Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.

Senators aim for ACA fixes, Murkowski-style

This was the kind of health care hearing Sen. Murkowski has been calling for: Public and bipartisan. But time is short, even to fix flaws in the Affordable Care Act, let alone replace it. Listen now

Investigators drop query into Zinke calls to Alaska senators

The IG's office issued a letter saying Alaska's U.S. senators declined to discuss the matter with investigators and further investigation would be pointless.

Appeals Court: FCC right in denying Dish-Doyon bidding discounts

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled Tuesday the Federal Communications Commission was right to deny bidding discounts worth billions of dollars to a subsidiary of Doyon Limited, the Alaska Native Regional Corporation for Interior Alaska. Listen now

Trump’s streamlining order: You’ve seen its kind before

President Trump signed an order to speed up environmental reviews of infrastructure projects. His announcement of it, in the lobby of Trump Tower, was eclipsed by what he said next, about Charlottesville. But, back to that order: Can it really change things? Listen now

Alaska senators fault Trump’s tack on racist rally

Alaska's U.S. senators have issued a second round of statements following the rally of White nationalists in Charlottesville, Virginia. This time their criticisms are aimed at President Trump. Listen now

Sen. Sullivan calls out neo-Nazis; Critics abound

Sen. Dan Sullivan issued a strongly worded statement that singled out the alt-right and their allies. On Facebook, some thanked Sullivan. But quite a few defended the White supremacists, or complained he should have allotted equal blame to the left. Listen now

Sullivan wants 28 more interceptors at Ft. Greely

The missile defense system based at Fort Greely has a spotty test record, but Sen. Dan Sullivan says he has confidence it can shield the nation. He is one of the Senate's biggest boosters of missile defense and says Congress should add more interceptors to the Alaska site. Listen now

US Senate passes marine debris bill

A bill targeting plastic waste in the ocean and other marine debris cleared the U.S. Senate last week. Sen. Dan Sullivan sponsored it, with support from right and left. Listen now

Drue Pearce appointed to US pipeline safety agency

A former Alaska Senate president has a new job in the Trump administration. Drue Pearce is now the deputy administrator of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. Listen now

U.S. senators: Same state, same party, not same page

While Sen. Murkowski was in the national spotlight for defying her party on health care, Sen. Sullivan, stuck to the party line and attracted little attention. The two senators vote opposite each other more than most Republican pairs from the same state. Listen now
Interior Secretary Zinke posted this photo of Sen. Murkowski and him drinking two Alaska Brewing Company pale ales on Thursday. (Twitter photo from Ryan Zinke)

Zinke tweets beer pic showing he’s A-OK with Murkowski

If harsh words were spoken, Sen. Lisa Murkowski appears to have patched things up with Interior Sec. Ryan Zinke. Zinke tweeted a picture of himself and Murkowski having beers together, two Alaskan Brewing Company pale ales. Listen now

Premera says ACA premiums to drop 22%

Finally, a bit of good news about Alaska's health care marketplace: Premera says premiums on the government-run exchange will decrease in 2018 by 22 percent. This is despite uncertainty about what the Trump administration might do as it administers Barack Obama's signature health care law. The rate could drop further still. Listen now

Murkowski bucks party with health care vote

It was a dramatic day in the U.S. Senate with the return of Sen. McCain. Alaska's two senators split their votes on whether to begin debate on a Republican bill to replace the Affordable Care Act. Both said the final outcome for the bill is uncertain. Listen now

Bill rider holds GE salmon at bay

The FDA has already approved a GE salmon for human consumption. One reason it's not for sale in the U.S. -- a few short paragraphs that hitched a ride on a congressional spending bill. Listen now

Federal scientist says Arctic climate work cost him position

A former policy adviser at the Interior Department says the Trump Administration has retaliated against him for warning about the dangers of climate change to Alaska Native communities.

Trump picks Alaskan for Interior Department post

Alaskan Joe Balash has been selected to be the assistant secretary for lands and mineral management. Listen now

King Cove Road bill passes U.S. House

The U.S. House has passed a bill that would allow a road between King Cove and Cold Bay. If it becomes law, it could end a decades-long quest of Alaska's congressional delegation: An escape route for a town near the start of the Aleutian Chain. Listen now

Alaska’s U.S. senators diverge on repeal, replace

Murkowski wants open hearings on health care, with Democrats. Sullivan says Republicans should keep working as they have because they are nearing a solution that's "very positive for Alaska and the country." Listen now

With budget, US House inches toward ANWR

A budget blueprint in the U.S. House is reviving hopes for Alaskans who want to see the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge open to oil drilling. Listen now

Repeal without replace? Murkowski tweets ‘no’

GOP leaders want to repeal the Affordable Care Act now and replace it later. Sen. Murkowski says "Trust us" plan would just add to market chaos. Listen now