Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.

Trump lauds ANWR passage; Young: ‘We finally got it done’

For hours at a time, no one mentioned the refuge during the congressional debate over the tax bill. But at a White House celebration, ANWR got big props from the president. Listen now
Lawmakers stand around a pdium.

ANWR drilling bill passes Congress

"We finally got it done." Congressman Don Young said. Young dates the start of his work the issue to the Alaska land bill of 1980. For Sen. Lisa Murkowski, the fight over ANWR is a family legacy.

Long ANWR battle ending quietly

After 40 years of fighting about it, Congress is on the verge of opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil development. Environmental groups were able to defeat all previous ANWR drilling bills. Why they were powerless to stop this one? Listen now

Murkowski unsure Congress can investigate Trump on groping charges

Lisa Murkowski was one of the voices calling for Democratic Sen. Al Franken to resign, but she doesn't know what Congress can do about the allegations against the president. Listen now

Protests fail to slow tax bill, or Arctic drilling

Republicans say they've reached a final agreement on their tax bill, and it appears to include ANWR drilling. Democrats complain they haven't been allowed to even see the final agreement, and Rep. Young explains the purpose of cowboy boots. Listen now

Trump signs defense bill to allow more missile interceptors in Alaska

The law authorizes nearly $700 billion for the military, including $200 million for a new missile field at Fort Greely. Actual spending may vary. Listen now

Warning from left: Deficit could eat Alaska’s ANWR money

Drilling opponents warn, no matter how much oil companies bid on ANWR, the feds could give Alaska zero. Listen now

Drilling foes see NPR-A bids, request redo on ANWR estimate

Three Congress members opposed to drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge are challenging the revenue projections for that endeavor, and they have fresh evidence on their side. Listen now

Senate votes ‘aye’ on Balash

The U.S. Senate Thursday confirmed Alaskan Joe Balash as assistant secretary of Interior for land and minerals management. Listen now

Murkowski strikes sweet note on immigration

Sen. Murkowski is helping President Trump achieve his tax overhaul, but she's sounding a different message on immigration.

Young selected to negotiate final tax bill

Rep. Don Young was one of nine Republican House members named Monday to the tax bill conference committee. He says he'll do everything in his power to ensure the bill includes drilling in the Arctic Refuge. Listen now

With Conyers out, Young becomes ‘dean of the House’

Alaska Congressman Don Young is now the longest serving member of Congress. Or he will be shortly, since Rep. Conyers announced he'll leave office within hours. Listen now

Sullivan kills cruise tax, Murkowski adds tax help for ANCs

Alaska's two U.S. senators not only helped Republicans pass their tax cuts early Saturday, they made a pair of 11th-hour additions. Listen now

Tax bill still up for debate, but no sign of dropping ANWR drilling in sight

In Washington, U.S. senators are still debating a bill to cut taxes and repeal the mandate that everyone have health insurance. The bill would also open part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. Listen now

Sullivan defends tax cuts, disputes cost

Sen. Dan Sullivan ardently defended the GOP tax cuts to reporters. Citing his faith in the growth potential of the U.S. economy, Sullivan said the bill won't add as much to the national debt as analysts say. But a new congressional report puts the net cost at $1 trillion. Listen now

Senate votes to take up tax bill, bringing rigs closer to ANWR

Both Alaska senators voted to officially begin debate on a tax-cut bill that would also open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. Sen. Murkowski says the tax changes will help many Alaska families. Listen now

Elephant trophies? Young says yes

President Trump is rethinking whether to allow hunters to important their elephant trophies. But Rep. Don Young wants the trophy ban overturned. Young says the only way to save the elephant is to hunt it. Listen now

House passes tax plan, the bill Young says will open ANWR

Rep. Young says the bill will lower taxes for Alaskans and, once reconciled with the Senate version, open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. But don't run to the bank just yet. Listen now

Democrats fail to stop refuge drilling plan

The U.S. Senate Energy Committee voted to allow drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. "We're not going to stop fighting," a dismayed Gwich'in leader said. "We can't. This is our way of life. This is everything that we know." Listen now

Alaskan officials eager to open ANWR, even if promised more

If a pending measure to open the Arctic Refuge passes, Alaska would get half the revenues. But weren't we promised 90 percent? Listen now