Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska - Juneau

Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska - Juneau
Ed Schoenfeld is Regional News Director for CoastAlaska, a consortium of public radio stations in Ketchikan, Juneau, Sitka, Petersburg and Wrangell.

He primarily covers Southeast Alaska regional topics, including the state ferry system, transboundary mining, the Tongass National Forest and Native corporations and issues.

He has also worked as a manager, editor and reporter for the Juneau Empire newspaper and Juneau public radio station KTOO. He’s also reported for commercial station KINY in Juneau and public stations KPFA in Berkley, WYSO in Yellow Springs, Ohio, and WUHY in Philadelphia. He’s lived in Alaska since 1979 and is a contributor to Alaska Public Radio Network newscasts, the Northwest (Public Radio) News Network and National Native News. He is a board member of the Alaska Press Club. Originally from Cleveland, Ohio, he lives in Douglas.

Atlin dance group reflects cross-border cultural resurgence

Southeast Alaska’s Tlingit culture doesn’t stop at the Canadian border. Tribal members also live in British Columbia to the east and the Yukon to the north. An Inland Tlingit group from up the Taku River has strong connections to Alaska.
Alaska News Nightly by Alaska Public Media

Mechanical problem holds up LeConte ferry

The small ferry LeConte is tied up today due to a mechanical problem. As a result, the Juneau-based ship isn't sailing its normal Monday route to Gustavus and Hoonah.

Cruise ship Infinity heads for repairs after crashing into Ketchikan dock

The cruise ship Infinity has headed south for repairs. The 90,000-ton ship crashed into a Ketchikan dock Friday afternoon, damaging itself and taking out shore-side facilities. Download Audio

Ferry budget changes, but schedule doesn’t

This week's legislative budget compromise shuffled the source of some of the money that pays for the Alaska Marine Highway System. Download Audio
The ferry Taku sails into the Wrangell Narrows on its way south in 2013. (Ed Schoenfeld/CoastAlaska News)

Leaner ferry budget could lead to selling of ferry Taku

Next winter’s ferry schedule will be leaner than this year’s, and that was pretty lean. It’s the result of budget cuts, which could lead to the sale of the ferry Taku. Download Audio

State, Southeast Conference agree to rework ferry system

The state and a regional development group are combining forces to come up with a new business and management plan for the Alaska Marine Highway System. Download Audio

Two schoolgirls win contest to name two new ferries

The winners of Alaska’s "Name The New Ferry" contest didn’t know about it until they got a call from Gov. Bill Walker and Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott. Tuesday’s announcement revealed that one would be the Tazlina and the other the Hubbard. Download Audio

Tlingit leader remembered for land claims role

Tlingit leader John Borbridge Jr. died Tuesday. He was a significant player in the campaign for Alaska Native land rights. Download Audio
Alaska News Nightly by Alaska Public Media

Sealaska back in seafood business

Southeast Alaska’s regional Native corporation is back in the seafood business. Juneau-based Sealaska on Monday announced the purchase of a minority share of a Seattle processing plant. Download Audio
Passengers disembark the ferry Malaspina in Skagway during its 50th anniversary sailing. Most ferry fares went up Jan. 1. (Photo by Mikko Wilson/360 North)

Ferry advocates rethink management under smaller budgets

Should the Alaska Marine Highway System be managed differently? That’s a question being asked by ferry advocates as they cope with smaller budgets and reduced schedules.

Sealaska finances improve, but losses continue

Sealaska, Southeast’s regional Native corporation, continues its financial recovery. But its operational side is still losing money and even its investments are in the red. Sealaska just released its 2015 annual report, which illustrates its financial ups and downs.

Tribal organization wants to expand service programs

Southeast Alaska's largest tribal organization wants to expand its service programs. Part of the effort could be funded by profits from a business it's about to purchase.

Ferry fares rise for third time in a year

Beginning in May, it will cost 14 percent more to take the ferry to and from the Lower 48. The fare boost is part of another round of Alaska Marine Highway System tariff increases. Officials said they’ll increase income and help equalize rates across all routes.
Alaska News Nightly by Alaska Public Media

Budget cuts could leave communities without health care

As lawmakers finish off their spending plan for state operations, a wide variety of programs are considering the impacts of budget cuts. One is the state public health center system, where reductions could leave communities without some types of care. Download Audio

Low clouds a possible factor in Wrangell-Angoon plane crash

Weather may have been a factor in April 8th's plane crash on Admiralty Island. The crash killed the pilot and two passengers and badly injured another person on board. Download Audio

Wrangell mourns victims of Friday’s plane crash

Wrangell residents are mourning the loss of three members of their community in Friday’s plane crash on Admiralty Island. Download Audio
A passenger on the deck of an Alaska Marine Highway ferry. (Flickr Creative Commons – supafly)

Bill introduced to allow communities to contribute to Marine Highway

A Southeast lawmaker wants communities to be able to contribute directly to the Alaska Marine Highway System. Download Audio

‘Roadless Rule’ gets small victory due to Supreme Court inaction

The U.S. Supreme Court will not take up a case that could have expanded logging in Southeast Alaska’s Tongass National Forest. It’s the final step in a legal battle against what’s called the Roadless Rule, which bans logging and road-building in most undeveloped national forest areas. Download Audio

AK: Alaska Folk Festival: The state’s biggest talent show

The Alaska Folk Festival runs April 4th through 10th in Juneau. It’s a sure sign of spring for the hundreds of musicians from all over the state who come to play, jam and listen. CoastAlaska’s Ed Schoenfeld caught up with a Juneau singer-songwriter. He’s one of many performers who are serious about their music, but don’t leave their day jobs. Download Audio

New mariculture initiative to help boost shellfish farming

Alaska shellfish farmers hope a new state mariculture initiative will help boost their businesses. But they warn it’s not an easy industry to expand. Download Audio