Dr. Anne Zink
What happens when preventative health goes right | Line One
Earthquake-resistant buildings can protect us in a disaster, just like strong preventative health measures can keep our health systems resilient.
Respiratory disease season | Line One
Dr. Anne Zink interviews experts in the field about respiratory disease season in Alaska and how Alaskans can protect themselves and loved ones.
An interview with former host Dr. Thad Woodard | Line One
Dr. Anne Zink interviews longtime host of Line One: Your Health Connection Dr. Thad Woodard about memorable moments during his time as a host.
The past, present, and future of Line One and Alaskan health | Line One
Dr. Anne Zink joins the Line One host roster by "listening loudly" to current and former hosts, and to Alaskans about the history and future of the show.
Complex Care, with guest host Dr. Anne Zink | Line One
How do we better care for patients with complex needs? On this Line One, guest host Dr. Anne Zink and her guests discuss complex care.