Josh Edge, Alaska Public Media

Josh Edge, Alaska Public Media

Fiddle Festival Draws Crowd in Fairbanks

Emily Schwing, APRN Contributor – Fairbanks One of the largest Athabascan gatherings in the world took place in Fairbanks over the weekend, as it does every year.  It’s not a conference or a...

Alaska News Nightly: November 15, 2010

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Senate Race Separated By Just Over 1,000 Votes Dave Donaldson, APRN...

Man Shot in Mountain View

Steve Heimel, APRN - Anchorage Medical authorities in Anchorage reported a gunshot wound to police yesterday morning.  The victim, Victor Bello-Padilla, 19,  was shot in the chest, and the story his friend tells is that...

Miller Campaign Claims Several Ballots Written in Same Handwriting

Casey Kelly, KTOO - Juneau As Joe Miller's chances of winning began to slip away, campaign spin doctor Floyd Brown held his second press conference in as many days, suggesting fraud and manipulation. One of...

Ketchikan Newspaper, Republican Leaders Unhappy With Johansen

Deanna Garrison, KRBD - Ketchikan The newspaper and some Republican leaders in Ketchikan are not at all happy that Representative Kyle Johansen left the majority organization.  Some want him to step down.  Johansen meets with...

Murkowski Maintains Lead Over Weekend

Dave Donaldson, APRN - Juneau The tabulation of write-in votes will continue in Juneau until Wednesday at the earliest – and Lisa Murkowski is maintaining her overwhelming success. Download Audio (MP3)

State Challenges Miller’s Write-In Suit

Photo and Story by Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage The thicket of litigation surrounding this year’s write in campaign just got a little thicker.    This week, federal judge John Sedwick removed himself from...

Only 828 Ballots Rejected in Write-In Count So Far

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau The latest results from the Division of Elections this afternoon show Lisa Murkowski is now getting – without any challenges –  more than 90 percent of the write-in...

Miller Adviser Suggests Voter Fraud, Election Irregularities Present

Casey Kelly, KTOO – Juneau Miller volunteer adviser Floyd Brown just held another press conference at the write-in count site, where he made more suggestions of voter fraud and election irregularities. Thursday, Brown...

North Slope Borough, Shell Oil Agreement May Be First Ever Collaborative Attempt

Lori Townsend, APRN – Anchorage The recent announcement that the North Slope Borough had signed an agreement with Shell to conduct multi-year science studies in the Arctic may be the first ever...

Report Looks at Challenges of Arctic Oil Spills

Mike Mason, KDLG – Dillingham The Pew Environment Group has released a large report that takes a detailed look at the challenges of preventing and containing oil spills in the Arctic Ocean.    KDLG’s...

Bethel Will Receive Tide Station

Shane Iverson, KYUK – Bethel There’s a town in the south of Peru called Matarani and at first glance it might not appear to have lot in common with Bethel, or the Kuskokwim ...

NANA Shareholders Receiving Dividends Soon

Lori Townsend, APRN – Anchorage Nana Regional Corporation shareholders will be receiving their annual dividend from business earnings over the next several days. NANA CFO Kevin Thomas says most of the original shareholders...

Kodiak Rocket Launch Will Produce Information for Dozens of Experiments

Jacob Resneck, KMXT – Kodiak Next week’s rocket launch at the Kodiak Launch Complex on Narrow Cape will be packed with seven payloads for more than a dozen different experiments. NASA scientists and...

Alaska News Nightly: November 12, 2010

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) State Challenges Miller’s Write-In Suit Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage The thicket...

Alaska Bald Eagle Festival Kicks Off Near Haines

Georgia Giacobbe, KHNS - Haines Every year, thousands of bald eagles gather near Haines in the Chilkat Valley, to feed on the area’s late run of salmon.  That means its time for the annual Alaska...

House Fire Near Talkeetna Investigated as Possible Homicide-Suicide

Diana Haecker, KTNA – Talkeetna A house fire in the Talkeenta area is under investigation as a homicide-suicide case after the medical examiner found evidence that three of the four people found in...

Election Officials Continue Write-In Count

Lori Townsend, APRN – Anchorage Election officials today continued counting write-in ballots for the U.S. Senate race. The division hopes to finish more than half of the vote counts by the time...

A Soldier’s Memories Pay Tribute To His Comrades

Len Anderson, KSKA – Anchorage As is usual on Veterans Day, public ceremonies are occurring across Alaska to honor the men and women who have served in the country’s military.   But at the...

Begich Discusses Plans for ‘Lame Duck’ Session

Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage Senator Mark Begich is in the state for the Veterans Day holiday.  Begich told reporters in Anchorage Wednesday that he’s got some plans for the final weeks of...