Elizabeth Earl -KDLL

Elizabeth Earl -KDLL
People in aders in a large river fishing with poles

Kenai king salmon fishery shuts down

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced the closure Monday afternoon after nearly three weeks of watching the late-run king salmon fail to return to the Kenai River in large enough numbers.
A man with his hand in a foot trap

Cooper Landing committee sends proposed trapping restrictions to federal board

A group of dog owners put together a proposal for the Federal Subsistence Board that would create a 1,000-foot mandatory setback for traps on a handful of the most popular campgrounds and trails in the area.
A blue small plan lying upside down in a large green field

2 unhurt after small plane crash in Kenai refuge

Alaska State Troopers responded to the call of a small plane crash near Rabbit Foot Lake, about 26 miles northeast of Kenai, on Monday afternoon.
A large blue lake with mountains in the background

Man bitten by brown bear on Kenai Peninsula

The man was reportedly hiking alone with his dog when the dog chased a female bear with two cubs, causing her to charge the hiker, according to the Alaska Wildlife Troopers.

Low king counts to close Anchor, Deep Creek to fishing

“The midpoint of the Anchor River king salmon run was extremely late. These fish are really having some odd, unprecedented run timing and behavior."
An Alaska State Trooper cruiser parked on Nome’s Front Street in January 2015. Photo: Matthew F. Smith, KNOM file.

Man killed in Hope mauling identified as 46-year-old Alaskan, search for bear continues

It's believed the attack happened while Daniel Schilling was clearing a trail about a mile behind his cabin, troopers say.

Kenai Borough School District to require masks

All students third grad and above will be required to wear masks.
Greg Bell holds a fish while standing in the water. A pilot and Soldotna resident, he was killed in a plan collision.

Kenai community remembers longtime pilot killed in plane crash

Greg Bell, 57, was a co-owner of High Adventure Air Charter and a lifelong Soldotna resident. He was flying one of the planes in the collision that killed seven last week, including Rep. Gary Knopp.

With more than 50 cases, Seward renews business restrictions, mask mandate

The city has experienced a recent outbreak of nearly 100 seafood workers.

Environment, anthropology, and family VHS videos inspire Kenai musician

Nelson Kempf was one of 24 Alaskan artists to recieve a $7,500 grant from the Rasmuson Foundation and he says he'll use it to make a uniquely Alaskan album.
A red salmon on a rockey river bd

All king salmon fishing to close in Kenai drainage

The Kenai River fishery was previously restricted to catch and release.

Study points to freshwater factors in king salmon decline

Researchers found that spring and fall rains have intriguing effects on salmon reproduction.

Slow harvest so far for commercial fishermen in Upper Cook Inlet

Commercial fishermen in Upper Cook Inlet are having a somewhat slow fishing season so far. So far, only 361,000 salmon have been landed, which is only a little bit ahead of last year, when they...
A worn down wooden building

The abandoned building in Seward where the first Alaska flag flew will come down

The abandoned residential school in Seward where the first Alaska flag flew will come down. The Seward City Council voted Monday to demolish the building.
An empty chamber as seen from a lectern

Kenai Assembly passes Second Amendment ‘sanctuary’ ordinance

The Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly approved an ordinance Tuesday night that reaffirms its support for Americans’ right to bear arms.

Kasilof dipnet area expanded; Russian cut back due to low returns

The Russian River run is about 7,000 fish below the escapement goal with about 10 days left in the early run.