Kristin Spack

Kristin Spack

Volcano Alert Level Lowered

The Alaska Volcano Observatory has lowered the alert level for Mount Redoubt from red to orange. The volcano exploded twice this morning (Wednesday), but both produced much smaller plumes of ash then previous activity. Annie...

Congress Gives Final Approval to Izembek Land Swap

After months of waiting and years of work, the U.S. House has passed a huge public lands package that includes a land swap in the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge. Libby Casey, APRN - Washington D.C. Download...

Group Pushes for Citizen Oversight of Trans Alaska Pipeline

A group of concerned citizens and environmentalists have recently finished outlining a plan they say will help protect Alaska from future oil spills. The group just finished a conference in Valdez, where they met...

Letter Asks Governor to Take Action on the High Birth Defect Rate in Alaska

Citing the highest rate in the nation for birth defects, tribal leaders, rural Alaska community health advocates and the Alaska Community Action on Toxics or ACAT recently delivered a letter to Governor Sarah Palin...

Alaskan Skiers Shine at U.S. Nationals

Alaska Pacific University program skiers had strong results in the first race of the U.S. Cross Country Ski National Championships last night in Fairbanks. Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks Download Audio (MP3)

New Film Takes Up Old Debate on State’s Resources

Former Alaska Governor Wally Hickel is taking on a new role: film promoter. Hickel’s Institute of the North today released a short film aimed at attracting Alaska’s young people to an old philosophy,...

Slyvia Plath’s Son Commits Suicide in Fairbanks

Friends and colleagues are remembering fisheries biologist and former University of Alaska Professor Nick Hughes of Fairbanks, who died last week. Hughes, who had been struggling with depression, committed suicide. Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks Download...

Chikaloon Loses Influential Elder

Chickaloon tribal elder and clan grandmother Katherine Wade passed away on Sunday March 22nd. She was 86. Katherine was born at Old Man lake near Chickaloon and she and her late husband raised their...

Alaska News Nightly: March 25, 2009

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via e-mail, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) State Senate Approves More Fuel Assistance for Low Income Alaskans Dave...

Community Forum: Propositions 1 and 2, School Bonds

Anchorage voters will be asked to decide on two bonds for school additions and renovations when they go to the polls on April 7th. Join us for an in depth look at Propositions...

Absentee voting underway for spring election

Anchorage's April 7th Municipal Election may still be almost two weeks away, but some voters are already casting ballots. KSKA's Len Anderson takes some time out from candidate profiles to pass along some...

Alaskans Speak Out on Capital Hill about Offshore Oil Drilling

Alaskans had their say in Washington on Capitol Hill today about offshore oil drilling. Members of the House Natural Resources Committee took testimony on developing offshore resources, particularly in Alaska. Libby Casey, APRN -...

Scientists Report Massive Volcanic Mud Flows On Redoubt

Scientists have had their first in person look at Mount Redoubt since it began erupting. A team flew to the volcano yesterday to collect ash samples, fix broken seismic monitors and assess flooding from...

Kodiak Islanders Digging Out after Huge Blizzard

While everyone’s attention was drawn away by Mount Redoubt’s eruption, Mother Nature took the opportunity to dump two-feet of snow on Kodiak. Jay Barrett, KMXT - Kodiak Download Audio (MP3)

Legislators Look for Clarifications Directly from the Governor

State House and Senate leaders will meet with Governor Palin on Thursday of this week to try to better understand her position on some of the items in the Economic Stimulus appropriation for which...

Police Blotter Work in Unalaska Brings Fame

Her police blotter entries are read around the country. She was featured in the L.A. Times. But who was Unalaska police sergeant Jennifer Shockley before she started unintentionally informing the world about Unalaska’s faults...

The Last Iditarod Musher Crosses the Finish Line in Nome

The last musher has reached the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race finish line. Rookie Timothy Hunt of Marquette, Michigan, finished early Tuesday morning, the 52nd musher to arrive in Nome. Lori Townsend, APRN - Anchorage Download...

Homer Residents Reflect on Oil Spill Clean Up

Twenty years ago today, the Exxon Valdez oil tanker fetched up hard on some charted rocks in Prince William Sound. The impact ripped open the ship’s hull, spilling millions of gallons of crude oil...

Senator Begich Sponsors Non Tanker Spill Prevention Legislation

Alaska Senator Mark Begich is co-sponsoring a bill that aims to prevent fuel spills from non-tanker vessels in America’s waters. The Oil Spill Prevention Act of 2009 was introduced today (Tuesday), to coincide with...

Democrats Ask Obama to Protect ANWR and Teshekpuk Lake From Drilling

A group of Democrats in the U.S. House are using the Exxon Valdez oil spill anniversary to call for protecting the Arctic from development. Libby Casey, APRN - Washington D.C. Download Audio (MP3)