Josh Edge, Alaska Public Media

Josh Edge, Alaska Public Media

Sharon Gleason Nominated for Federal Court Seat

Steve Heimel, APRN - Anchorage Sharon Gleason has been nominated for a federal court seat.  Gleason is a state Superior Court judge.  Senator Mark Begich says he recommended her to the White House. Download Audio (MP3)

Alaska Native Corporations Presenting Case for Contracting Exemptions

Libby Casey, APRN - Washington DC U.S. Senate Indian Affairs chairman Daniel Akaka today will let the Alaska Native Corporations make the case for keeping their special Small Business Administration contracting exemptions.  Senator Lisa Murkowski...

Alaska Delegation Introduces Bill to Adjust Sealaska Land Selections

Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska - Juneau All three members of the Alaska Congressional delegation have introduced bills to adjust Sealaska Native Corporation land selections in the Tongass National Forest.  Senator Lisa Murkowski's bill, co-sponsored by Mark...

Latest State Revenue Forecast Predicts $3.4 Billion More Than Expected

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau The Department of Revenue says the state will have more money this year than it anticipated last fall. Wednesday morning, Governor Parnell presented the Department of Revenue’s newest...

Over 16,000 Alaska Jobs May Be Affected by Possible Federal Government Shutdown

Tim Ellis, KUAC – Fairbanks More than 16,000 federal workers are on the job in Alaska. And with a Congressional impasse over the budget, they are all wondering what they’ll do if...

Oil Tax Debate Continues

Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks The President of Conoco Phillips Alaska made his case for lower state oil taxes before the Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce yesterday.  Trond Erik Johansen pushed for tax...

Senate Passes Bill Giving Legislature 120 Days in Even-Numbered Years

Casey Kelly, KTOO – Juneau The legislature would have an extra month every two years to do the people’s business under a bill passed by the state Senate Wednesday. The bill, sponsored by Senate...

High School Vocation Education Programs Get Dedicated Funding Stream

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau Wednesday, the Senate created a dedicated funding stream for high school vocational education programs to train students for the jobs that might be available when they...

Struggle Over Security Limits Certain Types of Mail on Alaska Airlines

Jacob Resneck, KMXT – Kodiak A bureaucratic tussle over security has forced Alaska Airlines to stop carrying certain types of mail on passenger planes. Most communities have been able to reroute affected...

Film Tax Credits Extended 10 More Years

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau Wednesday, the Senate approved a bill to continue funding tax credits for filming television shows and movies in Alaska.    Sponsor Johnny Ellis of Anchorage says the initial...

Alyeska Trading Company to Close its Doors

Alexandra Gutierrez, KUCB – Unalaska Wards Cove used to be a major force in the Alaska fishing industry. But earlier this year, the company sold off many of its assets and pulled out of the...

Alaska News Nightly: April 6, 2011

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Latest State Revenue Forecast Predicts $3.4 Billion More Than...

Latest State Revenue Forecast Predicts $3.4 Billion More Than Expected

Dave Donaldson, APRN - Juneau There’s more money on the way.   Governor Parnell Wednesday morning presented the Department of Revenue’s ...

Charter Group Fights Limited Entry in Court

Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska - Juneau The sports halibut charter operators who were not included in the federal limited entry system have gone to court to try to block it.  The fleet has been exceeding its...

Police Investigating Fatal Bike, Car Accident

Steve Heimel, APRN - Anchorage Anchorage police are still investigating a midnight fatal accident in which a bicyclist was hit and dragged by a car at an intersection. The bicyclist, Wil Curry, 36,...

Oil Tax Reform Not Gaining Traction in Senate

Dave Donaldson, APRN - Juneau The oil tax reform bill that passed the House last week is not getting any new traction now that it’s  in the Senate.  The plan offers more than a billion...

New Effort May Allow Continuance of Coastal Management Program

Dave Donaldson, APRN - Juneau A new effort has come forward that could lead to continuing the state’s Coastal Management program. The development-coordinating program will sunset July first unless lawmakers come up with...

Most Incumbents Retain Seats in Anchorage

Len Anderson, KSKA - Anchorage Anchorage had a city election Tuesday that saw most incumbent Municipal Assembly members retain their seats.  Absentee and questioned ballots have yet to be counted, but if results hold, Mike...

Only Two Bills Passed So Far This Session

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau With less than two weeks remaining in this year’s legislative session, lawmakers don’t have much to brag about when they go home this year. So far,...

Fairbanks Union Members Rally for Worker’s Rights

Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks Fairbanks area union members rallied Monday in support of worker’s rights. National Education Association Alaska President Barb Angaiak says the event at Pioneer Park was part of...