Josh Edge, Alaska Public Media

Josh Edge, Alaska Public Media

Murkowski is “Still in This Game”

Associated Press A week after conceding the GOP primary, Senator Lisa Murkowski says she’s not a quitter and is “still in this game.” Murkowski told The Associated Press today that she’s been inundated with...

Law Enforcement Community Rallies Around Hoonah

Casey Kelly, KTOO – Juneau The tiny Southeast village of Hoonah has received condolences from around the world for the recent shooting deaths of Police Officers Tony Wallace and Matt Tokuoka. The pair...

State Investigates Possible Gas Line Route

Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks Geologists will get an underground look at a suspected fault this week as part of a state led reconnaissance of the route of a gas pipeline to Canada. ...

Health Officials Prepare for Flu Season

Len Anderson, KSKA – Anchorage It’s an annual phenomena as regular as turning leaves and snowlines descending from the mountain tops – the fall and winter flu season.   Health professionals are busy preparing...

Opening of Fairbanks Hatchery Postponed

Tim Ellis, KUAC – Fairbanks The opening of the state’s newest sport fish hatchery here in Fairbanks has again been postponed. Download Audio (MP3)

Planning for Next Year’s Veggie Garden

Mike Mason, KDLG – Dillingham Although fall is in the air, we can still plan ahead for next year’s vegetable patch.  A new gardening manual written specifically for Alaska has been published by...

Adventure Fuels Ski Tour Through Wrangell Mountains

Slideshow and Story by Joe Stock, APRN –Anchorage Part 2 of 2 And now, back to the Wrangell Mountains, where Anchorage-based mountain guide Joe Stock is halfway through a long ski tour with two friends....

Grandmothers Come Together for Good of Earth

Joaqlin Estus, KNBA – Anchorage Indigenous elders from around the world are planning a gathering in Anchorage to promote unity, peace and respect for the earth and all its inhabitants. Representatives of the...

Alaska News Nightly: September 7, 2010

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Murkowski is “Still in This Game” Associated Press A week after conceding...

Talk of Alaska: Human Behavior

There is plenty of evidence that people are willing to change their lives if it will help curb global warming.  But most theories of human behavior are based on the idea that...

Honesty Nets Disqualified Derby Fisherman $10,000

Steve Heimel, APRN - Anchorage George Lavisseur of Valdez thought he had won the Halibut Derby. He caught a 364-pound fish. But Saturday Lavasseur was disqualified. The Derby committee interviewed...

Kenai Car Crash Claims Victim

Steve Heimel, APRN - Anchorage One person died in a collision at an intersection in Kenai Sunday night.  Peter Mysing, 59, was a passenger in a car that collided with a pickup truck. There were...

Obama Introduces Plan to Rebuild Transportation Infrastructure

Steve Heimel, APRN - Anchorage President Obama yesterday celebrated Labor Day by announcing a $50 billion program to rebuild the nation's transportation infrastructure, including airport runways.  His plan would pay for that by reducing oil...

Fallen Hoonah Officers Begin Trip to Memorial Ceremony

Steve Heimel, APRN - Anchorage Today the bodies of the two Alaska lawmen killed in an ambush last week in Hoonah will begin their trip to a memorial ceremony, and they will be honored along...

Salazar Ends Tour of Alaska in Anchorage Today

Photo and Story by Annie Feidt, APRN – Anchorage Interior Secretary Ken Salazar stopped in Anchorage today, at the end of a whirlwind 48-hour tour of Alaska’s North Slope. He stopped in Barrow, ...

Miller Continues to Pull Ahead After Murkowski Concedes

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau Republican Candidate for the U.S. Senate Joe Miller pulled further ahead of incumbent Lisa Murkowski today as the Division of Elections neared the end of the vote-counting process...

Prosecutors Wait to Decide on Appeal of Dismissed Charges Against Kookesh

Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska – Juneau Prosecutors will wait before deciding whether to appeal the dismissal of a fishing citation against State Senator Albert Kookesh. A judge on Thursday threw out charges alleging Kookesh and three...

Sealaska Lands Legislation Still Afloat

Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska - Juneau Lisa Murkowski’s defeat in the Republican primary could impact the chances of Sealaska’s lands legislation passing. Murkowski was the bill’s main backer in Congress. And primary winner Joe...

Search for Extras Fails to Draw Crowd

Photo and Story by Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage The search for 1,000 extras for the upcoming film, Everybody Loves Whales failed to draw crowds today in Anchorage. 50 to 100 people stood...

Matanuska River’s Eroding Banks Troubles Homeowners

Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage Eroding banks of the Matanuska River are causing stress to some homeowners who live a little too close to the river.   About a month ago, a Sutton man...