Institute of Social and Economic Research

Institute of Social and Economic Research

The Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) was established by the Alaska Legislature in 1961. ISER's research spans Alaska's modern history, examining everything from the effects of the massive 1964 earthquake to the current debate over how to help Alaska's troubled salmon industry.

ISER enhances the well-being of Alaskans and others, through non-partisan research that helps people understand social and economic systems and supports informed public and private decision-making.

Policymakers and private citizens alike use ISER research. In recent years, ISER has increasingly drawn communities, school districts, and universities–as well as Alaska Native and other private organizations–into research projects.

Federal Spending in Alaska: Running Out of Steam?

After nearly a decade of explosive growth, federal spending in Alaska has turned flat, according to a new analysis of federal spending in Alaska by Scott Goldsmith, professor of economics at ISER. Read more.

High Oil Prices Give Alaskans a Second Chance: How Will We Use This Opportunity?

Since 2005, Alaska’s state government has collected as much in oil revenues as it did during the huge oil-revenue boom of the early 1980s: a combination of high oil prices and changes in the way the state calculates production taxes has created a second huge oil-revenue boom. But the oil creating this wealth is dwindling. That oil is from huge, low-cost oil fields on state-owned land, including the Prudhoe Bay field, and it has supported much of the economy and paid for most state government operations for decades. Check out the full report.