Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.

How would lifting the Roadless Rule change Tongass logging? Not much, both sides say

But at a U.S. House hearing Wednesday, people for and against the rule agreed that removing the roadless restrictions won't make much difference for an industry that's already a shadow of its former self.

With pixels and stagecraft, ‘Arctic Experience’ aims to inspire the next generation to fight Big Oil

A multimedia exhibit about the Arctic popped up in a trendy warehouse district of Washington, D.C. last weekend. It aims to wow, not just with beautiful video, but scented fog and ethereal music. It’s...

Ads use Ukraine scandal, urging Murkowski to reject a Trump judicial pick

A liberal advocacy group is leveraging the Ukraine scandal in ads that target Alaskans. Their aim is to drum up constituent messages to Sen. Lisa Murkowski, urging her to vote no on a Trump judicial nominee.

Senate passes bill with funds for murdered and missing indigenous women

Spotty data makes it hard for researchers to quantify the killings and disappearances of Native women. The recent spending bill directs the Bureau of Indian Affairs to coordinate with law enforcement agencies and develop guidelines for data collection.

Judge says Alaska should crack down on unlimited contributions in state elections

Judge William Morse says the Alaska Public Office Commission should reinstate the $500 annual per-person contribution limit to independent groups, which APOC stopped enforcing following a 2010 U.S. Supreme Court decision called Citizens United.

Headbutt or head nudge? MoveOn gets a rise out of Rep. Young

Alaska Rep. Don Young has been all over social media this week because activists from the liberal group MoveOn posted a video of him headbutting their camera.

Alaska congressman explains why he voted ‘no’ on new rules for Trump impeachment probe

Alaska Rep. Don Young says the newly adopted rules don't give the Republican minority enough authority in the process.

Murkowski is one of the only Senate Republicans who didn’t back the anti-impeachment resolution. Here’s why.

Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski says the Senate shouldn't tell the House what to do.

Sullivan joins measure knocking House for impeachment inquiry

Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan said the House's current impeachment inquiry is more partisan than the process faced by presidents Clinton or Nixon.

‘You’re not listening to the science’: Pebble Mine fight aired at US House hearing

For Alaskans opposed to the Pebble Mine, a hearing in the U.S. House Wednesday was an opportunity to raise the issue on a national stage, and to ask Congress to stop the proposed gold and copper mine upstream from Bristol Bay.

Stevens portrait unveiled at US Senate

With members of the Stevens family on hand, the unveiling was an opportunity to reflect on the senator who represented Alaska from 1968 to 2009.

Pebble pays more than $1M to hire well-connected DC lobbyists

Pebble Limited Partnership has spent a fortune to hire some of Washington's most influential insiders as lobbyists. The mine's opponents are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, too.

Sullivan took a stand against Trump’s withdrawal from Syria border. Now he says Trump had no good options

Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan says a Pentagon briefing late last week changed his perspective.

AG Barr announces $42 million in tribal grants to combat crime and help victims in rural Alaska

The money is slated to go to tribal councils, women's shelters, youth programs, substance abuse programs and policing.
woman stands at podium. men in suits on either side of her.

Murkowski, true to form, breaks with GOP colleagues on ethical questions about Trump

Is President Trump's plan to hold the international conference at a Trump golf club in Florida appropriate? Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski says "no."

At White House podium, Fairbanks business owner decries ‘arbitrary’ wetlands enforcement

President Trump on Wednesday turned his White House microphone over to Alaska business owner Richard Schok to highlight what he says is unfair government regulation.
A swampy flat area with rolling hills in the background

A second set of Pebble Mine opponents to sue the EPA

A coalition of groups that oppose the Pebble Mine has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It’s the second such lawsuit in two days.  This time, the plaintiffs are 14 environmental groups,...

These Republicans are pushing Murkowski to take a stand against Trump

A national group called Republicans for the Rule of Law is running ads aimed at moving Sen. Lisa Murkowski to criticize President Trump for asking Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden.

Murkowski and Sullivan condemn Trump’s Syria decision

Both of Alaska's U.S. senators have joined the chorus of Republicans criticizing President Trump's decision to pull U.S. troops from northern Syria.
A man in a hard hat works on a building.

Trump signs bill to relax air quality rule for Alaska diesel generators

Village power utilities say the equipment needed to meet the so-called "Tier 4" emissions standard is impractical.