Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.

Murkowski zeroes in on Trump admin to stop splitting families at border

“The time is now for the White House to end the cruel, tragic separations of families," Murkowski said in a written statement. If the administration doesn't act quickly, she said, Congress must. Sen. Dan Sullivan called the situation complicated and called for a bipartisan solution from Congress. Listen now

Supreme Court agrees to hear Alaska Hovercraft case again

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to rehear the case of an Alaska moose hunter whose use of a hovercraft in the Nation River got him in trouble with the National Park Service. Listen now

Murkowski, Young respond to Chinese tariff on American seafood imports

Alaska’s economy could suffer as a result of China’s 25 percent tariff on American seafood imports and that worries U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski. In a written statement, Murkowski urges President Donald Trump to reach a trade policy with China that protects the export market. Listen now

Murkowski concerned about Sessions border policy

Sen. Lisa Murkowski said Thursday she's troubled by the Trump administration's practice of removing children from their parents when a family is caught crossing the border without authorization. Listen now

Bill would shift 3% of state’s ANWR revenue to Native corporations

A bill pending in the U.S. House would reduce Alaska's share of revenues from oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and give that money to Alaska Native corporations. Listen now

Interior announces “Readiness Project” for ANWR

The U.S. Interior Department on Thursday announced its first construction projects to prepare for oil exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The department says it will spend $4 million on six projects, most of them in Kaktovik. Listen now

Sweeney nomination wins committee approval

Alaskan Tara Sweeney's nomination to be assistant Interior secretary for Indian Affairs cleared a U.S. Senate Committee today with no opposition - though there may still be one hang-up. Listen now

Murkowski irked at tariffs, and Trump team

President Trump's steel and aluminum tariffs aren't good for Alaska, Sen. Murkowski said. She's frustrated with the on-again/off-again policy announcements, and with EPA Administrator Pruitt. Listen now

This man hopes to bring the gavel down on ANWR drilling

If Democrats take control of the U.S. House, the fate of some of Alaska’s biggest resource priorities could rest with an Arizona congressman most Alaskans have never heard of. Listen now

Trump admin sets crosshairs on Park Service predator rule

The Trump administration is trying to erase another part of President Obama's environmental legacy in Alaska: It wants to roll back a National Park Service ban on several controversial methods of killing bears and wolves. Listen now

Young squeaks Roadless Rule exemption into agriculture bill

It took some doing, but Rep. Don Young squeezed the House for votes Thursday night and got an amendment into the Agriculture bill to exempt Alaska forests from the Roadless Rule. It was a feat that played out on the House floor like political cinema. Listen now

With Pruitt, Murkowski chides without charring

Sen. Murkowski did not ask confrontational questions of the embattled EPA administrator, but she did not leap to Pruitt's defense, either. Listen now

Senators urge Sweeney to be tough at Interior

Alaskan Tara MacLean Sweeney faced no resistance at a U.S. Senate confirmation hearing today on her nomination to be assistant Interior secretary for Indian Affairs. Listen now

Former state senator appointed interim Denali Commission head

Former state senator John Torgerson has been appointed to run the Denali Commission while a search is underway for the organization's next leader. Listen now

Offshore lease schedule for Beaufort draws flak

Democrats in Congress are sounding the alarm about the Interior Department's efforts to hold an offshore oil lease sale in the Beaufort Sea next year. Listen now

Challenger raises substantial sum in bid to unseat Don Young

Federal campaign finance reports show a well-funded challenger is trying to unseat Congressman Don Young in November. Listen now

Murkowski: Mueller investigation must continue

"I think it is so important, it is so imperative, that this investigation be allowed to go forward," Murkowski said. "And it will take the course that it will take." She didn't commit to supporting a bill to protect Mueller from dismissal. Listen now

Trump picks Anchorage attorney for District Court

President Trump has nominated Jonathan Katchen to serve as a U.S. District Court judge in Alaska. Listen now

Facebook CEO dodges Sullivan’s softball

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was contrite in a U.S. Senate hearing. But he wouldn't play along when Sen. Dan Sullivan wanted to make a point about regulation. Listen now
Alaska News Nightly by Alaska Public Media

Political operative accused of battery in Vegas

Sen. Dan Sullivan’s former campaign manager Ben Sparks may be facing arrest following a bizarre report of domestic violence in Las Vegas. Listen now