Josh Edge, Alaska Public Media

Josh Edge, Alaska Public Media

Murkowski Seeking Public Comments on Sealaska Lands Bill

Associated Press Senator Lisa Murkowski  is planning informational meetings to gather public comment on the Sealaska lands bill. The meetings are scheduled for next week in Ketchikan and Craig. The  legislation seeks to allow the Native regional...

Alaska Delegation Fears Proposed Budget Hurts Oil, Gas Industry

Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DC Despite sober warnings by President Obama that federal spending must be reigned in, he actually wants to boost funding for the Energy Department. The new budget blueprint...

Indian Affairs Committee Meets for First Time in New Congress

Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DC The Senate Indian Affairs Committee met Wednesday for the first time this year, in a short session to officially get the new Congress underway.  Hawaii Senator...

Crews Cleaning Up Unalaska Fuel Spill

Alexandra Gutierrez, KUCB – Unalaska About a dozen crewmen and contractors are working to clean up a spill that occurred in Unalaska Tuesday. The F/V Aleutian Lady was moored at the dock when the fuel...

Oil Industry Supporting Parnell’s Proposed Tax Reduction

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau Representatives of the oil industry were at the state capitol Wednesday to offer general support for Governor Sean Parnell’s bill reducing their taxes in an attempt to...

$1 Million Federal Grant Available to Help Start State-Run Health Exchange

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau Governor Sean Parnell has until Friday to decide whether to accept a $1 million federal grant to help set up a state-run health insurance exchange that would...

Hearty Wild Herb May Be Next Cash Crop

Annie Feidt, APRN – Anchorage A hearty wild herb that grows well in the Arctic could become the next big cash crop for Alaska. Farmers are learning more about Rhodiola Rosea at...

Biologist Discusses Georg Steller’s Legacy

Lori Townsend, APRN – Anchorage The name Steller comes up a lot in Alaska. There are Steller Sea Lions, Steller’s Eiders and of course, Steller’s Jays. But just who was the explorer...

Alaska News Nightly: February 16, 2011

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Alaska Delegation Fears Proposed Budget Hurts Oil, Gas Industry Libby Casey,...

Dallas Seavey Becomes Youngest Yukon Quest Winner

Emily Schwing, KUAC - Fairbanks Dallas Seavey crossed the Yukon Quest finish line last night to become the youngest winner in the history of the race.  Seavey finished the 1,000-mile race at 11 :05 pm...

Begich Seeks Congressional Oversight Hearing on Subsistence Management

Associated Press Senator  Mark Begich is seeking a congressional oversight hearing on subsistence management of federal lands in Alaska. Begich wrote to leaders of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, saying  a hearing would allow subsistence...

Oil Companies Testifying in Hearing on Proposed Tax Cuts

Associated Press The major three oil companies operating in Alaska are scheduled to testify during legislative hearings on Gov. Sean Parnell's plan to cut oil production taxes. Parnell says his plan, which includes expanded tax credits,...

Geologists Hope to Start Search for Rare Elements

Tim Ellis, KUAC - Fairbanks State geologists in Fairbanks hope to begin the first systematic search of Alaska for extremely rare elements that are essential to the global economy, and national security. Download Audio (MP3)

Cross-Border Energy Group Meets in Juneau

Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska - Juneau A group that wants to connect Southeast Alaska hydroprojects to Canada’s power grid is trying to drum up support. The Alaska-Canada Energy Coalition meets all day Thursday in Juneau’s...

Talk of Alaska: DNR Engagement

Job creation and resource development are major priorities for the Parnell administration.  Natural Resources Commissioner Dan Sullivan has begun what he calls an “engagement tour” of the state, to see what...

Department of Law Determines Alaska Not Required to Follow Health Care Legislation

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau The Department of Law has advised Governor Sean Parnell that Alaska is not required to follow the national Health Care legislation that went into effect last year. The...

Alaska Senate Passes Voter Intent Bill

Casey Kelly, KTOO – Juneau Monday morning, the Alaska Senate unanimously passed legislation ensuring a voter intent priority for the counting of write-in ballots. The bill clears up state election law, which failed U.S....

Obama’s $3.7 Trillion Proposed Budget Cuts 200 Programs

Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DC Alaska takes some lumps in the budget proposed by President Obama Monday, but it could’ve been worse.  The President’s $3.7 trillion budget cuts or eliminates more...

Crews Work to Remove Fuel from Grounded Fishing Vessel

Jacob Resneck, KMXT – Kodiak A beached fishing vessel has discharged hundreds of gallons of diesel fuel into Malina Bay off Afognak Island northwest of Kodiak. Efforts are underway to remove the...

Extreme Cold, Overflow Problems Wreak Havoc on Quest Trail

Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks It’s unclear who is leading the Yukon Quest sled dog race. Quest officials say extreme cold has hampered the GPS trackers each musher is carrying, making them unreliable. Hugh...