Isabelle Ross, KDLG - Dillingham

Isabelle Ross, KDLG - Dillingham

Nushagak and Naknek-Kvichak Advisory Committees will oppose permit stacking

The Alaska Board of Fisheries will take up 47 proposals at the Bristol Bay Finfish meeting in Dillingham this November. As the Nushagak and Naknek-Kvichak Fish and Game Advisory Committees decided which proposals they will support, permit stacking and subsistence regulations weighed heavily in the discussions.

With no probation officer in Dillingham, how does supervision work in Bristol Bay?

Dillingham’s only probation officer retired in April. While the Division of Probation and Parole has worked to hire a replacement, the region has operated without an on-site officer for six months.

In Goodnews Bay, the Pledge of Allegiance is a way to speak Yup’ik in school

There's no Yup’ik teacher in Goodnews Bay, so for now, the students practice by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in Yup’ik instead. Listen now

From Trump and tribes to Grammy-winning rock bands: Dunleavy and Begich receive varying endorsements

In the last week, both Mike Dunleavy and Mark Begich received endorsements from varying spheres of influence. Listen now

Through digital storytelling, Bristol Bay students uncover the NN Cannery’s history

The NN Cannery in Naknek was in operation almost continuously from 1895 until 2015. In early October, 19 students at Bristol Bay High School took part in a digital workshop to document stories of the people who worked there.

Lava continues to flow from Mount Veniaminof

Mount Veniaminof, located on the Alaska Peninsula north of Perryville, has been emitting lava and sporadic plumes of ash since early September. Listen now

At remote Cape Peirce, Bristol Bay students experience the environment first-hand

Eight Bristol Bay middle schoolers did something particularly adventurous with their summer vacations – they attended the Cape Peirce marine science and culture camp on the southwest tip of the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge. Listen now

Fall moose hunt opens in two Dillingham-area game units

The 2018 fall moose hunt for game management units 17B and 17C opened Monday. The hunt is under the RM583 permit; the bag limit is one bull. The moose hunt for 17A opens August 25. Listen now

U.S. Army Corps publishes scoping comments of cooperating agencies

The first batch of scoping comments on Pebble Mine from what the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is calling “cooperating agencies” are now public. Listen now

Gov. Walker asks to suspend Pebble environmental impact statement process

Gov. Bill Walker has asked the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to suspend the Environmental Impact Statement process for the proposed Pebble Mine. Listen now

EIS scoping for Pebble ends today; here are some updates to the application

The U.S. Army Corps' Environmental Impact Statement scoping period for the proposed Pebble Mine ends today. Here's a look at some recent updates to the permit application. Listen now

One month into the season, Bristol Bay halibut fishermen harvest a quarter of the quota

Halibut have hit the docks in Dillingham. The 4-E halibut fishery opened on May 1, and the first fish was landed on May 14. Listen now

Rise in fuel prices anticipated in Western Alaska

As ice breaks and barges carry fuel into rural Alaskan communities, companies are likely to begin charging prices that reflect global oil prices that have been rising since this fall. Listen now

Dillingham marches against domestic and sexual violence

Dillingham residents of all ages turned out for SAFE’s annual “Choose Respect” march. With signs, chants, and songs they marched against sexual assault and domestic violence. Listen now