Daysha Eaton, KMXT - Kodiak

Daysha Eaton, KMXT - Kodiak
Daysha Eaton is a contributor with the Alaska Public Radio Network.

Daysha Eaton holds a B.A. from Evergreen State College, and a M.A. from the University of Southern California. Daysha got her start in radio at Seattle public radio stations, KPLU and KUOW. Before coming to KBBI, she was the News Director at KYUK in Bethel. She has also worked as the Southcentral Reporter for KSKA in Anchorage.

Daysha's work has appeared on NPR's "Morning Edition" and "All Things Considered", PRI's "The World" and "National Native News". She's happy to take assignments, and to get news tips, which are best sent via email.

Daysha became a journalist because she believes in the power of storytelling. Stories connect us and they help us make sense of our world. They shed light on injustice and they comfort us in troubled times. She got into public broadcasting because it seems to fulfill the intention of the 4th Estate and to most effectively apply the freedom of the press granted to us through the Constitution. She feels that public radio has a special way of moving people emotionally through sound, taking them to remote places, introducing them to people they would not otherwise meet and compelling them to think about issues they might ordinarily overlook.

Davis, Croft Handily Win School Board Seats

There were two Anchorage School Board seats on Tuesday's Election ballot. Bettye Davis and Eric Croft won them.

Write-In Moe, Gives Assembly Chair Run for Seat, Energizes Election

It was hit and miss for Assembly Candidates backed by conservative Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan in Tuesday's Municipal Elections. And the makeup of the Anchorage Assembly seems as though it will be shifting.

Muni Clerk Warns Voters to Check Precincts

If you live in Anchorage, you may want to double check your Assembly precinct before voting Tomorrow (4/1). The Anchorage Municipal Clerk's office says redistricting has shifted the boarders of precincts in three areas of the city. Download Audio

Corchran Declines School Board Appointment, Board Set to Vote on Alernate

Over the weekend, the Anchorage School Board appointed a new board member, but Sunday he declined the position because of his employment with VECO corporation during a corruption scandal. Tonight the board plans to appoint the runner up. Download Audio

Four Propositions on April 2nd Muni Ballot

There are four different bond propositions on the upcoming municipal election ballot. The bond propositions on the Anchorage ballot would pay for education, emergency services, public safety, public transportation and road and park projects. Download Audio

Anchorage Assembly Narrowly Passes Labor Ordinance

The Anchorage Assembly passed a rewrite of municipal labor law by a vote of 6-5 at their regular meeting Tuesday night. Download Audio

Write-in Moe Challenges Hall for Assembly Seat D

A write-in candidate is challenging Anchorage Assembly Chair Ernie Hall for Seat D, representing West Anchorage, in the upcoming municipal election -- his name is Nick Moe. KSKA's Daysha Eaton has the story. news-20130325-04

Honeman Tries to Slow Labor Overhaul Down

Anchorage Assembly member Paul Honeman is trying to slow down the process to pass a controversial Anchorage ordinance that would limit unions. He introduced a resolution at a work session at city hall Friday. Download Audio

Construction Company Defends Port Work

After the Municipality of Anchorage sued designers of the botched Port of Anchorage expansion project earlier this month, the designers faulted the construction. But one construction company involved is defending their work. Download Audio

Muni Sues Port Designers, They Fault Construction

After years of problems, which halted the Port of Anchorage project, the Municipality of Anchorage is suing the designers. Download Audio

Browder’s Retirement Official, Graff Takes Helm at ASD

The Anchorage School Board said good bye to Jim Browder and swore in a new Superintendent at their meeting Monday night. KSKA's Daysha Eaton was there and has this story.

Mayor Sullivan Rejects Union Offer

Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan has rejected an offer to freeze wages of city workers in exchange for tabling a controversial ordinance that would limit unions. KSKA's Daysha Eaton has the story.

Browder Steps Down, Replacement Named

Anchorage School District Superintendent Jim Browder will retire in June after less than one year on the job, and his replacement has already been chosen. The announcement came after a closed door meeting between School Board members and Superintendent Jim Browder at the Anchorage School District Education Center.

Anchorage Bars to Stay Open Until 4am

The Anchorage Assembly has passed an ordinance allowing Anchorage bars to stay open an hour later. But they won't be able to serve alcohol that extra hour. The ordinance is aimed at reducing problems downtown at closing time.

Anchorage Assembly Shuts Down Union Testimony, Extends AO37 Vote

The Anchorage Assembly voted 6 to 3 to shut down public testimony on a controversial proposal that would limit unions last night (Monday, 3/11). KSKA's Daysha Eaton has the story.

Students ‘Dream Big’ At Airport Heights Elementary

For years, Airport Heights Elementary School has had a hard time attracting students from the neighborhood right next door. The school has struggled with low achievement scores and those statistics have convinced dozens of neighborhood parents to drive their kids to higher performing schools in the district. But this year, teachers and administrators at Airport Heights have started an initiative they hope will lure those families back.

Resignation Looms for ASD Superintendent

Anchorage School Superintendent Jim Browder is speaking out publicly for the first time about his decision to look for other jobs. After just 8 months with the Anchorage School District, he announced Friday that he might be moving on.

Anchorage Braces for Sequestration Impacts

President Obama announced this morning (friday, 3/1) that Congressional leaders had failed to reach a agreement to avoid sequestration. This triggers automatic spending cuts to balance the budget. Communities around the country are bracing for the cuts. As KSKA's Daysha Eaton tells us, that includes Anchorage.

Union Workers Testify Against Ordinance

Hundreds of union workers turned out to testify before the Anchorage Assembly Wednesday night, against an ordinance that could limit unions.

Anchorage Assembly Passes Title 21

After a decade of revisions, the Anchorage Assembly passed Title 21 Tuesday night. Several versions of the Assembly have been revising Title 21, or Anchorage land-use law, for about 10 years. At their regular meeting Tuesday night the current assembly finally approved it, with more than 150 amendments.