Josh Edge, Alaska Public Media

Josh Edge, Alaska Public Media

Over 1,000 Labor Rallies Held Across Nation

Rosemarie Alexander, KTOO – Juneau Across the country Monday more than 1,000 labor rallies were held, including six in Alaska. The events marked the anniversary of Doctor Martin Luther King Junior assassination 43 years...

Regulators May Set Hard Cap on Chinook Bycatch

Jacob Resneck, KMXT – Kodiak Federal regulators are moving toward setting a hard cap that would limit Chinook salmon caught as bycatch in the Gulf of Alaska. If a fishery exceeds the...

Lost Chevak Travelers Survive in Snow Cave

Shane Iverson, KYUK – Bethel Two men from the Bering Sea village of Chevak survived two stormy nights in the wilderness.  The barren coastal flats where they were lost left no cover...

Mountain Rescue Nearly Ends in Tragedy

Tim Ellis, KUAC – Fairbanks The story of the two North Pole men rescued last week after losing their way in a snowstorm on Mount Hayes could have been tragic – if not...

Health Snack Program Expanding

Daysha Eaton, KDLG – Dillingham A program that provides healthy snacks to elementary school kids is expanding. KDLG’s Daysha Eaton explains how it will affect kids in rural Alaska. Download Audio (MP3)

Colon Cancer Screening Efforts May Grow

Casey Kelly, KTOO – Juneau Colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer-related death for both men and women in the United States, according to the American Cancer Society. This year...

Alaska News Nightly: April 5, 2011

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Only Two Bills Passed So Far This Session Dave Donaldson, APRN...

Talk of Alaska: Mental Health

Many people in Alaska are looking for effective strategies to deal with epidemic rates of domestic and substance abuse.  On the next “Talk of Alaska,” we’ll look at some success stories. We’ll also get...

House Opens Hearings on Bill to Abandon AGIA

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau Monday, the House Finance committee opened hearings on a bill that could lead to the abandonment of the AGIA natural gas pipeline from the North Slope to...

Constraints on Cook Inlet Beluga Recovery Team Sparks Controversy

Lori Townsend, APRN – Anchorage A controversy over constraints on the participants of the Cook Inlet Beluga Recovery Team has letters flying back and forth between state and federal officials and other...

Lawmakers Consider Leaving Prison Empty

Joshua Tucker, APRN – Anchorage The Mat-Su valley’s new 70-acre prison complex is almost complete.  The Goose Creek Correctional Center will be able to hold 1,500 prisoners. The Department of Corrections had hoped...

Fate of Goose Creek Prison Remains Uncertain

Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage Now that the Senate has denied initial operating funds for the prison, the fate of the 240 million dollar facility is questionable. The Senate finance committee is betting...

Municipal Election Polls Open Tomorrow

Len Anderson, KSKA – Anchorage Tuesday, in the state’s only spring municipal election, Anchorage voters will decide the balance of power in the city’s assembly and the fate of 11 ballot propositions. Download...

Eliason Remembered for Humility, Impact

Ed Ronco, KCAW – Sitka Former State Senator Dick Eliason has died. The Sitka Republican served 22 years in both chambers of the state legislature, including two years as president of the Senate. Photo...

Alaska News Nightly: April 4, 2011

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) House Opens Hearings on Bill to Abandon AGIA Dave Donaldson, APRN...

2011 Anchorage Municipal Elections

Voters will take to the polls on Tuesday, April 5 to cast their votes for Assembly and School Board seats as well as a number of Ballot Propositions. KSKA and KAKM have ...

State Willing to Pay $30 Million to Get Drilling Rig to Cook Inlet

Steve Heimel, APRN - Anchorage The state is willing to pay $30 million to get a drilling rig to Cook Inlet.  The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority voted Friday to invest in Buccaneer Energy's...

Judiciary Committee Recommends Against Confirming Haase

Steve Heimel, APRN - Anchorage Last Friday, the state Senate Judiciary committee recommended against confirming one of Governor Sean Parnell's appointees - Fred Haase, to the Alaska Judicial Council. Haase, from Valdez, is...

Treadwell Releases State’s Review of 2010 Election

Photo and Story by Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage Lieutenant Governor Mead Treadwell released the state’s review of Alaska’s 2010 election to the legislature and the public Friday. Governor Sean Parnell and Treadwell promised...

Senate Awards Financial Help to Governments, Schools Facing High Fuel Prices

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau Local governments and schools would get extra financial help when they face high fuel prices under a bill that passed the Senate Friday. The measure ties Municipal Revenue Sharing...