Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.

Senate bill prods EPA on PFAS contamination

PFAS have been discovered in more than a dozen Alaska communities, particularly in water wells. A U.S. Senate bill aims to make PFAS-contaminated sites eligible for Superfund cleanup.

Senior aide to Rep. Young lands BLM job

A long-time aide of Congressman Don Young has been selected to head the Bureau of Land Management in Alaska.

Trump’s emergency declaration splits Alaska delegation

A close vote is expected when the Senate decides whether to reverse President Trump’s declaration of an emergency to build a wall on the southern border. The Alaska delegation is split on the question.
Capitol Steps

Native Vietnam vets get another chance to claim 160 acres

Congress passed a sweeping public lands bill that includes a provision allowing Alaska Native veterans of the Vietnam War era apply for land allotments. Critics worry about a land grab.

US Senate sidelines “Born-Alive” bill

The stage was set for a divisive vote related to late-term abortion, and one open question was how Sen. Lisa Murkowski would vote.

Rep. Young seeks legal path for CBD

Congressman Don Young is the only Republican to join a group of House Democrats on a letter seeking legal status for cannabidiol, a popular and non-intoxicating additive known as CBD.

Sullivan: Trump’s emergency wall money ‘probably legal’

Sen. Dan Sullivan says President Trump probably can rely on his emergency declaration to divert military construction money to the southern border. "I've been supportive of the president's request for robust funding for barriers, fences, the wall ... however you want to describe it." Sullivan said, though he is concerned that money for Alaska projects could be diverted.

Old DC jobs are new again for two Alaskans

Two Alaskans are back at their old jobs in Washington, D.C., both because of the election of Gov. Mike Dunleavy.

Murkowski cool to Dunleavy cuts

Sen. Lisa Murkowski said the state has big budget decisions to make, decisions she made clear are not up to her. But she expressed reservations about several cuts Gov. Mike Dunleavy has proposed.

Industry launches campaign to rid ocean of plastic. Is it for real?

The plastics industry has a new billion-dollar campaign to get plastic trash out of the ocean. Sen. Dan Sullivan and a close ally are working on a bill to enhance that campaign. But is industry really suited to clean up the mess its products create?

Trump’s wall could drain money from Alaska military projects

President Trump's plan to divert $3.6 billion from military construction accounts could drain money from Alaska projects.

Rep. Young sponsors bill to bring back deported vets

The "Repatriate Our Patriots" bill would allow honorably discharged veterans to return to the U.S. as permanent residents and apply for citizenship.

Big win for Murkowski: Public lands bill passes Senate

The U.S. Senate today passed a massive public lands bill, and to the delight of its sponsor, Sen. Lisa Murkowski, the vote was overwhelming.

Drilling foes in House launch bill to close ANWR

Opponents of development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge filed a U.S. House bill Monday that would end the possibility of drilling in the refuge. The bill's prospects are dim in the Senate, but sponsors say they will press on.

State of the Union gets warm reception from Alaska delegation

Alaska’s all-Republican delegation to Congress praised President Trump for delivering a positive message in his State of the Union address Tuesday night.

US House dems push climate change into spotlight

The House hasn't paid much attention to climate change in nearly a decade. That streak came to an end Wednesday with two simultaneous hearings. Democrats are showing that things are different now that they hold the gavels.

Trump’s pick for Interior secretary has worked for Alaska and energy industry

President Trump has nominated David Bernhardt to be the next secretary of Interior, to replace Ryan Zinke.

Calls for ‘vigilance’ on Russian military buildup in Arctic

Russia's Arctic ambitions worry regional experts. So do the lack of ambitions on the part of the United States.

Pebble boosts spending to lobby feds

Washington, D.C. firms report Pebble paid them $1.2 million to lobby Congress and the executive branch in 2018.

‘Uber for icebreakers’ idea gains traction

Money for a new polar icebreaker is caught up in the fight over whether to build a wall at the southern border. But there’s more than one way to break ice.