Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.
Lt. Gen. David Krumm sitting in a chair in an office

The military sharpens its focus on the Arctic

As the Arctic warms, it increasingly has the potential to become an arena where world powers compete for dominance. While Russia and China are beefing up their Arctic presence, the Pentagon has been slow to make the Arctic a priority. Alaska Public Media’s Liz Ruskin reports that may be changing.

Highways, ferries and more: What the federal infrastructure bill will fund in Alaska

All three members of Alaska’s congressional delegation voted for the bill.
a person holds a Covid-19 vaccination record card

What to know about Biden’s 3 COVID vaccine mandates

President Biden has issued three vaccine mandates. They cover different groups of workers, and they don’t cover everyone.
people sitting at a conference table, masked

Native veterans get land allotments, 50 years after initial deadline passed

Two veterans got up to 160 acres apiece. Their land is near Goodnews Bay in Southwest Alaska.
poster of John Lewis' face attached to a metal box, in front of the U.S. Capitol

Murkowski is the only Senate Republican who voted to advance voting rights bill

Democrats needed 10 Republicans to help them move the John Lewis voting bill. They got just one.
A concrete sign with an emblem of the Alaska flag and the words "Nesbett Courthouse". A sidwalk and streetlamps are in the background

Ruling allows nurse practitioners in Alaska to prescribe abortion pills

A preliminary injunction halts part of a state law that restricts who can conduct abortions.
a small vial sits on a table

Alaska sues to challenge Biden’s COVID vaccine mandate for federal contractors

Ten states have filed a legal challenge, claiming the mandate violates state laws.
A river and mountains.

House version of Biden’s $1.75 trillion bill would cancel drilling leases in Arctic Refuge

The bill has a long way to go, but the latest version would repeal a 2017 provision opening ANWR to drilling.

Earmarks: They’re back, and Murkowski is using them to steer money home

Sen. Murkowski has a $230 million wish list of dozens of Alaska projects she wants in the next batch of spending bills.
A man stands in the middle of a street.

A Republican Begich runs for Alaska’s US House seat, challenging Rep. Young

At 44, he's half the age of the congressman, whom he supported in 2020.

Exxon transfers Point Thomson operations on Alaska’s North Slope to Hilcorp

ExxonMobil will keep its ownership stake and "remains committed to Point Thomson," a spokesman says.
a person speaks into a microphone

Sullivan takes issue with Biden vaccine mandate, asks employers to delay enforcement

U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan says employers should disregard President Biden’s vaccine mandate, keep unvaccinated workers on the job and wait for the courts to rule. "I think the president is going to lose that case in every court in America," he said.
A pipeline stretching toward a sunset

Biden administration lets stand a judgment thwarting Willow, a ConocoPhillips drilling project in Arctic

A judge's decision reversed approval for the NPR-A project. The Biden administration did not appeal the ruling by Tuesday's deadline.
moonrise over Capitol, with dome to the left and purple sky.

Voting reform bill stalls in US Senate. Alaska senators, like all Republicans, voted no.

The "Freedom to Vote" bill sets minimum standards and would make election day a holiday.

Nearly all workers at Providence and Alaska Native health care system are complying with COVID vaccine mandates

Local health care employers say more than 96% of their staffers are vaccinated.

Incivility in Anchorage: Ex-Assembly members do not approve

There was a time when the other side wasn't considered evil, they say.
people hold up signs that spell out "VOTE"

Why you might see tribal recognition on Alaska’s 2022 ballot

Voters will decide if the state should recognize tribes, if a signature drive is successful.
A square building with red bottom

Ex-Alaska Psychiatric Institute docs win federal court victory in challenge to Dunleavy ‘loyalty pledge’

Two psychiatrists who were fired from the Alaska Psychiatric Institute in 2018 have won their case in U.S. District Court against Gov. Mike Dunleavy and former Chief of Staff Tuckerman Babcock.
July 24, 2018 in Washington, DC

Murkowski helps move bill to avoid national default, but with limited political risk as no Republicans vote to raise debt cap

Sen. Lisa Murkowski was among 11 Republicans who joined Democrats to advance a bill to extend the national debt limit Thursday night, but she didn't stick her neck out very far. The final vote was...

Even Murkowski won’t cross aisle to help Democrats raise debt ceiling

U.S. Sen. Murkowski says a national debt default would be the "height of irresponsibility." But the GOP is united in saddling Democrats with the duty.