Jamie Robinson

Jamie Robinson

I'm a stay at home mom to 3 kids and wife to a finish carpenter. I started my website and blog, Alaska's Kids, to reach out to other moms because I was lonely in the house with 2 little ones (I needed adult interaction!). It took off from there and has helped me grow in so many areas of my life. We keep busy with therapy appointments and playdates. In my "free time," I love to knit and be crafty.


Going to the Library with Kids

I love books. I could get lost in a book all day, which is really hard when I have three little ones running around. I can in get a chapter here or there. Sometimes my mommy guilt says "you can't read, you have dishes and laundry to do!" I'm still learning how to fight back that voice. Going to the library is a LIFESAVER for winter months here in Alaska. It is always fun to get new books, so we head to the library to check out some "new" books. Do you have a library card? Read more.