Kristin Spack

Kristin Spack

Stage Talk: Hot Spanish Nights

Hot Spanish Nights at the Anchorage Opera incorporates vigorous and rhythmic Flamenco dancing and guitar, Spanish piano works and highlights from one of the most powerful Zarzuelas every written, Pablo Sorobázal La Tabernera del...

Lawmakers want Stimulus Funds The Governor Rejected

The state senate today (Friday) introduced a resolution that would accept any federal economic stimulus money Governor Palin turns down. Dave Donaldson, APRN - Juneau Download Audio (MP3)

Kalskag Grizzlies Win Division 1A Champs

The Alaska State High School Basketball Tournaments are taking place in Anchorage this week. The big schools are still playing, but the small school contests have already wrapped-up. Shane Iverson, KYUK - Bethel Download Audio (MP3)

Looking Back On the First Reactions to the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

Twenty years ago next Tuesday, the nation’s worst oil spill happened. The tanker Exxon Valdez went aground and ripped itself open at the top end of Prince William Sound. Steve Heimel, APRN - Anchorage Download Audio...

Oil Spill Still Fresh in the Minds of Cordovans

Patience Andersen Faulkner was living in Cordova at the time of the spill. Now she’s president of the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council and tries to make sure the lessons learned after...

Southeast Alaska in Population Decline

In the last eight years, southeast Alaska has lost more population than any other region around the state. Deanna Garrison, KRBD - Ketchikan Download Audio (MP3)

D.C. Company Gives Up Alaska Tidal Energy Plans

A Washington D.C. company has given up federal permits to study the potential for tidal power generation at two sites in southeast Alaska.| Joe Viechnicki, KFSK - Petersburg Download Audio (MP3)

Alaska News Nightly: March 20, 2009

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via e-mail, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Lawmakers want Stimulus Funds The Governor Rejected Dave Donaldson, APRN -...

Palin stimulus decision stuns Anchorage school superintendent

Yesterday the governor announced she found the federal stimulus package too restrictive on future state fiscal action and rejected a sizeable portion of the money. Much of the money she refused was for...

Governor Palin Rejects Stimulus Funds

The Governor today followed through on hints she has made in the past that the federal stimulus package is too restrictive on future state fiscal action. She is producing legislation that would reject nearly...

Report Casts Doubt on Lawmaker’s Ability To Accept Funds

Even if the legislature does vote to apply for the money, over riding the Governor’s decision, its not clear whether the state will ultimately be able to accept the funding. The federal stimulus bill...

Begich Hopes Legislature Takes Stimulus Money

Senator Mark Begich reacted with disappointment today to the Governor’s decision to reject nearly half the state’s stimulus money. Alaska’s Democratic Senator says he hopes the legislature will take the rest of the stimulus...

Anchorage Superintendent Angry With Palin’s Decision

The governor’s rejection of 170-million dollars in education funding caught Anchorage School Superintendent Carol Comeau completely by surprise. An hour later when KSKA’s Len Anderson talked to her, the superintendent was still dumbfounded by...

Senate Passes Izembek Land Swap–Again

For the second time, the U.S.  Senate has approved a hefty public lands package that includes a land swap in the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge. It could increase the size of the Izembek and...

Iditarod Finishers Continue to Arrive in Nome

The action is picking up in Nome at the finish line of the Iditarod. Willow musher Ramey Smyth recorded another top ten finish - the sixth of his Iditarod career - when he...

Iditarod GPS Tracking Gets Good Reviews

The Iditarod Trail Committee’s “Insider” coverage package is completing its first year of offering paid subscribers a GPS tracking system on the Internet. Every musher in the field was required to carry a GPS...

Wildlife Group Sues Over State Predator Control Move

Defenders of Wildlife is asking the court to stop Fish and Game from shooting wolves from helicopters in the eastern interior. Defender’s Alaska Representative Wade Willis says the state acted illegally when it began...

Ghost Haunts Alaska’s Oldest Building

Any building that is 200 years old almost certainly has ghost stories associated with it, and Kodiak’s Erskine House, the oldest building in Alaska, is no exception. Jay Barrett, KMXT - Kodiak Download Audio (MP3)

Alaska News Nightly: March 19, 2009

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via e-mail, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Governor Palin Rejects Stimulus Funds Dave Donaldson,...