Emily Goodykoontz, Anchorage Daily News

Emily Goodykoontz, Anchorage Daily News
Alexis Johnson

Anchorage Assembly calls for inquiry into leaked texts between city’s top homeless official and shelter contractors

Anchorage Assembly members say the texts, which Henning Inc. officials say were taken out of context, raise concerns about its shelter management.
Anchorage's acting health director Joe Gerace poses for a photo outside of the Sullivan Arena shelter

Judge rules some city records on resigned Anchorage health department director should be public, even if they’re ‘highly embarrassing’

“The mere fact that information may be highly embarrassing does not render it private,” said Superior Court Judge Andrew Guidi.
a grader

Anchorage mayor sent equipment to clear rutted state roads, leaving many neighborhoods unplowed

Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson stood by the decision to strike an informal deal, calling it “a matter of public safety.”
a man in an orange jacket cleans an area near tents

‘People are dying out here’: Inside ‘Tent City,’ Anchorage’s downtown homeless encampment

Homeless residents, nearby business owners and service providers say that gun violence, assaults, extortion, theft and drug dealing have proliferated, largely unfettered, in the Third Avenue encampment and surrounding streets.
people sit at computers

Former top aide to mayor challenged Anchorage election using policy quietly added that day by city IT director

It’s not clear how the former chief of staff to the mayor, Sami Graham, and the two other election observers knew of the internal policy. The city ombudsman is investigating the incident.