Eric Stone, Alaska Public Media - Juneau

Eric Stone, Alaska Public Media - Juneau
Eric Stone covers state government, tracking the Alaska Legislature, state policy and its impact on all Alaskans. Reach him at
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Alaska Gov. Dunleavy, Sen. Sullivan say Trump conviction was politically motivated

A New York jury handed down the historic verdict Thursday afternoon, the first time a former president has been convicted of a crime.

Alaska’s new ‘green bank’ hopes to improve the financial case for renewable energy

Alaskans looking to invest in solar panels or other renewable energy infrastructure will likely have some new options in the next few years.

With a Railbelt natural gas crunch looming, the legislative session had a special focus on energy bills

State lawmakers passed several energy bills this session aimed at updating the Railbelt’s electrical grid and speeding up the transition to renewable energy.

15,000 Alaskans are caught in Medicaid backlog, but care continues, state says

In most cases, Alaskans eligible for Medicaid are still able to access care as long as they’ve submitted an application.

State lawmakers wrapped up their four-month session last night. Here’s what they did.

The Legislature's budget, if signed into law by Gov. Mike Dunleavy, would provide Alaskans a PFD and energy check for roughly $1,655 this fall.

Bills aimed at reducing energy costs, boosting Cook Inlet gas and carbon storage advance in Legislature’s final days

The bills were initially proposed by Gov. Mike Dunleavy and now contain several other proposals. They're up for final votes soon.

Alaska lawmakers settle on roughly $1,650 PFD, energy relief amount

The budget also includes $175 million in one-time funding for public schools, roughly equivalent to $680 in base per-student funding.

Alaska Legislature pushes through flurry of bills as session gets down to the wire

The House spent hours debating and eventually passing a bill restricting trans girls from being on girls’ sports teams.

Key senators skeptical royalty relief proposals would boost Cook Inlet gas output

It’s one of several ideas lawmakers are mulling to ease a projected gas shortfall in the basin that’s powered much of the state for decades.

Alaskans suing state over food assistance delays ask judge to order faster application processing

The director of the state’s Division of Public Assistance says that over the past few months, the situation has improved considerably.
oil and gas platforms in the water

Alaska Legislature heads into session’s homestretch with energy-related bills still on the table

That’s as gas producers warn that Cook Inlet natural gas supplies are dwindling, threatening higher prices.

Legislature rejects Dunleavy appointees to state school board and commercial fishing agency

Members of the House and Senate objected to alleged ethics violations by Bob Griffin, who has sat on the state board for five years. 

Competing Alaska House and Senate bills propose fixes to homeschool laws ruled unconstitutional

After a judge ruled Alaska's correspondence school program violates the state Constitution, lawmakers are looking for a way forward.
A sign reads "Nesbett Courthouse," behind the sign, pedestrians walk on the sidewalk.

Homeschool ruling is on hold — but only through the end of June, judge rules

The judge’s order denying the state’s motion for a longer stay of the ruling also clarifies key aspects of the case.

Dunleavy says lawmakers shouldn’t pass bills to address homeschool decision. Lawmakers say that’s risky.

Gov. Mike Dunleavy is calling on lawmakers to pause their efforts to address a court ruling that threatens the state’s homeschool system, saying they should wait for a ruling from the Alaska Supreme Court. "This...
a man in a tie

Dunleavy signals support for $175 million one-year education funding boost

The funding increase approved by the House and Senate would provide a one-year increase of roughly $680 per student.

Alaska Senate rolls out crime bill tackling fentanyl, child abuse and grand jury rules

House Republicans and Gov. Mike Dunleavy have previously expressed support for key elements of the omnibus crime package.

Lawmakers push to revive Senate-passed pension bill stuck in House committee

In recent weeks, lawmakers have stepped up their efforts to return to a defined-benefit retirement system for public-sector workers.

Social media ban for kids under 14 passes Alaska House

The social media proposal was added late in the process as an amendment to another bill and hasn’t been subject to public hearings.

Amendment banning kids under 14 from social media passes Alaska House with bipartisan support

The measure came as an amendment to an otherwise unrelated bill that would require adult websites to verify users are 18 or older.