Emily Schwing, special to Alaska Public Media

Emily Schwing, special to Alaska Public Media

Special Exhibit Offers Hands-On Glimpse Of University’s New Research Vessel

A new exhibit opens at the University of Alaska Museum of the North over the weekend. The year-long installation is called “Arctic Odyssey: Voyages of the R/V Sikuliaq.” It offers a first-hand look the University of Alaska Fairbanks’ state-of-the-art new research vessel, slated to sail in Arctic waters next year. Download Audio

After Growing to 50,000 Acres, Officials May Recharacterize Prescribed Burn As Wildfire

A prescribed burn on the Oklahoma Range in the Donnelly Training near Delta Junction has grown to more than 50,000 acres. The burn was ignited in dry grass last Saturday. Alaska Fire Service Spokesman Mel Slater says officials are considering whether to change its characterization from a prescribed burn to a wildfire.

Fish and Game Expects Low Yukon Chinook Run

The run size for Yukon River Chinook, or king salmon, is likely to be lower than last year’s. Fishermen saw the lowest run of kings on record in 2013. Download Audio

AK: Smokejumpers

The first Red Flag warnings have already been issued for parts of Southcentral and the Interior and wildland firefighters are gearing up for the season. Some of them will approach wildfires from the ground, but there’s one elite group that’s been training for more than two months to fight fire from the air. Download Audio

Prudhoe Bay Flowline Springs Leak, Sprays Oil

A flowline to a well operated by BP at Prudhoe Bay leaked on Monday. Before the spill was under control high winds resulted in a spray of natural gas, crude oil and water that covers an area of tundra larger than 20 football fields. Download Audio

Museum Experts Sift Through The Arctic’s Second Largest Butterfly Collection

It will be a few months before butterflies flit through the air in Interior Alaska, but the Museum of the North at the University of Alaska Fairbanks was recently filled with them. Download Audio

Fire Season Likely To Start Early In Southcentral Alaska

Wildland firefighters are gearing up for the upcoming 2014 fire season. According to the Bureau of Land Management’s Alaska Fire Service, fire season could come fast to parts of the Tanana Valley and Southcentral Alaska. Download Audio

Arctic Sea Ice Reaches Season’s Maximum Extent

According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, this year’s extent averaged 5.7 million square miles – that’s more than a quarter-of-a-million miles less than the average extent measured between 1981 and 2010, but it is also slightly above the record low measured in 2006

Study: Forecasts For Summer Arctic Sea Ice Lack Reliability

Year-to-year forecasts of summer Arctic Sea Ice extent aren’t reliable. That’s according to a report out from the National Snow and Ice Data Center. But A two-day workshop that starts Tuesday in Colorado will focus on ways to improve sea ice extent predictions. Download Audio

Iditarod 42 Most Certainly One Of The Toughest

This year’s Iditarod is not only record-breaking, it may have broken some mushers as well. The 42 annual race will not soon be forgotten. It’s being called on of the toughest in the race’s history.
2014 Iditarod champion Dallas Seavey celebrates his victory in Nome. (Photo by David Dodman, KNOM Radio Mission)

High Winds Battering Iditarod Mushers During Final Stretch To Nome

The 42nd annual Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race proved to be one of the most dramatic from start to finish. Dog teams were lost, ganglines were broken, mushers were injured – some severely. The trail from Anchorage to Nome threw everything possible at mushers from rocks to tree stumps to hurricane force winds. Download Audio

King, Zirkle Leave White Mountain

Iditarod mushers Jeff King and Aliy Zirkle are on the final stretch into Nome. King left the White Mountain checkpoint after eight hours of mandatory rest at 3:02 this afternoon. Zirkle followed just under an hour later. Dallas Seavey will leave about two hours behind Zirkle and his father Mitch will leave about two hours after that. Download Audio

Uneven, Icy, Snow-Free Trail Challenges Iditarod Teams on Their Way to Koyuk

Mushers were met with an unforgiving trail as they pushed up the coast from Unalakleet to Koyuk, Sunday. They battled wind, miles of glare ice and more snow free trail. They’re also battling extreme fatigue and grappling with how best to cut rest and maintain speed as they close in on Nome.

Iditarod Teams Reach Bering Sea Coast

Teams running at the front of the pack have reached the Bering Sea Coast at Unalakleet. Despite a rough trail, teams are still on record pace as they continue to make their way for Nome.

Mushers and Sled Dogs Start to Show Signs of Fatigue on the Yukon River

Iditarod mushers kept volunteers in the Nulato checkpoint busy overnight. Some teams that weren’t expected to stay grabbed a few hours rest in the sleepy Yukon River village, while others who could have used the rest decided to blow through.

Buser In The Lead As Racers Approach Nulato

Big Lake musher Martin Buser is leading the Iditarod. After choosing an unconventional checkpoint for his 24 hour layover early in the race, he charged to the front of the race today. He’s now nearing the Nulato checkpoint with Sonny Lindner, Aliy Zirkle and Jeff King in pursuit. Iditarod Mushers and their dog teams passed in and out of the Yukon River community of Galena on various schedules throughout the afternoon. Download Audio

Mushers Anticipating Tough Run Up Bering Sea Coast

Some mushers are still trying to hold dog teams back despite the fast Yukon River miles ahead. The most experienced mushers know the river miles can be fast, but there’s still a tough run up the Bering Sea Coast ahead.

Iditarod Strategies Make for Some Head Scratching

As dogs teams drop onto the Yukon River, Iditarod mushers will find out how their race plans are playing out. The next 140 miles of long, flat river will shine some light on who has the most speed and who needs a little more rest. No one is quite sure exactly what’s going on with race strategies this year. In fact even the most experienced mushers are scratching their heads.

King Resting At Ruby, Competitors Close In

Jeff King is resting at the Yukon river checkpoint of Ruby. The four time Iditarod champion is technically in the lead at this point, but Martin Buser, Aliy Zirkle and Robert Sorlie are closing in, and they’ve already completed their 24 hour layovers. Once teams leave Ruby, they’ll have a chance to take advantage of any remaining speed they have on the flat river miles ahead. Download Audio

Dogs Fare Better Than Mushers Over Rough Trail

Iditarod teams remain large. Most mushers are still running teams of 14 or more dogs. Mushers are surprised at how many dogs fared well through some of the roughest trail they’ve seen in the race’s history. Download Audio