Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.

Murkowski says Pruitt’s Pebble decision surprised her

Sen. Murkowski says the EPA administrator's move to keep alive proposed limits on the mine seemed out of character. Listen now

China seeks bigger role in Arctic

China issued its first national policy on the Arctic, and it reveals expansive ambitions in the far North. "China is stepping into the power vacuum of global leadership since the Trump administration came to power." Listen now

Two lawsuits challenge NPR-A lease sale

Environmental groups filed separate lawsuits Friday challenging the federal government’s December lease sale in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. Listen now

Trump ‘really didn’t care’ about ANWR. Then a friend called.

President Trump says he didn't care much about opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling - until a friend told him other presidents had tried to and failed. Listen now
water and mountains

Enviros sue over King Cove road

That was fast. Conservation groups filed a lawsuit to thwart the King Cove land exchange Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke announced last week. The swap is intended to allow through part of the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge to Cold Bay. Listen now

Bad timing: Power outage hit Earthquake Center before 7.9 shaker

The tsunami warning that rattled Alaskans last week exposed weak spots in the disaster safety net. A fluke caused the Alaska Earthquake Center to go dark for an hour. Listen now

Tsunami warning: what’s important, and what’s crucial

The Trump administration has proposed significant cuts to the tsunami warning system. That includes all funding for 39 sophisticated data buoys. Tsunami experts worry about this but are even more concerned about proposed cuts to something a whole lot more basic. Listen now

Alaska’s US senators split on abortion vote

The U.S. Senate on Monday rejected a bill to ban most abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Sen. Lisa Murkowski was one of only two Republicans to vote “no” on the procedural motion. Listen now

Delegation to Zinke: Thanks, but no thanks, for huge leasing plan

The congressional delegation has asked Interior Sec. Ryan Zinke to exclude all but three areas from his plan for oil and gas leasing off Alaska's shores. Listen now

Zinke signs land trade to allow road for King Cove

Alaska's congressional delegation ticked another item off its decades-old to-do list Monday: Interior Sec. Ryan Zinke signed a land swap agreement to allow a road in the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge for King Cove. Listen now

What’s open, what’s closed if the government shuts down

The government is set to cease operations at Friday at 8 p.m. Alaska time if Congress can't reach an agreement on spending. How will that affect you? Listen now

Alaska senators vote ‘no’ as Congress renews surveillance law

FISA allows the government to collect email and phone records of foreigners overseas without a warrant. Privacy advocates warn it sweeps up communications of Americans, too. Listen now

Rep. Young wants earmarks back, and he’s not alone

Alaska Congressman Don Young says without earmarks, lawmakers can't effectively represent their constituents. "This to me is one of the crucial issues to this Congress, the next Congress and this House," Young told colleagues. And he defends the "bridge to nowhere." Listen now

Economist sees big role for US oil, LNG but finds hurdles in Arctic

The Trump administration says it wants to achieve "energy dominance." The director of the International Energy Agency says the U.S. is well on its way when it comes to petroleum, though he was lukewarm on the Arctic. Listen now
people stand on the dock of a large boat as it approaches a glacier

Knowles quits National Parks panel, says new administration won’t listen

Former Alaska Gov. Tony Knowles led a mass resignation this week from the advisory board of the National Park System. “The department showed no interest in ... continuing to use the forward-thinking agenda of science, the effect of climate change, protections of the ecosystems, education." Listen now

Murkowski, Sullivan contend with less-Republican Senate

Last year, it was all eyes on Sen. Lisa Murkowski. The fate of health care and tax bills seemed at times to turn on what she would do. But this year is shaping up differently in the Senate, and both Alaska senators will have to contend with new dynamics. Listen now

Murkowski condemns Trump for ‘offensive’ remark

Sen. Lisa Murkowski has condemned President Trump for a vulgar term he reportedly used in a White House meeting, referring to countries in Africa and elsewhere. Listen now

Speaker Ryan honors Young, offers tip: ‘swear in,’ not ‘at’

The U.S. House of Representatives  honored - nearly roasted - Congressman Don Young Wednesday for becoming the new "dean of the House." And back home, Young gains a challenger: Alyce Galvin. Listen now

New oil estimate for NPR-A: It’s ‘HUGE’

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has called for more energy production in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, and the new announcement could serve as a marketing brochure. Listen now

$200m for Fort Greely interceptors in spending bill

Congress passed a bill that includes funding to build a fourth field of underground missile silos at Fort Greely. Listen now