Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.

Female Denali Commission employees file discrimination complaints against boss

At least four female employees have filed civil rights complaints against the top executive at the Denali Commission, according to an Anchorage lawyer. Jason Hoke has been out of the office since Friday.

Wells Fargo becomes third major US bank to nix Arctic oil investment

Wells Fargo says it won’t finance oil development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. That follows similar announcements by Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase,

Coronavirus hasn’t hit Alaskans, but economists here are bracing for impact

Alaska has no known cases of the coronavirus, but the outbreak has set off economic shockwaves that are already jolting Alaskans. But foreseeable outcomes are not universally terrible.

Behind the scenes, Pebble leaned on Dunleavy, pleading for its survival

Publicly, Pebble CEO Tom Collier radiates confidence about his company. His emails to the governor's office tell a different story.

What Congress and the Trump administration are doing to address the crisis of missing and murdered indigenous women

A 2018 report highlighting the crisis of "Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women" got the gears of government to turn.

Alaska’s US senators split on curbing Trump’s power to attack Iran

Sen. Murkowski was one of eight Republicans who crossed the aisle to pass a resolution restricting President Trump’s power to attack Iran.

Senate confirms Kindred to US District Court

The U.S. Senate today confirmed Joshua Kindred to be a federal District Court judge in Alaska.

President’s budget would whack Denali Commission, but that’s just a suggestion

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Several large cuts to Alaska programs are included in the 2021 budget the Trump administration sent to Capitol Hill Monday. As in past years, Trump proposes to slash the Denali Commission. Its...

Sullivan, after voting to acquit Trump, calls the president’s actions less than ‘perfect’

"I believe the President should have requested such an investigation through more official and robust channels," Sen. Dan Sullivan says

Murkowski: ‘The president’s behavior was shameful’

Sen. Murkowski says President Trump brought dishonor to the office, but she won't vote to remove him. 

Murkowski, whose Alaska supporters run the spectrum, has angered the left

Sen. Murkowski's support is drawn from right and left, ensuring she'll disappoint a lot of her base on any high-profile partisan vote.
woman stands at podium. men in suits on either side of her.

Murkowski confirms she’ll vote no on witnesses in impeachment trial

Senator Lisa Murkowski announced Friday that she will vote to call witnesses in the impeachment proceedings before the Senate, putting herself among a minority of Republicans to support a Democratic push to extend the proceeding.

Reporter’s notebook: Tracking the inscrutable Lisa Murkowski

Mitt Romney and Susan Collins have been a babbling brook compared to Lisa Murkowski. The national spotlight has been on these three Republican senators, deemed the most likely to vote for witnesses at the...

Impeachment witnesses? Murkowski still isn’t saying.

Murkowski remains curious about what John Bolton might say, but thinks it’s too soon for her to decide on witnesses. And the offenses she called out last week? She says they won't factor in her decision.

Trump administration eases protection of wetlands

The new rule redefines which waters are covered by the federal Clean Water Act.

Murkowski joins Republican chorus calling Rep. Nadler’s remark ‘offensive’

“As one who is listening attentively and working hard to get to a fair process, I was offended," Sen. Murkowski said.

Murkowski says she’ll vote against impeachment witnesses Tuesday. That’s not her final answer.

Sen. Murkowski says senators should decide later in the trial whether to call witnesses, so she'll vote against Democratic amendments Tuesday.
a man with a blue tie

Nominee for US District Court in Alaska clears Senate committee

The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee advanced Kindred’s nomination Thursday.

Plastics: US Senate takes another shot at marine debris

Save Our Seas 2.0 is sponsored by Sen. Dan Sullivan. It emphasizes outreach to other countries and includes a "genius" prize.

‘Disturbed’: Murkowski didn’t mean quite what you thought she meant

To partisans, Murkowski's ways don't satisfy. They say she zig-zags. But Murkowski sees herself on a straight line called "process."