Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.

Goldman Sachs becomes first major U.S. bank to rule out funding for Arctic oil

Other companies that restrict financing for Arctic drilling include Royal Bank of Scotland, Barclays and HSBC.
People stand with signs that spell impeach. white dome of capitol visible behind them

Impeachment: Young votes no, and Alaska’s senators aren’t likely to vote against Trump, either

Alaska Congressman Don Young, like all House Republicans, voted against impeaching President Trump today, and both of Alaska’s U.S. senators appear likely to vote against removing the president from office.

Dunleavy lauded for fiscal discipline at conservative DC think tank

The Heritage Foundation billed Dunleavy as a fiscal hawk with lessons for Washington. The recall campaign sees it differently.

Russia’s military dominance over Arctic grows while US treads water, security experts tell Senate panel

Russia and China stepped up their game in the Arctic this year while the United States is just waking to the strategic power competition in the region, experts told a Senate panel.

Bill would give Alaskans an advisory role in Arctic shipping

A bill advancing in the U.S. Senate aims to allow new maritime opportunities in the Arctic while designing a framework that ensures safety.

Four key details in 2019 Arctic Report Card show extent, impacts of warming climate

As the Arctic warms, one effect magnifies the next, and a way of life is threatened.
A silver sign that says "The Pebble Partnership"

Pebble’s owner reports growing deficit and doubts about its future. Again.

A spokesman says Pebble remains confident. The parent company says it's lost $40 million so far this year, and has a deficit over $400 million.

Alaskan zips through confirmation hearing for US District Court seat

Joshua Kindred of Anchorage sailed through his U.S. Senate confirmation hearing. "I thought he did just fine in the questions he was asked," one observer said.
a man with a blue tie

Trump’s nominee for US court in Alaska gets low marks from state Bar but has youth on his side

Josh Kindred was rated 16th out of 20 candidates. In choosing him, Trump veered from the process Alaska's senators normally employ to ensure a merit-based selection.

Alaska’s senators want Congress to renew the Violence Against Women Act, but bill has become partisan football

Domestic violence isn't a red state problem or blue state problem. But passing a bill combat the epidemic has become a partisan battlefield in the U.S. Senate.

‘Savanna’s Act’ advances in US Senate; Aimed at mending police response to violence against Native women

The bill requires better data collection and fosters cooperation among police agencies.
photo collage of three faces

Those impeachment hearings? Alaska’s congressional delegation isn’t watching

Both of Alaska's U.S. senators and its congressman say they're too busy with their official duties to closely follow the impeachment testimony.

Murkowski wants Pentagon to have an Arctic studies center and name it for Ted Stevens

A bill Murkowski sponsored would create a new Defense Department facility in Alaska: the Ted Stevens Arctic Security Studies Center

Could tiny nuclear reactors power Alaska villages?

Dan Brouillette would continue a quest to develop mini nuclear reactors, as well as renewables and carbon capture.

How would lifting the Roadless Rule change Tongass logging? Not much, both sides say

But at a U.S. House hearing Wednesday, people for and against the rule agreed that removing the roadless restrictions won't make much difference for an industry that's already a shadow of its former self.

With pixels and stagecraft, ‘Arctic Experience’ aims to inspire the next generation to fight Big Oil

A multimedia exhibit about the Arctic popped up in a trendy warehouse district of Washington, D.C. last weekend. It aims to wow, not just with beautiful video, but scented fog and ethereal music. It’s...

Ads use Ukraine scandal, urging Murkowski to reject a Trump judicial pick

A liberal advocacy group is leveraging the Ukraine scandal in ads that target Alaskans. Their aim is to drum up constituent messages to Sen. Lisa Murkowski, urging her to vote no on a Trump judicial nominee.

Senate passes bill with funds for murdered and missing indigenous women

Spotty data makes it hard for researchers to quantify the killings and disappearances of Native women. The recent spending bill directs the Bureau of Indian Affairs to coordinate with law enforcement agencies and develop guidelines for data collection.

Judge says Alaska should crack down on unlimited contributions in state elections

Judge William Morse says the Alaska Public Office Commission should reinstate the $500 annual per-person contribution limit to independent groups, which APOC stopped enforcing following a 2010 U.S. Supreme Court decision called Citizens United.

Headbutt or head nudge? MoveOn gets a rise out of Rep. Young

Alaska Rep. Don Young has been all over social media this week because activists from the liberal group MoveOn posted a video of him headbutting their camera.