Kristin Spack

Kristin Spack

Something Different: April 26, 2009

Here’s the music playlist from the April 26, 2009 edition of Something Different with Betsy. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Album Title Artist Name How Will I Ever Be Simple Again Bohola...

Soul to Soul: April 25, 2009

Here’s the music playlist from the April 25, 2009 edition of Soul to Soul with Marvel and Sherry Johnson. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Artist Name Song Title Album Title Jill Scott Cross...

Night Music: April 25, 2009

Here’s the music playlist from the April 25, 2009 edition of Night Music with Connie G. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Album Title Artist Name Label Midnight Fantasy Night Beat Hank Crawford who died 29...

Algo Nuevo Hour: April 24, 2009

Here’s the music playlist from the Friday April 24, 2009 edition of Algo Nuevo Hour. If you have questions, comments or music requests for host Dave Luera, send e-mail to algonuevo kska org or post your...

Stage Talk: Dial "M" for Murder

Starring in Anchorage Community Theatre's production of Dial "M" for Murder, Mick Lenahan, Roland Lemieux, and Terrence Van Ettinge join hosts Mark and Jean on KSKA's Stage Talk. The devilishly clever play, written by...

Effort to stop Knik Arm Bridge continues

Yesterday the future of the proposed Knik Arm Bridge became more uncertain when a committee voted to continue the process that could remove the project from Anchorage's long range transportation plan. Anchorage Bowl Long Range...

City uses federal grant to cut operation costs

Yesterday in Anchorage, Acting Mayor Matt Claman commemorated Earth Day by announcing the municipality would use a federal stimulus grant to reduce the city's energy costs. Len Anderson, KSKA - Anchorage Download Audio (MP3)

Community Forum: Anchorage Runoff Election

Anchorage voters face a showdown for mayor on May 5. Both former city assemblyman Dan Sullivan and former state representative Eric Croft want the job.  We've invited both candidates to join us on today's community forum...

Overall crime reports in Anchorage decreased last year

The Anchorage Police Department has released a preliminary report for 2008, showing the city's overall crime rate fell to the lowest level since 1980. APD: 2008 Preliminary UCR Stats Len Anderson, KSKA - Anchorage Download Audio (MP3)

Collectors often ignore debtors' rights

Because of the economy, some Alaskans may be receiving letters and phone calls from debt collectors. KSKA's Len Anderson reports often people with debts don't know their legal rights. Alaska Legal Services Corporation Consumer Credit...

Talk of Alaska: Spirit of Reading

Alaskans have always been among the most avid readers in the country,  and school librarians are more than happy to encourage that habit in the young. On the next Talk of Alaska, elementary and middle school...

Indigenous Leaders Meet in Anchorage

Representatives from indigenous peoples all over the world are meeting this week in Anchorage to prepare for this winter’s climate treaty talks in Copenhagen. Steve Heimel, APRN - Anchorage Download Audio (MP3)

Juneau Has New Senator

The capital city finally has a new senator. Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell administered the oath of office to Dennis Egan last night, after the Senate had adjourned the regular session for the year. Rosemarie Alexander, KTOO - Juneau Download...

Legislature Adjourns for the Year

The Legislature adjourned four hours short of its ninety day session limit last night (Sunday) getting the essentials done, and setting up a lot of work for next year. Dave Donaldson, APRN - Juneau Download Audio (MP3)

Lawmakers Ease Cruise Ship Discharge Rules

A bill loosening wastewater discharge requirements for cruise ships has passed the legislature. Ed Schoenfeld, APRN - CoastAlaska Download Audio (MP3)

Alaskan Educators Learn Lessons from Columbine

Today marks 10 years since the Columbine High School massacre. The 1999 slayings of a teacher and 12 fellow students by 2 classmates in Colorado shocked the world, and ushered in a new...

Gun Found on School Grounds in Fairbanks

Police say a man with a gun arrested outside Lathrop High School last week did not have any violent intentions.  Anthony Gay was spotted with in a vehicle on campus last Thursday. Fairbanks Police Sergeant Jeremy Lindhag...

Juneau Considers Later High School Start Time

As early as this fall, Juneau’s high schoolers could grab a few extra Zs in the morning. A proposal is underway to change school start times in the Juneau School District. The administration recommends high school begin...

Scientists Dig into Archeological Treasure

In Canada, scientists are hoping a pile of trash left by early Inuit settlers, north of Inuvik, will be full of archeological treasures. A researcher will be studying the table scraps left at an Inuit village almost 800...

Controversy Over Plan to Sell State Fair Land

Plans by managers of the Alaska State Fair to sell verdant farm acreage to an industrial skills training school created a fracas in Palmer last month.  The offer by Northern Industrial Training to build a twenty -four...