Josh Edge, Alaska Public Media

Josh Edge, Alaska Public Media

Rural Alaska Gets Mixed News in Political Realm

Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska – Juneau The political realm offers good and bad news for rural Alaska. That’s the word from two key Alaska Federation of Natives leaders. They say the good news is...

Federal Subsistence Board May Gain Larger Rural Voice

Annie Feidt, APRN – Anchorage The Interior Department wants to add two members who will represent rural interests to the Federal Subsistence Board. The board oversees subsistence fishing and hunting on federal...

Former Sitka Teacher, Family Back in Town Waiting to See What Happens in Cairo

Robert Woolsey, KCAW – Sitka The political victory that appears to have been won in Egypt has come at the cost of major disruptions to the country’s routine patterns of life. A...

Alaska News Nightly: February 14, 2011

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Department of Law Determines Alaska Not Required to Follow Health...

Dog Dies on Yukon Quest Trail

Photos and Story by Emily Schwing, KUAC – Fairbanks After leaving the Eagle checkpoint, Brent Sass ran his team for roughly 40 miles before taking a five and a half hour break at a hospitality...

Troopers Arrest Crooked Creek Boy After Hostage Situation

Associated Press Alaska State Troopers have taken a 16-year-old Crooked Creek boy into custody after a reported hostage situation in the Kuskokwim River village.  Troopers were alerted on Saturday with a phone call that the...

Rural Senator Airs Redistricting Concerns

Photo and Story by Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska - Juneau The senator representing Alaska’s largest legislative district is warning Native leaders about the pending loss of rural representation. Senator Albert Kookesh is among those expecting...

Former Private Prison Magnate Arrested in Mexico

Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage Former Alaska private prison magnate Bill Weimar has been arrested in Mexico.  Weimar is facing charges of sexual assault of a six-year-old child in Florida. The Mexican Navy arrested Weimar Saturday...

Small Business Administration Announces 8(a) Changes

Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DC The Small Business Administration is changing the program that gives Alaska Native Corporations advantages in scoring government contracts.  The 8(a) program currently lets the Corporations go...

Federal Regulators Demand Pipeline Improvements

Tony Gorman, KCHU – Valdez A demand from federal regulators that major work needs to be done on the aging Trans-Alaska pipeline are pushing the line’s operator Alyeska to make improvements.  The...

TAPs Maintenance Shouldn’t Require Long-Term Shutdown

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau Fairbanks Democrat David Guttenberg has monitored Alyeska and safety issues surrounding the pipeline his entire legislative career.   He says the federal findings are not necessarily new events...

Weather Hampers Yukon Quest Racers

Emily Schwing, KUAC – Fairbanks Weather on the Yukon Quest trail turned sour early Friday morning.  A blizzard on American summit has taken a toll on four-time Yukon Quest Champion Hans Gatt. ...

Coast Guard Rescues Five After Vessel Runs Aground

Jacob Resneck, KMXT – Kodiak Five crewmen had to be rescued after their fishing vessel ran aground on Afognak Island this morning. The Coast Guard dispatched a helicopter after a second vessel...

Environmental Group Emphasizes Danger of Coal Ash in New Report

Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks Alaska environmental groups sound the alarm about the danger of coal ash in a new report.  The report cooperatively produced by Alaska Community Action on Toxics and the Northern Alaska...

Operation Denali Aims to Help Wounded Vets

Lori Townsend, APRN – Anchorage President Obama has said he wants to incorporate National Parks into plans for helping returning war veterans have success in overcoming physical and physiological...

Alaska News Nightly: February 11, 2011

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Small Business Administration Announces 8(a) Changes Libby Casey, APRN –...

FBI Releases Stevens 3,600-Page Stevens File

Associated Press The FBI has released a roughly 3,600-page file on U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens, six months after his death in a plane crash in Alaska. The bulk of the file – about 2,700 pages,...

Nikiski LNG Plant Closing in Spring

Ben Stanton, KDLL – Kenai Workers at the Liquefied Natural Gas Plant in Nikiski will be looking for new jobs. The LNG plant, co-owned by Conoco-Philips and Marathon Oil Corporation, will close this spring. The...

Persily Says Plant Closure Helps Make Case for Gas Pipeline

Ben Stanton, KDLL – Kenai The Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects Larry Persily also reacted to the LNG closure.  He says he thinks that this announcement helps make the...

Auditor Releases Findings for Coastal Management Program Future

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau Thursday, the Legislature’s auditor released her findings and recommendations for the future of the state’s Coastal Management Program.   The program is designed to involve coastal residents in...