Fourteen U.S. senators sent a letter to President Obama today, asking him to keep drill rigs out of federal waters in the Arctic forever. Listen Now

Caelus announces big oil find on North Slope

Caelus Energy says it’s made a major oil discovery on the North Slope, at Smith Bay. The company estimates the oil under its current state leases at 6 billion barrels and says the development could boost pipeline output by 40 percent. Listen Now
Alaska News Nightly by Alaska Public Media

St. George applies for marine sanctuary

The city of St. George, home to 100 people, has asked the federal government to create a marine sanctuary around their island in the Bering Sea. Listen Now

Alaska gets $500m in base construction; most for Fairbanks

Congress last week agreed to spend more than half a billion dollars on military construction projects in Alaska. Most of the projects are aimed at preparing Eielson Air Force Base for the arrival of 2 F-35 squadrons. Listen Now

Will Obama look north for his legacy?

As the months tick down on hisadministration, President Obama has created marine monuments in the Northeast and the South Pacific. Alaska interest groups are working to get his attention, too. Some want him to take bold action in the 49th State before he leaves office, and others are urging him to resist the call. Listen Now

Rep. Young bucks tide, supports Obama on veto

Congress, for the first time, overrode one of President Obama’s vetoes. The bill – which now becomes law - allows 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia based on allegations it provided support to the terrorist attackers. The veto override was bipartisan, but Rep. Don Young sided with Obama on this one. Listen Now

White House: No nation an island on Arctic science

Cabinet members and high-ranking science advisors from 25 governments will convene on the White House tomorrow to discuss rapid changes in the Arctic. “The Arctic is ... a preview of what is coming our way in the rest of the world," says Mark Brzezinski, the top White House liaison to the region. Listen Now

Doyon’s $2b discount: Fair play or ‘rip off’?

Doyon was in federal court in Washington D.C. today, trying to keep a $2 billion discount it says it should have been granted two years ago, when it bid billions of dollars on wireless spectrum. The FCC claims the company Doyon partially owns, Northstar, doesn't deserve the discount because of its substantial ties to Dish Network. Listen Now