Kristin Spack

Kristin Spack

Native Youth Produce Zombie Film

This weekend the Alaska Native Heritage Center in Anchorage hosts its annual Indigenous World Film Festival. Beginning Friday evening, audiences can see films from New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, the Pacific Islands and the U.S.,...

Alaska News Nightly: February 3, 2010

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Obama Administration Finishes Missile Defense Review Libby Casey, APRN - Washington,...

Fuel Survey Exposes High Prices in Alaska

The results of a statewide survey released this week shows Alaskans pay considerably more for their fuel than the rest of the U.S. It also showed high price variations among communities within Alaska. Dave Donaldson,...

Persily Makes His Case at Senate Confirmation Hearing

Larry Persily, President Obama's nominee to be the Federal Coordinator of the Office for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects, and Patricia Hoffman, appointed to be an Assistant Secretary in the Energy Department, faced questioning...

Senate Confirms New U.S. Marshall for Alaska

Alaska has a new U.S. Marshal. Former Anchorage Police Chief Rob Heun was confirmed in the job by the U.S. Senate today (Tuesday). He was approved by unanimous consent after sitting on the Senate’s...

Fairbanks Man Builds Militia to Protect the Constitution

The Fairbanks man who started the 2nd Amendment Task Force says it’s spawned a local army, and grassroots support across the country. Schaeffer Cox says the group has seven thousand Fairbanks members, 35...

Lawmakers Pass Bill Promoting Electric Cars

Legislation promoting electric cars is on its way to the governor’s office. Senate Bill 59 allows the vehicles on more roads in villages and small cities, especially in Southeast. Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska – Juneau Download Audio...

Economist Predicts Continued Job Loss in Alaska in 2010

The total number of jobs in Anchorage will continue to fall throughout 2010. That was the assessment of state labor economist, Neal Fried, at his annual luncheon presentation to the Anchorage Chamber of...

Fairbanks at Near Record Low Snow Levels

Fairbanks is experiencing one of its lowest snow seasons. Only 20 point 7 inches have fallen since July 1st, making this Fairbanks 10th lowest snowfall season at this point. It snowed just 1 inch...

Alaskans Win Snow Sculpting Contest

Last weekend’s International Snow Sculpture Championships in Colorado left behind a garden of 12 foot tall cold, white sculptures for the people of Breckenridge to gaze at. And their favorite among all of them:...

Jeff King Invents a New Kind of Sled Dog Race

You’ve heard of tennis doubles… now an Alaskan musher wants to transfer the concept to his sport. Laureli Kineen, KNOM – Nome Download Audio (MP3)

Alaska Celebrates “Marmot Day” for the First Time

What’s Groundhog day in the rest of the country, is now Marmot Day in Alaska. A bill signed into state law last year designates February second as Marmot Day. The change is aimed at...

Alaska News Nightly: Februrary 2, 2010

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Fuel Survey Exposes High Prices in Alaska Dave Donaldson, APRN -...

President’s budget proposal gets mixed reviews from Alaska Senators

President Obama’s proposed 3.8 trillion dollar budget for the next fiscal year was unveiled today (Monday) in Washington. It includes hits for Alaska programs, but some benefits as well. Libby Casey, APRN – Washington, D.C. Download...

Parnell intervenes in Tongass Timber lawsuit

Governor Sean Parnell is going to court to support logging in the Tongass National Forest. Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska – Juneau Download Audio (MP3)

State restraining order law gets corrected

The State House today (Monday) corrected an incomplete law originally passed four years ago. And the change makes living in rural Alaska a little bit safer. Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau Download Audio (MP3)

Report suggests Pebble deposit larger than previous estimates

The Pebble Partnership has released new data showing a larger mineral resource at the Pebble Deposit new Iliamna Lake. Mike Mason, KDLG – Dillingham Download Audio (MP3)

Ketchikan celebrates completion of Swan-Tyee electrical intertie

Lawmakers and residents alike celebrated the completion of the Swan-Tyee electrical intertie Friday night at Ketchikan’s Ted Ferry Civic Center. Deanna Garrison, KRBD – Ketchikan Download Audio (MP3)

Parnell considers further study of road to Nome project

A state commissioned study identifies a 500 mile road from Manley Hot Springs along the Yukon River and on to Nome as the best option for opening up a ground transportation corridor to western...

Gas line Port Authority to sell bonds to fund North Slope gas project

The Alaska Gas line Port Authority will be able to sell federally backed bonds to help finance a North Slope Gas project. Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks Download Audio (MP3)