Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.

While GOP runs from House ethics flap, Young argues watchdog needs tighter rules

Republicans have dropped their plan to diminish the independence of the Office of Congressional Ethics. But not everyone agrees the House majority should have backed down. Alaska Congressman Don Young is among those who want the ethics office reined in. Listen now

Young, Murkowski swear in, move up amid Congressional pomp

The 115th Congress began with a lot of pomp and circumstance. Here's what an Alaskan might want to know about the day. Listen now

Young, striking Trump-like note, reflects on 2016

Congressman Don Young showed no enthusiasm for Donald Trump during the presidential campaign. But with President-elect Trump three weeks from his swearing-in, and a new Democratic minority leader in the Senate, Young looks at the big picture and sees the upside. Listen Now

Sullivan finds traction, moves up in Senate

When new members of Congress take the oath of office on Jan. 3, Sen. Dan Sullivan will give up an unsought distinction: The Alaska Republican will no longer be last in Senate seniority, No. 100 out of 100. Sullivan, counting his gains, says being on the bottom rung didn’t bother him. Listen Now

ASRC: Obama acts in our name, ignores our needs

President Obama cited subsistence and the needs of Alaska Natives yesterday in explaining why he decided to block future oil and gas lease sales in Arctic waters. Some Native people welcome the resource protection. But the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation says the president didn’t consult with its members and is ignoring the real needs of the Inupiat people. Listen Now

Obama ‘indefinitely’ bars drilling in Arctic waters

President Obama has issued an order blocking future oil and gas development in the entire Chukchi Sea and nearly all of the Beaufort. Listen Now

State irked at feds’ new GPS survey method

At statehood, Alaska was promised more than 100 million acres of land. So far, the federal government has transferred just 65 percent of it. At the current pace, it will take another 20 years. Today, the federal Bureau of Land Management announced it’s imposing a new surveying method to speed things up. But the state is not happy about it. Listen Now

Why Trump’s pick for Interior wants land to stay federal

Trump chose Montana Congressman Ryan Zinke. Alaska’s congressional delegation likes a lot of what he stands for. There’s just one big exception. Listen Now

Environmentalists ready for ANWR fight, with vets in their camp

Alaska’s congressional delegation sees a chance to finally open the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. The environmental lobby is ready for the fight. And they’ve got some new, patriotic allies on their side: military veterans.

Obama draws fury and joy with Bering Sea protection

President Obama today issued an executive order creating the "Northern Bering Sea Climate Resilience Area." Alaska's congressional delegation says Obama is acting with unilateral authority. But Bering Sea elders say the president has answered their request. Listen Now

Energy bill fails; Murkowski blames House

It was two years in the making, but it seems Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s energy bill is now dead. Murkowski says House leaders stopped negotiating on the bill, which included Republican and Democratic priorities. Listen Now

Congress adds soldiers, removes pressure for JBER cut

President-elect Donald Trump has called for a much bigger military, and Congress took a step in that direction today. Listen Now

Trump taps petroleum industry ally for top EPA job

President-elect Donald Trump has selected a friend of the oil and gas industry to be EPA administrator: Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt. Sen. Dan Sullivan says he'll curtail EPA "overreach." Environmentalists say Pruitt disagrees with the EPA mission. Listen Now

Trump transition team adds Alaskan as tribal liaison

An Alaskan has officially joined President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team. The Trump team has selected former state senator Jerry Ward as its liaison to the 500-plus federally recognized tribes. Listen Now

Palin for VA? She seems eager

The Donald Trump transition team hasn’t named a VA secretary yet, but news broke today that ex-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is vying for the job. She's the mother of an Iraq vet, and she's got Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer on her side. Listen Now

Deadline nears for Murkowski energy bill

Time is running out on one of Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s top priorities: a far-reaching energy bill. And she says, despite the election results, the bill will only be harder to pass next year. Listen Now

Updated: Offshore leasing plan excludes Arctic

The U.S. Interior Department has announced its new five-year plan for oil and gas leasing in federal waters, and it does not include any new lease sales in the Arctic. The plan calls for one sale for northern Cook Inlet, in 2021.

Obama’s Alaska regs could cling long into Trump’s term

As a candidate, President-elect Donald Trump vowed to dump Obama-era policies and unleash the energy industry to produce more oil, gas and coal. It would seem like good times for natural resource extraction in Alaska. Trump's EPA may do a U-turn to help the Pebble mine, but some of President Obama's Alaska policies will be harder to dismantle. Listen Now

Rapture, shock, ANWR: Alaskans react to Trump victory

Rapturous Trump supporters said they'd expected this outcome all along, while surprised Republican officials ticked off a wish list of priorities that suddenly seemed within reach.

With GOP wins, Murkowski eyes ANWR

Alaska's congressional candidates won re-election handily. Sen. Murkowski says with Republicans in control of Congress and the White House, the odds have improved for opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling,