Heidi Drygas

Heidi Drygas

Heidi was born and raised in Fairbanks, and grew up in and around the waters of the Chena River. She graduated with a degree in History from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and received her law degree from Willamette University. A lawyer by day and self-taught home cook at night, she is passionate about cooking and creating tasty, uncomplicated food. She is also a firm believer in buying local produce and products whenever possible, and is an avid fisherwoman. She currently lives in Anchorage with her trusty terrier, Milo.


Soft Scrambled Eggs with Herbed Goat Cheese

When I first started my blog almost two years ago, I had a certain idea about what food I wanted to write about. I wanted to talk about the food I love to cook, and the food I love to eat. But there are some things I LOVE to eat, but I just don't think about as "recipes."   Read more.

Roasted Brussels Sprouts

I can't let another holiday season pass by without writing about my favorite vegetable dish in the whole world. Roasty, toasty Brussels sprouts. The most wonderful veggie preparation of them all. If you've tried Brussels sprouts (named after the city that made them popular) and think you hate them, you don't. See the recipe.

Chili-Spiced Roasted Acorn Squash

I love fall. The crisp autumn air, the crush of fallen leaves underfoot, and the abundance of pumpkins and apples in the local grocery store. In the midst of enjoying the bounty of rich and hearty dishes at this time of year, I've noticed a peculiar thing happening in my wardrobe. You see, it's shrinking. See the recipe.

Barley “Risotto” with Pesto and Summer Squash

I had a barley risotto at one of my favorite restaurants not too long ago and I've been itching to try my hand at it ever since. My friend Marika told me about this delicious pesto risotto she found on her favorite vegan food blog, and I decided to adapt it using barley instead. Click for recipe.

Rhubarb Crunch

When I was growing up, my Mom often made us Rhubarb Crunch and served it up with a scoop of vanilla ice cream- a delicious dessert we enjoyed during the hot Fairbanks summers. And, here in the Last Frontier, it's the season of rhubarb. See the recipe.

Pappa al Pomodoro (Tomato & Bread Soup)

It's finally summertime in Alaska. The grass is green, the birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming...and it lasts, oh, roughly 9 days. Therefore, we Alaskans have to take advantage of every single second. Click for the recipe.

Mexican Pizza Alaska Style

Growing up in Fairbanks as a kid in the 80s, we didn’t exactly have access to the freshest ingredients or have the most diverse array of restaurants. Despite that, my parents did their best to expose us kids to a broad spectrum of cuisines. Or rather, their idea of a broad spectrum. Read more.

Cheesy Corn Casserole

Like any good foodie, I love me some prosciutto. And baby arugula. A salad topped with dried figs, goat cheese, and a balsamic vinaigrette and I'm in heaven. A pinch of saffron to enhance color and flavor. Sometimes, even I'm just too pretentious for my own good. See the recipe.