Josh Edge, Alaska Public Media

Josh Edge, Alaska Public Media

Electricity Prices Expected to Jump in Juneau

Rosemarie Alexander, KTOO – Juneau Electricity rates in the capital city could jump 24 percent. The Regulatory Commission of Alaska is considering an Alaska Electric Light and Power proposal to permanently raise rates about two...

Sealaska Land-Selection Bill Could Be Changed

Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska – Juneau Sealaska’s controversial land-selection bill could undergo major changes soon. Amendments circulating among interest groups suggest shifts in selected timberlands and future economic-development sites. But nothing’s finalized. Download Audio (MP3)

Kenai River King Fishing Opened

Ben Stanton, KDLL – Kenai Fishing for King salmon has returned to the Kenai River. And standard regulations return to the Kasilof River Thursday, lifting restrictions that were in place. But sport fishing guides in...

Number of Alaska Native Health Professionals Growing

Len Anderson, KSKA – Anchorage A transformation is quietly taking place in rural Alaska and at Anchorage’s Native Medical campus.  More and more of the health professionals are Alaska Native.  For our series on Alaska...

Alaska News Nightly: June 16, 2010

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Tea Party Endorses Joe Miller for US Senate Primary Libby Casey,...

Senators Unveil Plans to Help Spill Victims

Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DC As President Obama lays out the ongoing federal response to the B-P oil spill blowout in the Gulf of Mexico, Alaska’s senators are unveiling their own plans to help...

Parnell to Sign Two Energy Bills

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau Governor Parnell will sign into law two bills on Wednesday that were written to set the state on a course of meeting its own energy needs.  Although, the state has...

Man Survives Grizzly Attack

Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage A man survived a grizzly attack in Anchorage early Tuesday morning.  Sean Berkey was riding a bike to work around 5:30 am when he was charged by a sow with...

Health Officials Look to Curb Gonorrhea Epidemic

Shane Iverson, KYUK – Bethel Health officials across the nation are turning their attention to the YK Delta in hopes of curbing a silent epidemic. Listen Here (MP3)

Air, Soil and Water Contaminants to be Identified in Bering Strait Region

Laureli Kinneen, KNOM – Nome Folks in the Bering Strait region will have a chance to find out what contaminants might be in the water, air or soil where they live. The class is a...

NOAA Completing Tidal Current Survey Along Aleutians

Alexandra Gutierrez, KUCB – Unalaska Tides and currents are controlled by the regular movement of the moon, but accurately predicting them isn’t always a straightforward task. Mariners rely on official tide tables and current maps...

Lower 48 Canines Need Blood for Transfusions

Annie Feidt, APRN – Anchorage Just like humans, sick and injured dogs need blood transfusions. But the supply in the Lower 48 is limited. Now a small businessman from Texas is hoping to recruit Alaskan...

Sitka Principal is Educational Leader

Ed Ronco, KCAW – Sitka The new principal at Sitka High School didn’t always dream of being an education leader. But that’s how it worked out after a fateful turn of events at the end...

Alaska News Nightly: June 15, 2010

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Listen Here (MP3) Senators Unveil Plans to Help Spill Victims Libby Casey, APRN –...

Talk of Alaska: Library Closings

All over the country cash-strapped local governments are closing libraries or reducing library services. Does the Internet really replace a library? In rural Alaska a public library can be an investment in education, citizenship and career...

Subsistence Quota for Polar Bears Introduced

Annie Feidt, APRN – Anchorage There will be a Native subsistence quota for polar bears in Alaska for the first time in nearly four decades. At a meeting in Anchorage this week, a commission that...

Exxon Valdez Veteran Warns of Danger in Spill Cleanup

Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage BP may have made progress in capturing the oil gushing from the sea floor of the Gulf of Mexico, but the dirty job of cleanup is only just beginning.  As...

State Settles With Mercer

Associated Press Alaska’s attorney general says the state has settled a breach of contract and professional malpractice lawsuit against its former actuary, Mercer Inc., for half-a-billion dollars. Dan Sullivan called the agreement a great result for Alaska...

Alaska Trains for Spill Response

Lori Townsend, APRN – Anchorage The 2010 Prince William Sound oil spill prevention drill wrapped up Thursday near Valdez. The state Department of Environmental Conservation conducts spill response drills annually, and industry tanker companies are...

Anchorage Lawmakers Call for More Police Officers

Len Anderson, KSKA – Anchorage Shortly after the Anchorage mayor and police chief announced the conclusion of the investigation into Wednesday’s shooting of a police officer, four Northeast Anchorage lawmakers called for the city to...