Jeremy Hsieh, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage

Jeremy Hsieh, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
Jeremy Hsieh covers Anchorage with an emphasis on housing, homelessness, infrastructure and development. Reach him at or 907-550-8428. Read more about Jeremy here.
A man in an olive green sweater speaks at a podium.

Anchorage green financing program closes biggest deal to date

The C-PACER program helps finance energy efficiency upgrades for commercial properties, like the former Aviator Hotel downtown.
A man in a shirt and tie

Anchorage Mayor Bronson picks permanent chief of staff, fifth of his tenure

Mario Bird has served in the position in an acting capacity since April.
Young students sit behind desks in an elementary school classroom.

Will Alaska lawmakers override Gov. Dunleavy’s public school funding veto? Probably not. 

The House minority leader says things could change as school districts reckon with the veto’s impact on their budgets for the coming school year.
A man in a military uniform speaks at a podium

High-ranking Alaska National Guard officer arrested on domestic violence assault charges

Prosecutors say Brig. Gen. Wayne Don's latest arrest violates conditions of a deal struck after another incident involving his wife from November.

Anchorage taxpayers will pay full bill for homeless shelter contracting failure

The city’s new municipal attorney vows her office won’t allow a mistake like this to happen again.
A man in a beanie pours hot water into a mug.

Is Anchorage buying into the latest push to improve services and shelter for the homeless? 

Turnout was thin at a recent series of town halls on shelter concepts, and a goal to open a new shelter with higher standards by Nov. 1 is slipping.
A woman and dog by a tent surrounded by bins and bags of stuff

Anchorage’s bureaucratic seesawing is pushing people out of this camp — at least for a few weeks

Civil rights lawyers are fighting the clearing of the campsites in and around Cuddy Family Midtown Park ahead of an outdoor music festival.

Anchorage Assembly lukewarm on proposal to sanction camps for homeless population this summer

Felix Rivera, the Assembly’s lead on homelessness issues, expects a close vote on a scaled back version of the proposal.
three people stand outside of a yellow van

Campsites around Midtown Anchorage park will be cleared starting June 6

It's the first major camp abatement of the year in Anchorage. Many questions remain about where and when people can set up camps with shelter space full.
An abatement notice near a tent in the woods

Anchorage task force recommends opening supervised campsites for the homeless 

The task force also calls for community council input, buying emergency shelters and requesting that state and private landowners sponsor additional camps.
a sharps container near tents

Anchorage lawyers are working on a policy to clarify when the city will enforce no-camping rules 

Inaction so far this year on clearing encampments stems in part from an Assembly policy call, and in part from legal paralysis around a court decision.
A large tan building with a stairwell in the front

If Anchorage doesn’t act soon, ‘we’re going to be putting people back in Sullivan’ 

Alexis Johnson, Anchorage's housing and homelessness coordinator, said the city and Assembly need to come up with a plan soon, or the Sullivan Arena shelter will be reopened again.
Anchorage City Hall

Another Anchorage muni executive entangled in lawsuit resigns

Saxton Shearer’s last day as the head of the city’s Maintenance and Operations department will be May 26.
A woman and her dog walk around a yellow van

With Anchorage’s shelters full, homeless campers eke out life in limbo

Policymakers haven’t publicly said what they’ll police within the camps. For now, the plan is to meet the campers where they are.
Anchorage City Hall

Former Anchorage employee who recorded Judy Eledge’s racist comments sues city for discrimination 

The former executive assistant also alleges discrimination against women among fire department leaders.
a seal of the municipality of Anchorage

Anchorage CFO is the latest city executive to resign

Since Mayor Dave Bronson took office in July of 2021, more than a dozen executives have turned over due to firings and resignations.
A white woman in yellow sitting at a seat

Two Anchorage Assembly members call on Judy Eledge to resign

The deputy library director has made racist comments toward Alaska Natives and is the subject of numerous workplace complaints.
A snowy mountain peak

Denali National Park officials say 2 missing men likely fell while climbing

Rangers say the climbers’ tracks led into the path of an avalanche on Moose’s Tooth.
side by side portraits of two women

Public hearing set for wrongful termination payouts for 2 former Anchorage city employees

Confidentiality around legal matters and personnel issues will make discussion awkward on May 23, said the Assembly chair.