Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.

Don ‘Moose’ Young says farewell to Bush

When Alaska Congressman Don Young thinks of the 41st president, he remembers a nice guy who could be fierce with a racquet.

No earthquake policy? Your loss may still be insured

You probably don't have earthquake insurance. Fewer than 20 percent of Alaska homeowners do. But if your property was damaged, you may still have options to get compensation.

Icebreaker could lose out to wall

If Congress grants President Trump $5 billion for border security, it may come at the expense of a top Alaska priority — a polar icebreaker. 

Murkowski all in for Hyde-Smith, despite ‘hanging’ remark

Some contributors asked for refunds after the Mississippi senator seemed to make light of lynching. But Sen. Lisa Murkowski made a maximum campaign contribution.

Medicaid decision allows more beds for substance abuse treatment

Medicaid has an old rule that says it won't pay for substance abuse treatment if a facility has more than 16 beds. Alaska can now ignore that restriction.
Map showing the region of ANWR (Shiri Segal/Alaska Public Media)

Seismic work in ANWR this winter? Time will tell.

SAExploration hopes to collect data within the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge before the government holds an oil lease sale next summer.

Rep. Young proposes rule change that puts him on GOP panel

When Congressman Don Young became the most senior member, or “dean”, of the House, the role had no power. But it does now.

Sen. Sullivan: Mueller doesn’t need Congress to protect him

U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan said a bill to protect the Mueller investigation isn't needed because the president has said he doesn't intend to replace Robert Mueller. "I take him at his word on that.”

Murkowski won’t block judges to get Mueller protection bill

Sen. Jeff Flake says he'll vote against all judicial nominees unless the Mueller protection bill is brought to the floor for a vote. He needs one more Republican to join him. Murkowski says it won't be her.

Coast Guard bill would end EPA permit mandate for fishing boats

For years, Alaska's commercial fishing fleet has dreaded a requirement to obtain a permit for even basic boat discharges, like draining a fish hold, or hosing down a deck. Now, Congress is on the verge of ditching the requirement forever.

Report: Data lacking on murdered Native women

Many police departments didn't respond to requests for data about missing or murdered indigenous women. "You will never solve a problem you won't admit you have, that you don't have data on," says Sen. Heidi Heitkamp.

Justices wrestle how to set hovercraft case apart from subsistence

The U.S Supreme Court again heard a case that pits the National Park Service against Alaska's sovereignty, and this time subsistence was a big topic. Audio includes excerpts of the arguments.

Young defeats Galvin in race for 24th term

With the first ballots counted, Alaska's lone member of the U.S. House Representatives, Don Young, is leading first-time candidate Alyse Galvin. Listen now

US House race: The polls, PACs and final pitches

Rep. Don Young got some six-figure help from a Republican PAC while his campaign is running an ad accusing independent challenger Alyse Galvin of taking money from Democratic PACs. Galvin had several beefs with the ad and called it "very distressing." Listen now

Ground game: How Galvin camp hopes to unseat Young

Rep. Don Young is all over the airwaves but his ground game isn't so visible in Anchorage, where Alyse Galvin's campaign has volunteers canvassing the neighborhoods.

Tensions show in Young-Galvin debate, and not just between the candidates

Testy moments punctuated the debate when Rep. Don Young and challenger Alyse Galvin faced off. Listen now

What’s the deal with Murkowski’s ‘present’ vote?

Some liberals were mad at Sen. Murkowski because technically, she didn't vote "no" on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh. She voted "present." And there's a long backstory to that. Listen now

Tara Sweeney returns to AFN, now representing feds

Sweeney called for continued vigilance against drug use in Native communities. "I am committed to finding new ways for the BIA to be engaged in protecting our Alaska Native villages," she said. Listen now

Indicators mixed in US House race

Challenger Alyse Galvin would seem to be on a roll. Two recent polls have shown she's close to Rep. Don Young, and she's raised nearly $1.2 million. But other signs aren't so positive for her. Listen now

Trump signs Sullivan bill aimed at reducing plastic waste in ocean

The "Save Our Seas" law encourages the executive branch to take up the problem of plastic waste internationally. It was sponsored by Sullivan and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I. Listen now