Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.

Protesters target SAExploration in Texas over Arctic Refuge

A group of Native American protesters went to the offices of SAExploration in Houston today to object to work the company wants to do in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Federal furlough drives Alaskans to the unemployment line

Hundreds of furloughed federal workers in Alaska are filing unemployment claims. They'll have to pay back any benefits they receive once they get retroactive pay.

A functioning government or border security? Murkowski wants both

"I've got a lot of people who are saying 'Lisa, you've got to stand with the president. ...'" Murkowski said on the Senate floor. "And then I have an equal number that are saying, 'Please, please, do something to help reopen this government.'"

In Congress, Alaskans are split over shutdown

Republicans in Congress remain mostly united behind President Trump and his rejection of legislation to re-open government departments unless it includes $5 billion for a border wall. But the Alaska delegation is split on this.

Young considers crossing aisle as shutdown grinds on

In Congress, several Republicans are talking about voting with the Democrats to reopen most of the unfunded departments. Among Alaska's delegation to Congress, two say they're warm to the idea, and one isn't saying. 

Build a wall with military funds? Murkowski says no

Trump has been floating the idea of building a wall using military construction dollars. Sen. Lisa Murkowski isn’t on board with that. With 5,700 Alaskans unsure whether they'll miss a payday, she wants to see Congress pass the less controversial bills to at least shrink the number of workers affected.

Murkowski aims to revive public lands bill, despite objection

One of Sen. Lisa Murkowski's first priorities of the year is to pass a 680-page public lands bill. Murkowski nearly passed it last month but was thwarted by a single senator.

DC police: Driver handled ringing phone as bus struck Skagway mayor and her mother

Gerard Derrick James, 45, was arrested Thursday, according to the D.C. Metropolitan Police. They say video footage shows James picked up his ringing cell phone just before impact.

Effects of government shutdown not as severe as in the past

For a number of reasons, the effects of this shutdown are more subtle than in the past.

Skagway mayor and her mother die after hit by DC tour bus

D.C. Metropolitan Police say 61-year-old Monica Adams Carlson of Skagway, and 85-year-old Cora Louise Adams of Washington state were struck in a crosswalk on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Why Alaska’s US senators say ‘no’ to criminal justice reform bill

President Trump is congratulating the U.S. Senate for passing a criminal justice reform bill that shortens sentences for some federal inmates. But both Alaska senators voted against it.

Farm bill’s untold story: What Congress did for fish sticks

The national school lunch program has for decades required school districts to buy American-made food. But twice-frozen Russian pollock, processed in China, is on the lunch tray in many U.S. schools. Sen. Dan Sullivan pressed Congress to close that loophole.

ANWR drilling foes see chance to sow doubt

What can opponents of drilling in the Arctic Refuge expect to accomplish with control of just one chamber of Congress? Momentum.

Disaster aid for Alaska to be linked to relief for Calif. wildfires

Sen. Lisa Murkowski says disaster funds for Alaska will likely be included early next year in a bill with aid for the victims of the California wildfires. "So Alaska is not alone in this," she said.

Don ‘Moose’ Young says farewell to Bush

When Alaska Congressman Don Young thinks of the 41st president, he remembers a nice guy who could be fierce with a racquet.

No earthquake policy? Your loss may still be insured

You probably don't have earthquake insurance. Fewer than 20 percent of Alaska homeowners do. But if your property was damaged, you may still have options to get compensation.

Icebreaker could lose out to wall

If Congress grants President Trump $5 billion for border security, it may come at the expense of a top Alaska priority — a polar icebreaker. 

Murkowski all in for Hyde-Smith, despite ‘hanging’ remark

Some contributors asked for refunds after the Mississippi senator seemed to make light of lynching. But Sen. Lisa Murkowski made a maximum campaign contribution.

Medicaid decision allows more beds for substance abuse treatment

Medicaid has an old rule that says it won't pay for substance abuse treatment if a facility has more than 16 beds. Alaska can now ignore that restriction.
Map showing the region of ANWR (Shiri Segal/Alaska Public Media)

Seismic work in ANWR this winter? Time will tell.

SAExploration hopes to collect data within the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge before the government holds an oil lease sale next summer.