Kristin Spack

Kristin Spack

“Frankenfish” Scare Alaska Salmon Harvesters

The federal Food and Drug Administration will take public testimony later this month on an issue that has many Alaska commercial fishermen up in arms.  The FDA is considering approval...

Live Coverage: President Obama News Conference

KSKA with NPR News will provide live, anchored coverage of President Obama's new conference on Friday, September 10 at 7:00 am during Morning Edition. This is the President's first full-scale question and answer session...

Staffing Study Says Current Police Staffing Will Allow More Community Involvment

Increase Community Policing and cut down on the time officer's spend handling "calls for service." Those were just two of the recommendations released today (yesterday) in a staffing and deployment study of the...

Addressing Alaskans: Senator Begich and Ambassador Grabar-Kitarović

Senator Mark Begich met with Croatia's ambassador to the United States at a joint luncheon hosted by the the Alaska World Affairs Council and the World Trade Center of...

Volunteer Effort Produces Big Results

Today hundreds of volunteers headed to dozens of projects across Anchorage for the United Way's annual Day of Caring. As KSKA's Len Anderson reports, this yearly partnership between corporate volunteers and local non-profits...

Hometown, Alaska: Volunteerism

September 11th has been declared the National Day of Service - a day to adopt a charity, or do a good deed. We’re going to take a closer look at what people are...

Audubon Watchlist Pinpoints Species in Trouble

Audubon Alaska has released  a list of birds in trouble.   The 2010 Audubon Watchlist pinpoints 49 declining and vulnerable bird species in Alaska.  The list is an early warning system that calls...

Traveling Music: September 5, 2010

Here’s the music playlist from the September 5 , 2010 edition of Traveling Music with Shonti Elder. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist / Composer CD Title Label Duration This...

Borough to Air Matanuska River Management Plan

Photo source: A wet summer has swollen the waters of the Matanuska River, and now some homeowners living a little too close to the edge are worried about eroding riverbanks. KSKA's Ellen Lockyer...

Sullivan Says City Shortfall Tops 18 Million Dollars

Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan says city revenues do not meet estimated costs for next year's municipal budget. Anchorage's budget for 2011 is in preparation now, and city residents are being warned they may...

Addressing Alaskans: Jerene Mortensen

Jerene Mortensen, mother of Three Cups of Tea and Stones in Schools author, Greg Mortensen recently moved to Anchorage in December 2009. Since arriving, she's been touring Anchorage schools talking with students and various...

Engineering Update: Thursday, Sept. 2

KSKA's engineers are working to prevent the infrequent drop outs you've heard this week, most recently during Addressing Alaskans at 2:28 pm. The program was restored about 3 minutes later. Typically these drop outs...

Only in Alaska Can Stuff Like This Happen

The shock wave felt Tuesday night with Lisa Murkowski's concession in the Republican U.S. Senate primary race sent tremors throughout Alaska's political landscape. KSKA's Ellen Lockyer spoke with Anchorage pollster Ivan Moore about...

Hometown, Alaska: The Great Death

The epidemics that swept through Alaska Native villages in the early 20th century are among the most tragic and least known events in Alaska history. Entire communities perished, and the impacts are still felt....

Murkowski Concedes to Miller

Photos by Annie Feidt, APRN – Anchorage Senator Lisa Murkowski conceded her bid for reelection to primary opponent Joe Miller early Tuesday evening saying it was for the  “good of  the state of...

Vote Gap Between Murkowski and Miller Narrows Slightly

The absentee ballot count today in the Republican U.S. Senate primary shows a slight narrowing of the gap between Lisa Murkowski and Joe Miller at this hour. As of 5:00...

Live Coverage: President Obama on Iraq

Tuesday during All Things Considered President Barrack Obama will address the nation from the Oval Office. Obama promised in 2009 to end the formal “combat” mission in Iraq on August 31. Earlier this week...

UPS Pilots Seek State Help

A plan by rapid package shipper UPS to furlough Anchorage based pilots is meeting resistance with the help of Alaska’s elected officials. Earlier this year, UPS announced plans to furlough some 300...

Line One: Screening for Breast Cancer

In December of 2009, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force released updated breast cancer screening guidelines, sparking controversy in the media, and medical and political communities nationwide. The updated guidelines advise against regular screening...

Alaska Radio Reader Rambler: Traveling Artists

Nine months a year or sometimes more, Bill Fabris and Jerry Steichen spend touring the world in different theater and musical productions. Back in one of the many places they call home, Bill and...