Davis Hovey, KNOM - Nome

Davis Hovey, KNOM - Nome
Davis Hovey is a news reporter at KNOM - Nome.

Hovey was born and raised in Virginia. He spent most of his childhood in Greene County 20 minutes outside of Charlottesville where University of Virginia is located.

Hovis was drawn in by the opportunity to work for a radio station in a remote, unique place like Nome Alaska. Hovis went to Syracuse University, where he graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science in Broadcast Digital Journalism.
Two biologists and a rabbit

Western Alaska’s dwindling jackrabbit population is being surveyed for the first time

Researchers don’t yet know why the population has been decreasing, and they say they need more information about the species to find out.
a black sand beach tightly packed with walruses, seen from the sky

Scientists are using drones to count Chukchi Sea walruses without disturbing them

U.S. and Russian scientists are using less invasive technology to get a more complete survey of the walrus population in the Bering Strait region.
A computer image of a large ship at a dock

Alaska’s only Arctic deep draft port will get hundreds of millions of dollars from infrastructure bill

Alaska’s congressional delegation announced on Jan. 19 that the Port of Nome will receive a quarter of a billion dollars for future construction.
Open water outside of a snowy coastal community.

Unalakleet endures water shortage after nasty freeze-up

Unalakleet’s supply of water was running on empty following a nasty freeze-up at the end of December, prompting the community to pull together to conserve water.
A boat on icy water.

Research cruise gets rare chance to study Bering and Chukchi seas

The final research cruise of 2021 in the Bering and Chukchi seas came through the region in November.

Covid funding helps build homes in overcrowded Bering Straits communities

Staffing turnover, logistical issues, and the wrench thrown into the plan by COVID-19 all delayed the construction of new homes that were slated for this year. Lyons says the upside of waiting though, is that BSRHA received additional funds from COVID related grants and can afford to build more homes in 2022. 
Open water outside of a snowy coastal community.

This November’s sea ice extent in the northern Bering is the best in years

Current sea ice extent in Northern Alaska waters is the highest it’s been since November 2001.
A couple people wait in the lobby of a health care clinic, wearing masks.

Major COVID outbreak puts Savoonga into lockdown

Savoonga is on St. Lawrence Island, out in the Bering Sea. The regional health corporation on Monday reported 115 COVID cases in the community of less than 800 people.
A beluga whale swims under the water.

A beluga from the Beaufort Sea has traveled unusually far south — all the way to Washington state

In the first week of October, The Seattle Times reported a single beluga whale had been sighted in multiple places across Puget Sound — something that hasn’t been seen in the area since the 1940s.
A map shows in graphics which marine mammals have had toxin levels show up in research.

Scientists report an increase in harmful algal blooms in the northern Bering and Chukchi Seas

The blooms carry toxins, but scientists aren’t yet sure what impact they will have on marine mammals.
A rack of colorful jackets.

Native-owned Nome business makes traditional garments with modern materials

Alice Bioff said her approach comes from her background as an Inupiaq woman living in Nome. “I was surrounded by women who sewed atikluks, qaspeqs. I was around that all my life,” she said.

Dead seabirds are washing ashore in Western Alaska for the fifth straight summer

Researchers and federal scientists still have no definitive explanation for the cause.

Western Alaska residents fill buckets of late-budding salmonberries

Some possible causes for late budding in berries include more precipitation when flowers bloom, which reduces pollination, an overall lack of pollinators, or sometimes animals and birds eat the berries during the winter.
A snow machiner

2021 Iron Dog set to start with more restrictions, less support

The 2021 Iron Dog will start in two weeks, but with an adjusted route and new COVID-19 precautions.
A snowy street neaer several bars

In Nome, few sexual assault crimes result in prosecutions

Some survivors think law enforcement doesn’t prioritize these kinds of crimes, especially when the victims are Alaska Native.
Scattered blueish sea ice in water

Fall storms set back Bering and Chukchi sea ice formation in already delayed season

As of Nov. 3, sea ice in the Bering and Chukchi Seas in is the lowest on record for the last five years, even with tiny bits of ice starting to form in Norton Bay and the Kotzebue Sound.
A grey building on a dirt road

12 new COVID-19 cases reported in Stebbins

The report comes after two weeks without a case in the Norton Sound community.
Three relatively small windmills turn above small, one-story homes. Green grass in the foreground and thick fog in the background .

COVID-19 cases send Gambell into lockdown

A VPSO is patrolling the community to limit contact between residents.
A rainbow above a gravel road with mountains in the background

After dry summer, Nome sets daily rain record

Nome recorded 1.27 inches of rain on Sept. 14