Josh Edge, Alaska Public Media

Josh Edge, Alaska Public Media

Alaska News Nightly: December 30, 2010

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Savoonga Seeking Help From Red Cross Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage Power...

The Alaska Fisheries Report with Jay Barrett

Jay Barrett, KMXT - Kodiak This is the last Alaska Fisheries Report of 2010 - or the first one of 2011, depending on when your public radio station is airing the show. Coming up:...

Rescuers Continue Search for Man Missing Near Nome

Ben Matheson, KNOM – Nome Search and rescue crews from Nome and Teller are continuing the search for John Koezuna. The Rescue Coordination Center is dispatching an aircraft today and aircraft from State...

State Will Certify Election on Thursday

Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski will be sworn in as Alaska’s Senator come January.  According to the state, the results of Murkowski’s race with Joe Miller for the seat...

Miller to Announce Future Plans on Friday

Lori Townsend, APRN – Anchorage Joe Miller said today he plans to announce by Friday whether he’ll continue his legal fight over the Alaska Senate race. Miller spokesman Randy DeSoto says Miller is weighing his...

Savoonga Residents Struggle With Power Outages

Associated Press The village of Savoonga on St. Lawrence Island in the Bering Sea is continuing to struggle with power outages. The Alaska Division of Homeland Security says the power outages began Monday when...

Young Named Chairman of Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs

Associated Press Alaskan Congressman Don Young has been named Chairman of the Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs, a newly established subcommittee under the House Natural Resources Committee. Oversight and legislative responsibilities for...

Begich Middle School Gains Support for Wind Turbine Project

Len Anderson, KSKA – Anchorage Earlier this month, Begich Middle School teacher Scott McKim went before the Anchorage School Board to get its support for a school wind turbine project.   With the board’s...

Book Sale Brings End to Stratton Library Story

Photo and Story by Robert Woolsey, KCAW – Sitka In the three years since Sheldon Jackson College has closed, there’s been much attention directed on the efforts of the trustees to settle the school’s debts...

Local Actors Reflect on ‘Whales’

Shane Iverson, KYUK – Bethel The movie production “Everybody loves Whales” has received a lot of attention in Alaska for actually being shot in Alaska. The film is based off an incident in...

Alaska News Nightly: December 29, 2010

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Rescuers Continue Search for Man Missing Near Nome Ben Matheson, KNOM...

FAA Officially Ending High Frequency Comunication System

Mike Mason, KDLG - Dillingham The official end has come for the Federal Aviation Administration's H-F High Frequency communication system with aircraft. Download Audio (MP3)

Troopers Searching for Man Missing Near Nome

Ben Matheson, KNOM - Nome Alaska State Troopers are looking for John Koezuna outside of Nome.  Trooper Sergeant Andrew Merrill says that troopers received a call from family members last night saying he was missing. ...

Judge Dismisses Miller Suit

Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage and Lori Townsend, APRN – Anchorage Joe Miller’s bid for an election contest has been turned down by a federal court. U.S. District Judge Ralph Beistline Tuesday afternoon...

ANB Opposes Fish and Game Commissioner

Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska – Juneau Cora Campbell’s appointment as Fish and Game commissioner continues to raise objections from Native organizations. The Southeast-based Alaska Native Brotherhood says it may try to block her confirmation...

Mat-Su Still Searching for Borough Manager

Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage The Matanuska Susitna Borough is still in need of a borough manager.  After narrowing down a field of dozens of applicants to only three, the Borough Assembly has...

Project Bringing Broadband to Bristol Bay is Boosted

Mike Mason, KDLG – Dillingham The massive project to bring true broadband internet coverage to the Bristol Bay region by 2013 got a big boost recently with the selection of a group of...

Northwest Parents, Law Enforcement Trying to Increase School Attendance

Susan Bucknell, KOTZ – Kotzebue Northwest Alaska educators are taking a hard look at school truancy rates, and are joining with parents and law enforcement to try to boost school attendance. Download Audio (MP3)

Mining Company Planning Mineral Exploration in Bristol Bay Area

Adam Kane, KDLG – Dillingham One more Canadian mining company has announced plans to explore for gold, copper and molybdenum in the Bristol Bay area next year. Vancouver-based Millrock Resources, has staked more than 266...

Scientists to Study Juvenile Red King Crab This Summer

Matt Lichtenstein, KFSK – Petersburg Scientists will conduct field experiments on juvenile red king crab this summer in Southeast Alaska. It’s all part of a larger study that could someday lead to a...