Homer Foundation

Homer Foundation

The Homer Foundation is a community foundation, a vehicle through which individuals, businesses, foundations, and organizations are able to make gifts and bequests to benefit Alaska's lower Kenai Peninsula. These assets are invested and prudently managed and the income used to address a broad spectrum of needs in the community. The Homer Foundation is both flexible and permanent in nature, thus assuring donors that the spirit of their gift will endure.


Four Simple Ways You Can Become A Philanthropist

Philanthropy: hard to say, fun to do. Many think of philanthropists as aged, gray-haired people that have the means to do charitable work as a hobby. The truth is that there is a philanthropist inside all of us. We coach, we make a meal for a neighbor in distress or celebration, we bake some sweets, or wash some cars, or pick up the check, or attend meetings, or ... or ... lots of things. American society would fall apart without our inherent human kindness. Click to read more.