Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.

3 things for Alaskans to know about Trump’s budget

President Trump is proposing to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. He's also proposing cuts that will fall hard, particularly on rural Alaska. Listen now

Progressives make voices heard at Sullivan town hall

U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan held a town hall meeting in Anchorage Saturday. The event drew hundreds of left-leaning constituents and they were not quiet. Listen now

Interior nominee sees ‘clean slate’ on land in trust

Tribes that want to place land in federal trust are still waiting to see how the Trump administration will treat their applications. The nominee for deputy Interior secretary suggests history won't be any guide. Listen now

Young OK with special counsel, rues ‘media hype’

Alaska Congress Don Young says it's fine with him that the Justice Department appointed a special counsel to investigate Russia's role in the 2016 election. "This is all media hype," Young said. Listen now

Sullivan calls for White House ‘discipline’; Murkowski mulls special prosecutor

Both of Alaska's U.S. senators say they're concerned by reports that President Trump shared classified intelligence with top Russian officials in the Oval Office. Sen. Sullivan said it would help if the president stops the morning Tweets and focuses on the goals that got him elected. Listen now

EPA settles with Pebble, clears permitting path for mine

The EPA has announced a new process that could let the Pebble Partnership develop a controversial mine at the headwaters of Bristol Bay, if its permits are granted. Listen now

Murkowski, Sullivan diverge in statements on Comey firing

Murkowski sees "serious cause for concern" in timing of President Trump's dismissal of the FBI director. Sullivan sees "questions" there, and in the conduct of the Obama White House. Listen now

Rep. Young votes for health care bill, says he won pledges for more

A bill to replace the Affordable Care Act squeaked through the U.S. House today, with help from Alaska Rep. Don Young. He denounced a prior version as bad for Alaska. Now he says he's won assurances there'll be more for the state. Listen now

Rep. Young mum on health care bill; Murkowski knocks it

Alaska Congressman Don Young isn’t staking out any position on the latest proposals by his Republican colleagues to replace the Affordable Care Act. His office says Young has no new comments. Listen now

Enviros challenge legality of Trump’s Arctic order

As expected, environmental groups have filed a lawsuit over an order President Trump signed last week to reverse a ban on Arctic offshore oil and gas leasing. Listen now
Alaska News Nightly by Alaska Public Media

National omnibus bill contains Mental Health Trust-Tongass land trade

A bill to fund the federal government through September is on the move in Congress, and it includes a long-sought land trade in Southeast Alaska. Listen now

Trump order baffles Bering Sea Elders

When President Trump signed an order last week lifting his predecessor’s restrictions on offshore leasing in the Arctic, he also revoked a decree that created the “Bering Sea Climate Resistance Area.” People who worked to get the designation aren't happy. Listen now

Supreme Court leaves polar bear habitat intact

A California-sized chunk of the Arctic will remain designated as critical polar bear habitat. That’s the effect of a U.S. Supreme Court order Monday declining to hear an appeal from the state of Alaska, Arctic Slope Regional Corporation and an oil industry trade group. Listen now

Trump lifts ban on Arctic offshore drilling

The president has signed an order lifting a ban Obama imposed on drilling off Alaska’s Arctic shores. Environmental groups say the ban is permanent. Expect a lawsuit. Listen now

UPDATE: Trump rescinds Obama’s ‘permanent’ Arctic leasing ban

President Trump is expected to sign an order Friday aimed at lifting his predecessor’s ban on new oil leasing in waters off Alaska’s Arctic coast. Listen now

All smiles for Rep. Young in Eagle River

In other states, Republican Congress members are dogged by anti-Trump protestors. But Alaska Congressman Don Young found a friendly crowd Wednesday in Eagle River. It was his only public event scheduled in the Anchorage area this recess.

They’re holding a town hall, with or without delegation

Alaskans alarmed by the Trump White House are pressuring the state’s congressional delegation for a town hall meeting in Anchorage this week. They've organized one, but none of the three lawmakers has agreed to come. Listen now

49 Voices: Cherry Blossom Princess Caitlin Sweeney

This week on 49 Voices we're going to Washington D.C. Caitlin Sweeney was there last week to be Alaska's "princess" in the annual Cherry Blossom Festival. Listen now

Rep. Young wants feds to lay off medical marijuana prosecution

Congressman Don Young and 42 colleagues are asking that Congress block the Justice Department from pursuing federal drug cases against people who are complying with their state’s medical marijuana laws. Listen now

State TB rate dips but remains among the highest

The state Health Department says 57 cases of tuberculosis were reported in Alaska in 2016. That’s a moderate decrease from the prior year, but Alaska's rate remains more than double the national average. Listen now