Josh Edge, Alaska Public Media

Josh Edge, Alaska Public Media

Hair-Filled Booms Destined for Gulf Coast

A Homer woman has found a unique way to help residents of the Gulf Coast as they fight the growing Gulf oil spill. She’s collecting human hair and animal fur for a new type...

Alaska News Nightly: May 28, 2010

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Trans Alaska Pipeline Approved to Restart Line Lori Townsend, APRN -...

Arctic Drilling Put on Hold

President Obama has put offshore drilling in the arctic on hold.  He announced his decision at a White House press conference today. Obama’s decisions were prompted by a report delivered to the White...

Shell Pushing to Begin Drilling in 2011

Shell says it respects today's decision.  But that doesn't mean the company isn't disappointed. Vice President of Shell Alaska, Pete Slaiby, says the company's plans in Alaska had already been subject to an unprecedented...

Many Alaska Communities Praise Halting of Arctic Drilling

Alaskan communities closest to the proposed drilling are praising today's decision. The Native Village of Point Hope has been one of the most vocal opponents of Shell's plan and has sued to...

Parnell Sees Federal Decisions Costing Alaska Jobs

Governor Sean Parnell saw the federal decision to hold off on Shell’s Arctic Ocean drilling permits as part of a larger pattern of federal actions that are costing Alaska jobs.  He said the state...

Tok Area Fire Warrants Evacuation Orders

Evacuation orders were issued last night for the village of Tanacross and a nearby subdivision of Tok, due to a fast moving wildfire that‘s closed a stretch the Alaska Highway.  Dave Stancliff with Tok...

Group Moving to Bring Cruise Ship Wastewater Discharge Rules to Court

An environmental group based in Haines is taking steps to bring the state’s new cruise ship wastewater discharge rules to court. Tara Bicknell, KHNS – Haines Download Audio (MP3)

Nome School Board Recall Numbers Uncertain

Nome’s recent recall election of all five school board members has city workers and attorneys looking up ordinances. Results from Tuesday’s vote showed two members were recalled. But that may change after a hand...

Power Restored to Trans Alaska Pipeline Pump Station

An Alyeska Pipeline Service Company spokeswoman says power has been restored at a pump station along the Trans Alaska pipeline and the recovery of oil that spilled two days ago is under way. Associated Press Download...

New Ordinance Focuses on Homeless Families

Much of the attention on city’s homeless has focused lately on unauthorized squatter camps and chronic inebriates.  But Tuesday night an ordinance was introduced to the Anchorage Assembly that could offer life saving shelter...

Fairbanks Woman Accused of Helping Wanted Man Avoid Police

A Fairbanks woman has been arrested on an accusation she helped a wanted man avoid police. Shannon Kiehl has been charged with first-degree hindering prosecution. According to court documents, the 22-year-old woman picked up...

Donated Exam Beds Headed to Haiti

The Tanana Valley Clinic is donating exam beds to a new hospital in earthquake ravaged Haiti.  TVC is replacing the exam tables with updated models, and clinic spokeswoman Anna Atchison says staff wanted to...

Alaska News Nightly: May 27, 2010

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Arctic Drilling Put on Hold Libby Casey, APRN...

BP Begins Top Kill to Plug Wellhead

Oil company BP is trying to plug the gushing spill in the Gulf of Mexico by forcing drilling mud into the well. The “top kill” method aims to counteract the oil pressure so...

Alyeska Pipeline Remains Shut Down After Spill

The Trans Alaska Pipeline remains shut down following a spill at a pump station yesterday.  Up to several thousand barrels of oil are estimated to have overflowed from a storage tank, into a lined...

Many Legislature Incumbents Running Unopposed

Most of this year’s incumbent legislators will get free trips back to Juneau next year.  That’s because – so far – the majority of statehouse races are uncontested.  With a filing deadline at the...

Extremely Dry Conditions Hindering Firefighting Efforts

Fire weather warnings remain in effect across much of the central and eastern interior again today.  Eleven new wildfires were reported statewide yesterday.  Most of the fires, a mix of lightning and human caused...

Clitheroe Center Detox Unit Closed

The state has temporarily shut down the detox unit at a Salvation Army treatment facility in Anchorage. The Clitheroe Center says a serious violation of its safety protocol prompted the state action. Annie Feidt, ARPN...

Group Forming Coalition to Prevent Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorders

A group of Southeast Alaska parents and professionals are forming a coalition to prevent Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, or FASD, and advocate for people affected by the conditions. Sherri Wes’s adopted daughter has FASD. She...